Education homework help

Assume that you are a CEO of a medium-sized company that needs a significant influx of cash for several expansion projects. As the CEO, you must determine whether your company should remain private or go public.,Assume that you are a CEO of a medium-sized company,Overview, Assume that you are a CEO of a medium-sized company that needs a significant influx of cash for several expansion projects. As the CEO, you must determine whether your company should remain private or go public. Some companies postpone going public due to the unpredictability of economic and market conditions.,Consider the ramifications of both alternatives. Construct an argument for and against going public. Before providing your response, review the guidelines and regulations associated with going public by reading Information for Small Businesses., Use the Internet to research Sarbanes Oxley Act—Summary of Key Provisions.,Instructions, ,Write a 4 page paper in which you:,Firstly, outline three ways in which a medium-sized private company may benefit from going public, providing a rationale for each.,Secondly, create an argument that the same goals may be achieved if the company remains a privately held entity. Provide support for the argument.,Thirdly, suggest four leading financial ratios that will be evaluated and how each will affect the company’s decision to obtain expansion funds. Determine whether the results of the ratios would alter the decision to go public.,Further, by researching the results of SOX ,compliance surveys,, assess the financial effect that SOX might have on a company if it decides to go public. Considering the impact of SOX compliance, take a position as to whether your company can overcome the challenges posed by SOX compliance if the decision is to go public. Based on research, support the decision by identifying the potential advantages and disadvantages that SOX may have on the company. Provide specific examples., ,Make a recommendation as the CEO regarding the alternative (i.e., going public or staying private) that will best support the company’s expansion goals. Support the position.,Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Engineering homework help

This is a paper that is focusing on Identify two DTC advertisements for medication to treat a contested illness. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing and submitting the assignment paper well.,Identify two DTC advertisements for medication to treat a contested illness,What factors shape the social construction of illnesses, the people who have them, and the stigma they experience?  This assignment will allow you to explore these questions through the lens of direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical advertisements.  Your focus will be on ads for contested illnesses, mental disorders/illnesses, or similar conditions.  Such ads are ubiquitous and cover a range of conditions.  Examples include:  Lyrica (fibromyalgia), Cymbalta (depression), Abilify (bipolar), Cialis (erectile dysfunction), and also ,Lunestra (insomnia),. Many of these drugs are advertised to treat more than one type of condition (e.g., drugs for depression may also be prescribed for chronic fatigue syndrome).,Tasks:,1) Firstly, identify two DTC advertisements for medication purported to treat a contested illness, mental disorder/illness, or similar condition. Each DTC advertisement should be for a different illness/distorter/condition.  Print ad, web-based ad, or commercial (usually available online) are suitable.,2) Secondly, describe each ad. What is the product for?  Who is the target consumer?  What claims are made about the product and its effectiveness?  What sort of evidence, if any, is offered in support of these claims. (e.g., consumer testimonials, independent labs, clinical trials, peer-reviewed publications)?  Are side effects in the discussion? Are you convince?,3) Thirdly, think about it. What does each ad tell you about the illness it is suppose to treat? About the people who have it (or may have it)?  Thinking about the larger social context, how do you think this ad contributes to the transformation of illness (symptoms/personal experiences) into sickness (cultural definitions, social reactions)?  What might be the impact of such transformation on stigma?,Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and also how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Earth Sciences homework help

This is a paper that is focusing on the review the concepts related to dying and bereavement. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.,Review the concepts related to dying and bereavement,Instructions,Review the concepts related to dying and bereavement across the life span, the four-component model, and Kübler-Ross’s five stages of dying. Identify the key differences in dying and the ,bereavement process, across the life span. Apply the four-component model to the grieving process at one of the life stages you identified in the first paragraph.,Use your imagination or apply your personal experience to describe the grieving process for your chosen life stage in terms of the following: The context of the loss; refer to risk factors, such as whether the death was expected. Continuation of subjective meaning associated with loss, ranging from evaluations of everyday concerns to major questions about the meaning of life. Changing representations of the lost relationship over time. The role of coping and emotion regulation processes that cover all coping strategies used to deal with grief.,Review the concepts related to dying and bereavement,Describe Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s five stages of dying and provide examples that illustrate each stage. To complete the assignment address each of the following elements in a 3-4 page paper: Identify the key differences in dying and the bereavement process across the life span. Apply the four-component model to the grieving process at one of the life stages you identified in the first paragraph. Use your imagination or apply your personal experience to describe the grieving process for your chosen life stage in terms of the following: The context of the loss; refer to risk factors, such as whether the death was expected.,Continuation of subjective meaning associated with loss, ranging from evaluations of everyday concerns to major questions about the meaning of life. Changing representations of the lost relationship over time. The role of coping and also emotion regulation processes that cover all coping strategies used to deal with grief. Describe Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s five stages of dying and provide examples that illustrate each stage.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

