Architecture and Design homework help

Architecture and Design homework help. PROJECT 6 – High Performance Building Systems
Description: Building systems have a wide range of functionality, efficiency and cost considerations
that must be evaluated for each individual project. Buildings are the single largest
consumers of energy in our communities. There is energy required in the manufacturing
of the building components, but long after construction is complete, buildings continue
to consume significant amounts of resources year after year. The building design and
construction industry is increasingly moving towards building systems and best practices
that are high performing, reduce energy use and are “sustainable.” Zero Carbon or
Carbon Neutral are terms that you will hear used as goals for sustainable design.
Some high-performance systems and strategies are well established and commonly
used, but there are others that are new or emerging technologies. It is those that we are
going to explore with this project.
Due Date: Thursday, April 16 (before start of class)
The assignment format is a written research report.
Pick one specific topic under each category below. Write a general summary of each
topic (total of 4,) of at least 500 words. The summaries should cover considerations such
as (but not limited to)?
− Description, what is it?
− How does it work?
− How does it used in a building – generically?
− How does it contribute to the sustainability of the building – energy reduction,
carbon reduction, water efficiency, wellness, etc.?
− Include graphics, images or diagrams to further illustrate and explain the topic.
Cite a specific Case Study for how each system was incorporated in a building project.
Resources are also listed below. I suggest you explore them for examples. Each
resource/site has well organized case studies that will be helpful. Keep in mind, the
whole point of this exercise is to go deeper into learning about the systems. If you
encounter words or phrases you don’t understand, or if your reading cross-references
something you are not familiar with, you should follow it and expand on that piece as
part of your report.
Category 1 – Energy:
• Building based Solar generation
• Building based Wind generation
• Daylighting – systems for incorporating
Category 2 – HVAC systems
• Chilled beams
• Displacement Ventilation
• Heat Recovery systems
• Radiant floors
• Geothermal systems
• Natural Ventilation – systems for incorporating
Category 3 – Water
• Storm water (rainwater) management
• Gray water, black water or rainwater management or re-use
• Fixtures – toilet, sink, drinking fountains, etc. (no flush, composting,
Category 4 – Building materials and resources
• Mass timber construction / Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)
• Recycled materials
• Vegetated (Green) roofs
• Innovative building exterior envelop (glass, wall panels, insulation, etc.)
Resources for case studies:
This is a program conducted by the American Institute of Architects AIA () Committee on the
Environment (COTE.)
The Living Building Challenge
An independent building rating system that is gaining popularity and many consider to be “the highest
bar” for building sustainability.

The US Green Building Council. We studied LEED at the beginning of the semester.

Architecture and Design homework help