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KCC Greenacres Leadership Management Case Discussion & Response


By Sunday reply to at least two group members and react to their initial answers (each response should be at least 150 words). A strong peer reply will acknowledge and further extend on what the classmates shared, add new ideas fully supported by comm research (i.e., scholarly sources), and ask open-ended maningful questions to extend conversations further.

4. ALSO By Sunday post a final reflection on this exercise. What have you learned about the case study? What have you learned from your groupmates about various ways in which one conflict may be resolved? What will you take away from this discussion? (Minimum 300 words, evidence of scholarly research and peer responses integration).

All work should be completed on your groups’s discussion board (you will only have access to the discussion board for the group to which you are assigned, so no need to figure out where you need to go or if you are engaging in the right group!

Randy Bugnon 

    My first reaction is the leadership of this group is lacking. This is not a team, it is a social group. If there was strong leadership, decisions would have been made early on to set the ground rules, delegate portions of the project out to everyone, set hard deadlines, and stick to them. Sset up checkpoints during the different phases of the project where team members would check in and reporttheir progress or that they have completed certain aspects of what they had been delegated. Also, ensure there was a clear line of communication to reach other team members if the team was in different parts of the city or even in different states/countries.

    If there were any problems with the layout of the planning phase, then those problems should have been addresed and fixed before the project had even began. If I were a member of the team that had followed the set agenda and finished my portion of the project on time, I would be very upset and would have voiced my disappointment in the behavior of the rest. This would not be an emotional outburst, but a thought out, well framed discussion on how this would have been better served if everyone had followed the agenda that had been set.

    In this day of COVID, virtual meetings are essential to getting things done and ideas put out, however, meeting face to face in person once a week, if logistically able, would be a good way to air out differences and have them alleviated on the spot.

    If there were problems that have risen during the progress of the team project, some of the approches that should be brought forward are:

Diagnose the problem

define and address behaviors,

Develop solutions and

Execute the actions.

Because everyone reacts differently to what could be construed as conflict, some areas to avoid would be

Deliver feedback, especially negative feedback, in private

Discuss team specific issues in team meetings

Stick to the facts if a there is a possible conflict tat may arise

and most importantly,

Ask questions try and be understanding of other team members concerns. This is to avoid future conflicts with similar issues,.3 

Rochae Castel 

After reading the case study and learning that little or no work has been done at the meetings, it is clear that the meeting is more focused on catching up with coworkers than working. My reaction is to question who is in charge of the meeting. Is it the department supervisor or the director of the department? Even though it does not list who is in charge, I would want to believe it is leadership. They are not professionally leading the meeting. Leadership sets good examples with professional impressions that include guiding those to succeed in all that they do. Because I am part of this meeting, and even though it is good to see my coworkers, I would still want to continue with the meeting and learn how to get the tasks done and meet the deadline. This situation would make me frustrated, knowing that we are not well prepared to complete the project within the deadline. As for me, my main focus is on my work and completing my tasks, and leaving work knowing I had a successful day. To avoid this situation, I would initiate my group to focus on the purpose of the meeting. Reminding the group that the deadline is approaching in three weeks and to concentrate on the project. The appropriate approach is for the team leader to create a schedule to follow for the project and assign everyone tasks that need to be completed to be successful and completed before or by the deadline. To avoid any confusion and conflicts, the team leader must address any issues that are happening as a group and not pinpoint the ones that are not putting in effect. Everyone must understand that we are a team and that everyone, including myself, must realize that we all need to work together and complete the project. Pinpointing people out in front of the meeting may harm the team cohesiveness. To achieve goals, all team members must meet up to present opinions with each other with different ideas and take notes. According to the textbook it states “Involving the party in the search for a solution is one of the best ways to get their buy-in to the solution.  A good start might include agreeing to the use of a particular process or mechanism for problem-solving, such as brainstorming” (DeJanasz, Dowd, & Schneider, 2018). The brainstorming session would allow more involvement and allowing everyone to participate in the project to meet the deadline successfully. WC 413

De Janasz, S., Dowd, K., & Schneider, B. (2018). Interpersonal Skills in Organizations (6th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.