Education homework help

 Deliverance:7pagesInternational Standards Organization (ISO) 9001:2008, a total quality management (TQM) control model, is a set of quality standards that has been assisting organizations to recognize and prevent mistakes while creating a plan for constant improvement. Educational institutions worldwide are implementing ISO 9001:2008 to provide a way to maintain accountability for funding. Although ISO 9001:2008 has been successful in industry and business, its use in education is relatively new with a need for further investigation. One reason for investigation is that there are other industry models of TQM that have recently been utilized by educational institutions.  Select a new program within any K–12, higher education, or corporate training institution. Select three of the following five international standards that address total quality management control (TQM). Compare the purpose, values, application, relative functionality, and implications of each TQM model for your selected program.

  • Kaizen
  • ISO: 9001:2015
  • Six Sigma
  • Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
  • LEAN (LEAN Enterprise Institute)

Papers need to include a substantial amount of research on three international standards. This research should be evident throughout the paper and in the reference section, which should be extensive.Use the full-text databases in the AIU Library and other peer-reviewed resources for your research. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.For more information on APA, please visit the APA Lab.

Computer Science homework help

Class Discussion Topics 
  1. Discuss the conditions necessary for a deadlock to occur. If given the option of removing one condition to prevent deadlock, which condition would you eliminate? Why?
  2. Discuss different deadlock handling strategies. Which strategies would you like to implement to remove deadlocks in the cases of disk sharing, database sharing, and multiple device allocation? Select a suitable strategy in each case and provide reasons for your choices.
Additional Resources
  1. Deadlock:
  2. Deadlock and Starvation:

Applied Sciences homework help

1. How the first, second, and third waves of feminism are similar and different [For example, see the Ch. 1 intro material and “This Isn’t her Mother’s Feminism”]

The main purpose of the first wave of feminism,  took place during the late 1800s to 1920, was to promote women’s legal rights. These rights, particularly the right to vote, were fought for by women for an equal participation in society (Shaw and Lee p. 4).

1st Wave – The aim was to give women the same legal / political rights, and was most prominent in the US and the UK.

The second wave of feminism occurred during the sixties and seventies. It began when there was a demand for women to be represented in academic studies, such as the demand for literature by female authors to be studied in a collegiate setting. This wave of feminism went on to accomplish legal and political changes such as freedom from sexual harassment and assault in the workplace and college, establishing equal pay, and the development of the EEOC, where discrimination cases in the workplace were handled (Shaw and Lee p.4). 2nd Wave – The aim of second wave feminism was to address the personal, psychological, and sexual aspects of female oppression.

1950s-1980s Social Context: civil rights, reproductive and educational access, body image, putting women into the public sphere, wage equality/women’s right to work, came into context after WWII, women (specifically white middle class women) had been working during the war and were basically told to go back home, Health movement.

First wave feminism resulted in the right to vote and the removal of the notion that married women are property of men.

Second wave accomplished Roe vs Wade, equal pay act, access to birth control, illegalized workplace discrimination for women.

The third wave of feminism emerged in the 1990s. Activists of the third wave were critical of the activists of the second wave that had come before them, accusing them of focusing on mostly white, middle class experiences. This third wave effectively took feminism more international, more multicultural, and more gender open. This wave is more inclusive of other inequalities as it does not solely focus on the white middle class experience. 3rd Wave – The aim of third wave feminism was to challenge and expand common definitions of gender and sexuality. From the third wave patriarchy was introduced which is a system where males dominate because power and authority are in the hands of adult men.

2. What feminism is and why we still need it [For example, see the Ch. 1 intro materials, reading #2, 4 and 5 and “This Isn’t her Mother’s Feminism”]

Feminism is when a person who believes in and work toward social, economic, and political equality for women. Feminism is the paradigm for understanding self and society in women’s studies. There are many different definitions of feminism, but the two core principles are concerns equality and justice for all women and men (goal: human dignity and equality for all people, women, and men) and Inclusive and affirming of women. It is a perspective political theory and a social movement.

We need still need feminism because of the intersectionality of inequalities that women still face today such as racism, sexism, ageism, class, and sexual orientation. We need feminism because educating and empowering women matters and is important to achieve equality for women.

3. What unearned privilege is in relation to identity categories such as race, class, gender, and ability looks like, and how this impacts people [For example, see the Ch. 2 intro material, reading #10, and “Talk,” video]

I would say that the unearned privilege in relation to race, class, gender, and ability looks like is intersectionality because the identity categories are interconnected. Intersectionality seeks to examine how race, class, gender, and ability, but they simultaneously contribute to different degrees of systematic injustice and social inequality.

