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Keiser Career College Greenacres Week 3 Moral Rightness Justice Discussion Post Reply


Madison Goban

weel 3 discussion

The term justice, has a various amount of definitions. The definition that I felt gave the best description of justice in my opinion was ” the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness.” I feel this gives the best description because justice is about standing up for someone or something when it is something that we strongly believe that is correct. Regarding crime and punishment in our society I would say the best definition is “the maintenance or administration of what is just according to law” It all goes back to the law when it comes to crime and punishment in our society and it should be solely based off of or law system to give the correct and fair punishments to people who commit crimes. in no way am I saying that this is followed because we have all seen someone get unfair punishment or not enough at all, but if we stuck to the correct justice system and went by the law many people would get the punishment they deserve and others would be let off.

To follow up on that, no I do not think our justice system is just. In some cases it is but in the world we live in today and at this point in time the world honestly seems to be crumbling and no one is in a state of peace. I think something that can be unjust in our society today has a lot to do with people in prison. So many people are behind bars from selling marijuana years ago, and now it is legal. How is that fair to keep someone behind bars with a charge that is most likely legal in their state? I find it mind boggling that there’s so much crime and hate in the world but some of us ae concerned over marijuana. My dad is on the job, law enforcement in New York. You see a lot of crazy stuff here, especially in Manhattan. Drugs are a huge issue but if someone has an issue such as addiction throwing them in prison is only gonna make things worse, many people need rehab. Thats where I find our justice system as unjust, people who go behind bars should be behind there for good reason if they are a threat to not only themselves but society.

Julissa Guevara

week 3 discussion

Hello class! For this week’s discussion post we are to talk about justice. The first thing we are required to do is discuss the definition of justice, the dictionary definition of justice is, “the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness.” I agree with this definition because it really is describing justice for what it is. I feel as though social justice, and justice can be included in the same category because realistically, justice is be ‘just.’

The second question asks if our justice system is ‘just’ and unfortunately our system is not just. Trying to maintain status quo in our society defeats the purpose of trying to have a ‘just’ system. Our system in today’s age is very corrupt, I believe our system could really use some fair justice. When I think of justice I definitely do not think of the U.S. justice system, unfortunately that is just not the case. Our system is so unjust that it’s sickening. To spend one night in a hospital will cost you thousands of dollars, even with medical insurance! It’s insane. Not only that, but there are so many innocent people that are sitting behind bars today, and very bad people out on the streets because of the system that we have. To me, that is absolutely not justice.

Prison reform is very much needed, I can agree with people who would want prison reforms in our systems. Why do I feel we need prison reform? Because I feel that an attempt to improve conditions in our prisons is very much needed. Prison reform will help the effectiveness within the penal system. I do agree with alternatives to prison depending on what the individual is facing, or what they are being charged for. It really all depends, but our justice system definitely needs improvements.