Accounting homework help

Accounting homework help.

Select one of the following categories based on your own interests:
1. Street Art/Graffiti Art: Keith Haring, Basquiat (SAMO) and Futura 2000 (Futura)
2. Feminist Art: Judy Chicago, Miriam Schapiro and Carloee Schneeman
3. Queer Art: Catherine Opie, Robert Mapplethorpe, Félix González-Torres
4. Black Art: Elizabeth Catlett, Betye Saar, AfriCOBRA
5. Performance Art: Marina Abramović, Chris Burden, Yoko Ono
6. Earthworks/Land Art: Andy Goldsworthy, Robert Smithson, Nancy Holt
7. Conceptual Art: Joseph Kosuth, Jenny Holzer, John Baldessari
8. Architecture: Robert Venturi, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid
9. Photography: Nan Golden, Cindy Sherman, Richard Prince
Make a post in which you:
1. Share some facts/details about your selected category/three artists. What is the art like, what is it about, why is it considered important? What are the artists known for making/doing?
2. Share a picture of ONE favorite artwork by ONE of the three artists in your category.
3. Explain, in your own words, how these artists connect to Postmodernism–how are they different than Modern Art artists?

Accounting homework help