The category of race is racism which is the unearned privilege of negative feelings, beliefs, and preconceptions about people of a particular race. And there is white privilege which is the unearned perks or advantages of being white, which often goes unrecognized by people who are whites. The category of class is class privilege which is the unearned perks or advantages of being middle class, which often goes unrecognized by the middle class. The category of gender is sexism which is a system of advantage based on sex that presents prejudices or discriminations based on a person’s sex. One sex is assumed to be superior to the other and discrimination results. According to this understanding of sexism, both men and women can be harmed by sexism. Sexism and gender-based prejudices can be used as interchangeable. The category of ability is able bodied privilege which is the unearned perks or advantages of being able-bodied, which often goes unrecognized by those who are able-bodied.

Oppression affects every person of a targeted group. I believe that the targeted group is the un-privileged group. I know that oppression is full of contradictions. In reading #10 by Audre Lorde states how we are depending on our biases to create a specific form of oppression and give one priority or power over another. She also urges that we should not think of the various forms of oppression as distinction from each other, but rather as a whole, which extends to all forms of oppression. She says, “There is no hierarchy of oppression.”. Lorde stresses the value of embracing all the aspects, or subjectivities, of the self which in her case, include prominently ‘black’, ‘lesbian’, ‘feminist’ and ‘poet’ in saying “I simply do not believe that one aspect of myself can possibly profit from the oppression of any other part of my identity.”.

4. What we can do to fight back against racism, sexism, heterosexism, and any other isms or forms of inequality [For example, see the Ch. 2 intro material, “5 Tips for being a Proactive Ally” video]

Ally is a person of privilege who acts in solidarity with a disadvantaged group to fight the social and structural injustice from which they benefit.

5. What it means for gender to be socially constructed, and how this impacts our lives [For example, see the Ch. 3 intro materials, reading #18, “Always #Like a Girl,” and “Childhood Gender Roles in Adult Life”]

6. What it means to be transgender, what kinds of injustices transgender people face, and how these injustices have been resisted and challenged [For example, see the Ch. 3 intro materials, the Katie Couric interview of Laverne Cox]

7. How minority women resist beauty norms (related to size, ability, ethnicity, and/or race) [For example, see the Ch. 4 intro materials]

8. How globalization impacts beauty norms, creating problems particularly for women who aren’t part of the dominant Western ideal for beauty [For example, see the Ch. 4 intro materials, and “Julie Chen’s Secret” video clip]

9. What is the “male gaze” and how can it be resisted? — [For example, see the Chapter 5 intro materials; reading #27; and supplemental materials from Miss Representation]

10. How the media shapes conceptions about gender and gender norms, and how and why these messages are problematic for women and men — [For example, see the Chapter 5 intro materials; reading #27 and; and supplemental materials from Miss Representation]

11. What compulsory heterosexuality is, and how this norm impact people who do not identify as heterosexual [For example, see the Ch. 6 intro materials, “The Myth of the Gay Agenda,” and “Coming Out of Your Closet” video]

12. How the concept of virginity is problematic for young people, and how virginity and promiscuity are used to constrict women’s sexuality [For example, see the Ch. 6]

>History homework help

Objective: Identify and evaluate key figures, events, and themes in the history of the Americas, Europe, and Africa from pre-Columbian times to early European settlement. ( (CLSLO #3)

Rubric: Please review the grading rubric  (CRQ Rubric – 20 points.pdfPreview the document) for this assignment. When you get your score, please refer to the rubric. If you have any questions, or would like additional feedback, please make a direct request to me.

The assignment is to find the answers to the following questions within the assigned text – American Yawp.

Chapter 6 Review Questions.docxPreview the document

Please number your submission according to the questions, followed by the appropriate answers:

  • For multiple choice:
    • indicate the letter (A, B, C, D),
    • identify the part of the book in which you found the information, by including the citation number used by the author.
    • compose a brief statement, written in your own words, to justify your choice.
  • For short answer questions:
    • please compose an original response of 2-5 sentences, written in your own words,
    • include the part of the book in which you found the information (page # or Ch.section).

There are no formatting or other requirements, but please note that these submissions will go through the TurnItIn plagiarism check. Be sure your work is 100% original.

  • attachment

  • attachment


Information Systems homework help

Penetration testing is a simulated cyberattack against a computer or network that checks for exploitable vulnerabilities. Pen tests can involve attempting to breach application systems, APIs, servers, inputs, and code injection attacks to reveal vulnerabilities. In a well-written, highly-detailed research paper, discuss the following:

  • What is penetration testing
  • Testing Stages
  • Testing Methods
  • Testing, web applications and firewalls

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately 4-6 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. (Remember, APA is double spaced)
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations.The UC Library is a great place to find resources.(
  • Be clear and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Economics homework help

Group Paper I Compare/Contrast.

Purpose. A written paper is an important opportunity for students to demonstrate an understanding of theory, concepts, and practices. More importantly, it allows students to further develop written communication skills. Therefore, success in this course depends on the preparedness and active engagement of every student.