This is a paper that is focusing on The Wars book by Timothy Findley academic essay. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.,The Wars book by Timothy Findley academic essay,Instructions:, – Read the attached ebook ‘The Wars’ written by Timothy Findley., – Then you are to write an academic, formal, literary essay (900-1100 words) complete with an introduction, body paragraphs, transitions, and a conclusion.,– You can choose to do ONE of the following essay topics from below:, a. Though the novel’s setting is largely the battlefield of ,World War One,, the word ‘war’ is pluralized in the title. Why do you believe that Findley made this decision? What are the different wars that take place throughout the novel?, b. Examine the idea of the private sphere versus the public sphere in the novel. How does the war force private matters into the public sphere?, c. Explore the impact that the female characters in the novel have on the male characters. How do you explain in terms of the power dynamics between the two genders at the time and the traditional/stereotypical gender roles that defined each?,– In addition, complete the ‘Essay Planner’ and include 1 rough copy of the essay with the finalized version.,Important notes:, – Remember to include parenthetical notations and MLA citations., – Your primary text will The Wars ebook, however, you may use secondary sources, such a print and internet sources, but you must provide MLA citations., – Review the attached file ‘Essay Structure’ for guideline on writing and organizing the essay., – Refer to the ‘Rubric’ to see how this essay will be marked., – This is assignment is for a Canadian educational institute.,Remember, ensure  that the paper is exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the MLA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Anthropology homework help

For this assignment, you will compare/contrast a controversial topic in lifespan development – the immunization controversy in the medical profession.,You will compare/contrast a controversial topic in lifespan development,For this assignment, you will compare/contrast a controversial topic in lifespan development – the immunization controversy in the medical profession. Be certain that your answers are cogent, well-formed, and supported by outside research rather than based on personal opinion.,Write about the immunization controversy in the medical profession. Be sure to address why people delay immunizations and why some refuse all immunizations for their children. As a medical professional, how might you educate these caregivers about their child’s health and development concerning this issue? What is your role in this process/situation?,How can you best, respect the caregiver’s wishes, and provide the best healthcare in this situation?,More details;,Vaccine refusal has been a recurring story in the media for well over a decade. Although there is scant evidence that refusal is genuinely increasing in the population, multiple studies have demonstrated concerning patterns of decline of confidence in vaccines, the medical professionals who administer vaccines, and the scientists who study and develop vaccines. As specialists in microbiology, immunology, and infectious diseases, scientists are content experts but often lack the direct contact with individuals considering vaccination for themselves or their children that healthcare professionals have daily. This review examines the arguments and players in the US antivaccination scene. It discusses ways that experts in infectious diseases can become more active in promoting vaccination to friends, family, and the public at large.,Keywords: ,antivaccination, internet, misinformation, vaccine denial, vaccine hesitancy,Since the late 1990s, concern has grown regarding a resurgence of the “anti-vaccine movement,” a loosely defined group of individuals who sow doubt about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines. Although the most current iteration of this scare can be traced to the publication of Andrew Wakefield’s (since-retracted) paper linking the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine to autism in 1998, anti-immunization sentiment in reality predates the process of vaccination, dating back to objections to the process of variolation in the early 18th century to reduce smallpox morbidity and mortality,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Health Sciences homework help

This is a paper that is focusing on What are the possible tracking ways for development council of Quango . The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.,What are the possible tracking ways for development council of Quango,Section A: read the case and answer the questions at the end of Section A.,CASE STUDY,The Development Council is a Quango set up to ensure effective distribution of development funds in Britain. The Headquarters are in London where 135 people are employment. The Regional Offices are quasi – autonomous. Ninety people are employ at the Scottish HQ in Edinburgh and sixty at the Welsh HQ in Cardiff. The Council has just been informed that it is to have a small but significant cut in its ‘real’ level of funding. A re-organisation is due at the Cardiff HQ which may lead to some job losses.,What are the possible tracking ways for development council of Quango,All three Headquarters operate a common Job Evaluation Scheme. Historically staff had been mainly on Civil Service gradings but it had been felt appropriate to develop an in-house job evaluation scheme geared to the particular needs of the Council.  This also enabled the staff to be involved in determining initial job gradings and the outcome of appeals. Membership of grading and appeal panels is share evenly between the Council and staff sides (two members each). Meetings are chair by the part-time consultant who help design the scheme and who has been retained to operate it. The staff side members belong to the MSF Union, which has a recognition agreement with the Council. Employer-union relationships are harmonious and also the bulk of the work force are not very union conscious., QUESTION – answer ALL PARTS of the question, worth 50% of the marks:,A1,a)    Firstly, identify the problems that you feel need addressing in the above case.,b)    Secondly, discuss possible ways of tackling these problems, explaining how you have taken into account the surrounding context.,c)    Thirdly, what advantages would you hope to accrue from having a job evaluation programme?, ,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Anthropology homework help

