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Walden University Types of Business Law Employment Law Presentation


Assignment: Types of Business Law: Part 3

Note: In Weeks 3 and 4, you submitted Parts 1 and 2 of this Assignment. This week, you will complete and submit only Part 3.

you will recall from Weeks 3 and 4, you are playing the role of a
junior legal assistant for the legal department of XYZ Corporation. The
organization has recently undertaken a number of efforts to increase its
presence in the local community and is promoting corporate social
responsibility and positive social change initiatives.

Kate Braverman, XYZ CorporationTo
support these positive social change initiatives and efforts at
ensuring compliance among XYZ Corporation’s employees, Kate Braverman,
Chief Counsel of the Legal Department, leads the company-wide Business
Law and Compliance Fair to showcase some upcoming policy changes and
hold Q&A sessions for all staff members.

This week, you will finalize your work of gathering information to present to staff members and will focus on employment law.

Part 3: Employment Law Presentation

Kai, who is a manager in the human resources (HR) department, requests the following:

“We just hired a
small team of HR generalists to help us with our growing number of
employees. As our workforce expands, we need to stay on top of matters
of compliance in order to protect the company and to effectively support
its positive social change initiatives. Could you assist us with
developing training to ensure our new generalists are up to speed on
employment law matters, including real-world examples? We have an
employee handbook, but we’d like to provide additional training and
support for these staff members.”

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Learning Resources.
  • Review the Employment Law Presentation scenario involving Kai, which will serve as the basis for your Assignment this week.
  • Refer to the Academic Writing Expectations for 2000/3000-Level Courses as you compose your Assignment.

Submit an Employment Law Presentation that includes speaker notes for each content slide and addresses the following prompts:

  • Kate asks you to prepare a presentation that HR can use for its
    generalist training. She asks that you create informational slides on
    the following four areas of employment law: sexual harassment,
    discrimination, violation of disability rights, and wrongful termination
    (minimum of 2 slides per employment law topic). For each of the four
    areas, do the following:

    • Define each of these areas of employment law.
    • Provide one or more examples of possible violations for each area.
    • Describe the consequences of violating each area of employment law.
    • Provide one recommendation in each area for how employees can stay in compliance with these laws.
    • As part of your presentation, make sure to include an Introduction
      slide and a Conclusion slide that incorporates a connection between
      employment law compliance and the company’s positive social change
      initiatives (for an additional 2 slides).

Your completed presentation should include a
minimum of 10 slides (not including the title slide or References slide)
with speaker notes and appropriate reference citations.