Task. Choose one successful, contemporary international business or e-business to analyze. This business must not be founded in the USA; yet, it may conduct international business with the USA. For instance, Honda is founded in Japan. When Honda conducts business in Japan, it is conducting domestic business. When Honda conducts business with the USA, then it is conducting international business. Again, do not select a business that is founded in the USA.

Gather information (research) about your chosen business and write a three-page report. First, choose one topic that plays a key role in the business’ domestic function, production, operation, or culture; simultaneously, the same topic plays a key role in the business’ international function and operation.

Second, choose another topic that plays a key role in the business’ domestic function, production, operation, or culture; simultaneously, the same topic plays a key role in the business’ international function, production, operation, or culture. Furthermore, the relationships between these topics may be of interest to analyze and explore in the paper.

Compare and contrast these two specific, trending topics each from a domestic and international perspective. Such topics may include—but are not limited to—licensing, sociocultural forces, exporting and importing, franchising, contract manufacturing, strategic alliances, joint ventures, foreign direct investment, economic forces, environmental forces, trade markets, legal and regulatory forces, offshore outsourcing, global trade, and trade theory. Suggested outline:

  • Page 1: The influence of Globalization on business
  • Page 2: The comparison of two topics between international and domestic businesses
  • Page 3: The contrasting of two topics between international and domestic businesses

Criteria. Each paper must be an original work that integrates analytical and critical thinking skills using content from the course, industry, and other sources (see Table 6). Constructing the paper involves techniques such as gathering information, typing, analyzing, critically-thinking, citing resources using APA style, and formatting. Each paper should adhere to the following requirements:

  • Development of the paper:
  1. Analyze a topic;
  2. Develop a systematic inventory of resources that explain the topic to explore (analyze);
  3. Formulate problem solutions, using resources, to support the analysis;
  4. Gather additional information and conduct further analyses surrounding the problem;
  5. Design the final solution;
  6. Synthesize, discuss, and evaluate the solution; then
  7. Write the paper.
  • Implement 10 point, Times New Roman font, 1.25 inches borders, 1.5 spacing, and no added space both before and after each paragraph;
  • Cite [in-text and at the end of the document] at least three sources following APA format (properly cite  (链接到外部网站。)to create the end-of-paper “references cited / bibliography / works cited” section;
  • Written elements, such as selection of descriptives/visual, choice of data tables, and figures shall not influence the total number of pages (fluency with excel to compliment other descriptive visuals in the project begins with Microsoft Excel training  (链接到外部网站。)and Excel Basics (链接到外部网站。));
  • Aim the content at an industry executive; for instance, the regional general manager of a national luxury lodging corporation, the food and beverage director for a global restaurant chain, the director of human resources for a cruise line brand, or the chief financial officer of regional event planning company; and
  • Each student shall check for flow, grammar, and goal achievement.

Information Systems homework help

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories Emerging Threats & Countermeas (ITS-834have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment(Software development environment). If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

  • Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
  • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
  • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
  • You should not, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Nursing homework help

Week 5 Discussion Chapter: Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Identity

3-4 paragraphs

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 9, 10
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 outside scholarly source (in addition to textbook)

Initial Post Instructions
The lesson and textbook readings for this week emphasize that race, ethnicity, and gender are all social constructs.

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

  • Option 1:Compare and contrast what is meant by the social construction of race with what is meant by the social construction of ethnicity and what is meant by the social construction of gender. How or why is it beneficial to view these as social constructs?
  • Option 2: For you personally, are your racial, ethnic, and/or gender identities more matters of how you view yourself or of how others view you? In what ways is how you view yourself influenced by the larger society and culture?

Writing Requirements

  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references
  • Include citations from at least the assigned textbook/lesson reading and one additional outside scholarly source to support your response.

Besides two outside references and this book reference also:

Kendall, D. E. (2018). Sociology in our times: The essentials. Boston MA: Cengage Learning

The chapter does cover on page: p. 248

Social Science homework help

Literature Review of Health Issue and Target Population

Title of Project: Heart Disease Mortality by Year and Jurisdiction in the United States, 2000– 2018.

A literature review is a necessary part of fully understanding the health issue you are trying to address. Reviewing the literature provides you with diverse perspectives that may support or oppose your own perspective on the issue. This is an essential part of the decision-making process as it relates to designing, implementing, and evaluating any public health program.

  • Have you started reviewing different resources about your health issue? Have you been able to find current information?
  • Have you been able to identify common themes as well as differences in addressing the issue?
  • Have you found any evidence that supports the proposed intervention for your target population?

Prepare a 4–6-page literature review that focuses on the health issue and target population being addressed through the practicum experience. Include a minimum of eight (8) references presented in APA format. References should have been published within the past five years.