This is a paper that is focusing on the three instructional methods or approaches to teach math. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.,Three instructional methods or approaches to teach math,On this task, select three instructional methods or approaches that could be used to teach math and/or reading from the required readings or websites or from your own reading. Then, write an instructional methods paper you could share with special education or classroom teachers. In the paper be sure to include: Introductory information, A review section for each of the three selected methods by addressing the questions below, and A conclusion regarding ways to implement the instructional method so that it is effective for working with students with specific special needs. Also address the following questions in your paper: Overall, how effective is the instructional method for teaching math and/or reading to students with disabilities? (Specify the disabilities addressed.),Three instructional methods or approaches to teach math,How does effectiveness of the instructional method vary based on age or grade level? Are there any special materials or technology need to implement the method? Would any special training be needed to prepare special education or classroom teachers to implement the method? Is a norm-referenced or a criterion-referenced test available to measure effectiveness of the method? If not, or if this would be insufficient, how could the effectiveness of the teaching method be assessed? (Optional: Challenge question!) Do performance results differ in the USA from students in other countries when this approach or method is use – what does the research say? Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages References: Minimum of 5 scholarly resources.,Remember, ensure  that the paper is at least three pages exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Earth Sciences homework help

Anne Morrison, age 51, presents with complaints of depressed mood and low libido. She says she has become irritable and snaps easily at her four children and her husband.,Anne Morrison, age 51, presents with complaints of depressed mood,Case Study: Bobby or Anne, Anne Morrison, age 51, presents with complaints of depressed mood and low libido. She says she has become irritable and snaps easily at her four children and her husband. Also, she has no interest in sex, no urge to masturbate, and has had no sexual intercourse for six months. Additionally, she also complains of fatigue, dry hair and skin, warm flushes, and painful joints. She has no personal or family history of depression. She is not suicidal but she “really doesn’t want to live anymore if this is it.”,Anne says her husband is angry about the lack of sexual intercourse and she feels the stress in their marriage. She also is worrying about her oldest children leaving for college and about her mother’s ill health.,She scores 20 on the Beck Depression Inventory, which indicates that she has mild to moderate depression. Her menstrual periods remain regular, but her cycle has shortened from 29 to 24 days. She reports that some hot flashes wake her at night and that she hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in months.,Laboratory tests show, follicle-stimulating hormone, of 25 mIU/mL and inhibin B below 45 pg/mL. Her estradiol is 80 pg/mL—not yet in the menopausal range. Also, her thyroid-stimulating hormone is normal. Additionally, her shortened menstrual cycles suggest a diagnosis of ,perimenopause,.,Questions,From your perspective as Anne’s psychiatric nurse practitioner, answer the following questions in a a page double-spaced paper (not including the reference page) and in APA format. Include at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based references.,1-What additional screening tools would be appropriate for Anne?, 2-What medications would you recommend for her? Are there any psychiatric medications that do not interfere with the sex drive?, 3-Are there any ,non-pharmacological recommendations, that would help her situation?, 4-What referrals would you make?, 5-Create a treatment plan for Anne including medications, therapies, and referrals.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Statistics homework help

This is a paper that is focusing on the Sustainability and accreditation in hospitality. The paper also provides the context to read and analyze in writing the assignment paper.,The Sustainability and accreditation in hospitality,ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUE: Sustainability and accreditation in hospitality- extended response., DIMENSIONS TO BE ASSESSED:, Firstly, knowing and understanding, Secondly, applying and examining, Thirdly, producing and evaluating,CONDITIONS:, ·         Power point Slide(s) or program of choice to create poster/advertisement., ·         Tutorial discussion (student must discuss on phone or in tutorial session),Word count 600-1000,The Sustainability and accreditation in hospitality,ASSESSMENT TASK  –  Extended response,CONTEXT:, Accreditation (Star rating) goes some way to guarantee customers the quality they are seeking. Those hospitality establishments which are awarded a high accreditation based upon their services, practices and facilities, MUST abide by the code of conduct., TASK Part 1 You are to investigate an international establishment that has been accredited. Write a 600-1000 word report. In the first part of the report you need to identify the, hotel’s sustainable practices, and how they are helping to improve the environment. In the second part of your report you need to identify some facilities and services which reflect sustainable practices of this establishment. You will need to include in this report information about the code of conduct, and also what the establishment has to do to maintain their star rating. (Accreditation).,Part 2 Based on your research of the sustainable practices of this establishment, you are to create a poster to promote its quality features.  Additionally, include the sustainable practices, the star rating and a caption to encourage people to stay at this hotel. This poster can be in a program of your choice.  (Power point, photo shop, publish),Lastly, ensure  that the paper is at least three pages exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,