You will prepare and submit a term paper on Globalization and Global Perspective Issues. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Globalization and Global Perspective Issues. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. These are some of the thematic areas my venture would come into.

New technology and infrastructure: This new idea allowed for foreign investments where restrictions were put initially. More so, it encouraged exports to other countries and removed the domestic monopolies. New technology promoted free trade between the two ventures.

Small governance system: few officials govern the venture there. This would reduce corruption and mismanagement of funds. In addition, it reduces the expenses of the government budget and hence saves capital to be used to widen the company’s income. More so, it promoted transparency in making decisions governing the venture hence leading to efficient use of capital.

Economic progress: The Company has to realize how trading activities could be expanded using different ways. First, energy production could be raised to avoid the dependence of the country on a foreign power. More so, selling of goods into diverse markets also promoted economic income.

Political economy: The government in Qataris national parliament holds meetings severally throughout the year. There are sessions done between weeks just to prepare for the real meetings. In Qatar, to be, a member of a business company is not a full-time occupation, unlike the other countries. Therefore, it clearly shows that the members of a business venture have to have another profession somewhere in order to earn a living.

In Qatar, frequent referendums are done to stabilize the company’s political economy. Referendums increase the stability of a venture, for instance, companies are less restricted to changes and the members, on the other hand, no restriction to bring out their views on the changes to the venture (Prahalad, 38). There is no need to fire a company after it has made losses since the referendum would solve such problems.

The key challenge faced by Qatar is the way to come up with a balance between internal stability and regional stability.