You will be choosing a total of 4 pieces per module for the playlists assignment. The specifics for each module are below. For Middle Ages & Renaissance 2 must be from Middle Ages & 2 from Renaissance

You will be choosing a total of 4 pieces per module for the playlists assignment. The specifics for each module are below. For Middle Ages & Renaissance 2 must be from Middle Ages & 2 from Renaissance. For each piece within a module submission, you will include the name, composer, and link to a performance along with writing a paragraph that includes why you chose that piece and why/how it fits the music characteristics of that time period. Make sure to include terminology from the class and music characteristics of the period. A reference list is required, but youtube links or other links to where you heard the music will not count as references. The characteristics for each time period can be found in the Background/Characteristics powerpoint and/or script within that time period’s module.