Computer Science homework help
Computer Science homework help.
- Throughout the semester we discussed Unit Testing with JUnit. Show how to implement rudimentary assertions with conditional blocks, e.g., using if(condition),in place of assertions.
- Consider the development of an ftp (file transfer) client, a tool that you should be familiar with, having used it since Unix Couse.
- Write a functional requirement that you might expect to find in a Software Requirements Specification for this program.
- Write a non-functional requirement that you might expect to find in a Software Requirements Specification for this program.
- Write a user story that would contribute towards the fulfillment of the functional requirement you listed in part 1.
- Briefly (i.e., in no more than 2 sentences) describe the benefit(s) of using Hamcrest (i.e., “assertThat” and associated matchers) over “assertTrue”, “assertFalse” and “assertEquals.”