Assignment #5 Testing and Evaluation ESOL Identification, Placement, Monitoring, and Exit Process (20 points)
ESOL students must be identified and tested for English language proficiency in order to be placed in an ESOL program. Each state has procedures and guidelines for the identification, testing, monitoring, and exiting of English Language Learners (ELLs) in the ESOL program. For this assignment you will create a presentation on the placement, identification, monitoring, and exit processes for ELLs in the ESOL program. Using technology for presenting information can enhance learning for the stakeholders, including parents, teachers, and colleagues. Presentation technologies can be in the form of a PowerPoint, Prezi, video cast, Web page (Webinar), or a Web Quest for this assignment. Follow all elements of the rubric in order to be successful with this assignment.
FL ESOL Competency 7, Skills, 7.5 Analyze assessment issues as they affect ELLs and determine appropriate accommodations according to ELLs’ varying English proficiency levels and academic levels.
Complete the following steps:
- Describe the purpose and the audience of the presentation.
- Select the presentation technology of your choice to communicate information on the placement, identification, and exit criteria for ELL students in your state or school district to faculty, parents, or professional colleagues. Then state the rationale for the technology selected to produce the presentation.
- Provide accurate content to your presentation linked to the topic on the identification, placement, monitoring, and exit process for ELLs in the ESOL program in your school district or state.
- Include motivating questions and opportunity for audience participation in your presentation.
- Make the presentation visually appealing and integrate animation, graphics, and sound.
For further information review the ESOL information from: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
file:///C:/Users/alemany/Documents/TSOL%20510/ESOL%20handbook%20identification%20to%20Exit%20Florida.pdf (Links to an external site.)
FL ESOL Competency 7, Skills, 7.5: Analyze assessment issues as they affect ELLs and determine appropriate accommodations according to ELLs’ varying English proficiency levels and academic levels.
Assignment #5 Placement and Identification Process for ELLs (20 points)
Not Met
0 – 13 points
14 – 18 points
19 – 20 points
Introduction and Description of Presentation
(2 points)
An introduction that describes the purpose of the presentation was not provided or was not clear.
A purpose of the presentation for the technology selected to produce the presentation was missing. The context was not focused on the topic.
The candidate developed an introduction that describes the purpose and audience of the presentation.
The descriptions include how these elements are linked for the identification, testing, monitoring, and exiting of English Language Learners (ELLs) in the ESOL program in their school district or state.
The candidate developed an introduction that clearly describes the purpose and audience of the presentation, and the rationale for the technology selected to produce the presentation. The descriptions include how these elements are linked for the identification, testing, monitoring, and exiting of English Language Learners (ELLs) in the ESOL program in their school district or state.
Content of Presentation
(8 points)
The candidate provided content that was vague or not concisely written. The content lacked accuracy or currency. The content was not provided in an organized format. References were not provided. There were multiple written errors.
The candidate provided content that was clearly written. The content was accurate, current, and logically organized. Supporting information or references may be provided. There may be some minor capitalization, grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors.
The candidate provided content that was clearly and concisely written. The content was accurate, current, and logically organized to structure the information. Supporting information was provided in the form of references. The presentation was free of all format and written errors.
Effectiveness of Presentation
(5 points)
Student did not involve the audience with questions or other means in the presentation. A reflection is not included.
The candidate included motivating questions and opportunity for audience participation.
The candidate included motivating questions and more than 2 opportunities for audience participation. A clear and comprehensive reflection was provided describing what the student learned about the placement and identification of the ELL student.
Animation, Graphics, and Sound
(5 points)
The candidate did not provide text elements were easily viewed and appropriate for presentation. The text elements and layout were not consistent throughout the presentation and did not support the presentation.
The animation, graphics, and sound did not support the content of the presentation.
The candidate provided text elements (typeface, font, background) and layout that were easily viewed and appropriate for the presentation.
Some animation, graphics, and sound was used to support the content and contributed to the overall theme of the presentation. The assignment may not be submitted on time.
The candidate provided text elements and layout that were easily viewed and appropriate for presentation. The text elements and layout were consistent throughout the presentation and supported the presentation content.
Animation, graphics, and sound were used to support the content. Each element supported the theme and content of the presentation. The assignment was submitted on time.