Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help.

  1. Throughout the semester we discussed Unit Testing with JUnit. Show how to implement rudimentary assertions with conditional blocks, e.g., using if(condition),in place of assertions.


  1. Consider the development of an ftp (file transfer) client, a tool that you should be familiar with, having used it since Unix Couse.


  1. Write a functional requirement that you might expect to find in a Software Requirements Specification for this program.
  2. Write a non-functional requirement that you might expect to find in a Software Requirements Specification for this program.
  3. Write a user story that would contribute towards the fulfillment of the functional requirement you listed in part 1.


  1. Briefly (i.e., in no more than 2 sentences) describe the benefit(s) of using Hamcrest (i.e., “assertThat” and associated matchers) over “assertTrue”, “assertFalse” and “assertEquals.”


Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help.

  1. Throughout the semester we discussed Unit Testing with JUnit. Show how to implement rudimentary assertions with conditional blocks, e.g., using if(condition),in place of assertions.


  1. Consider the development of an ftp (file transfer) client, a tool that you should be familiar with, having used it since Unix Couse.


  1. Write a functional requirement that you might expect to find in a Software Requirements Specification for this program.
  2. Write a non-functional requirement that you might expect to find in a Software Requirements Specification for this program.
  3. Write a user story that would contribute towards the fulfillment of the functional requirement you listed in part 1.


  1. Briefly (i.e., in no more than 2 sentences) describe the benefit(s) of using Hamcrest (i.e., “assertThat” and associated matchers) over “assertTrue”, “assertFalse” and “assertEquals.”


Computer Science homework help