Architecture and Design homework help

Architecture and Design homework help. ASSIGNMENT #4 – TEXTURE, SCALE, & BALANCE
Due Dates & Points
Assignment #4 is due by 12:00pm on Monday, April 27th. This assignment is worth 35 points and a grading rubric
is provided at the end of this handout. Please submit your assignment via the link on Moodle. Late exercises are
graded according to the late policy in the course syllabus.
White Paper; Pencils or Black Pens (any type of black pen or pencil will work and you may combine the two);
Cutting Mat; Cutting Knife; Ruler; Rubber Cement; Rubber Cement Eraser; Pushpin
Balance refers to the distribution of visual weight of objects, colors, textures, and space. Scale is the relative size
of an element to its environment or other objects nearby. When all elements have the same scale, the design can
feel flat and dull. Texture refers to the tactile grain of surfaces and substances.
Design Problem
• Create a variety of textures using lines, points, or shapes.
• Textures should vary widely in scale (size of elements).
• Textures should vary widely in value (some are light overall; others are dark overall).
• Every texture should be different.
• Every texture should have an overall similar value within the square (one side of the square should not
be darker than the other side of the square).
• Create a visual balance on the page by arranging your textures. Do not cluster similar textures. Do not
create larger patterns, checkerboards, or lines with the arrangement of your textures. Your final result
should look balanced but completely random.
Design Process
• Look at the completed Assignment #4 examples on Moodle. They’re under the Week 4 Resources.
• Watch the videos on creating textures and how to cut out your textures. They’re on Moodle under the
Tutorial Videos in Course Resources at the top of the page, and under the Week 4 Resources.
• Using white paper and pencils or black pens, create at least 16 different visual textures using lines, points,
or shapes. You may want to use different pen or pencil thicknesses or grades and/or combine pen and
• Cut a 2 x 2 in. mask out of another piece of paper.
• Using your mask, select an area of each texture to include in your project. The texture should be evenly
distributed within the square. Mark the corners with a pencil or pushpin.
• With a knife and metal ruler, trim your texture selections to 2 x 2 in.
• On another sheet of 11 x 14 in white paper, draw an 8 x 8 in. square lightly in pencil. Follow the
measurements and dimensions in the diagram on the next page.
• You will glue your textures within your 8 x 8 in square. Before adhering to the paper, arrange and
rearrange your texture squares in various configurations to create a visual balance of value, density, and
ART 115 Assignment 4 – page 2
• When you are satisfied with the arrangement, glue your textures to your paper.
• Take a photograph of your finished design. Make sure your photograph is well lit and in focus, and that
your design is clearly visible. Upload the photographs to Moodle under the Assignment #4 link.
ART 115 Assignment 4 – page 3
Assignment #4 Grading Rubric
This assignment is graded on four categories:
• Concept: Have you considered the design problem and solution thoughtfully?
• Creativity: Is it interesting and original?
• Process: How did you arrive at your solution and did you follow directions?
• Craft: Have you taken care in the execution?
Concept (10 points)
q Have you created a wide variety of texture scales? Are they randomly distributed?
q Have you created a wide variety of values from dark to light? Are they randomly distributed?
q Is the value of the texture evenly distributed within the individual squares?
q Have you avoided any lines, checkerboards, or patterns in your 8 x 8 in. composition?
q Does the result look completely random?
q Is your design balanced?
Creativity (10 points)
q Have you created a variety of textures? Is every texture different?
q Have you experimented with a variety of pen or pencil widths?
q Are the textures interesting or unusual?
q Have you created varying densities of texture?
q Has the detail and execution of the design taken extra time to complete?
q Is the result aesthetically beautiful?
Process (10 points)
q Did you place your textures according to the coordinates on the previous page?
q Does your design fit within the 8 x 8 in. square?
q Are you using only pencils or black pens to create your textures?
q Have you used only lines, points, and shapes to create your textures?
Craft (5 points)
q Is your design the first thing we notice (and the craft is secondary)?
q Have you taken care in the execution?
q Are your textures neat and clear?
q Have you cut each of your texture squares to 2 x 2 in.?
q Is your paper clean and free of blemishes?
q Is there minimal glue residue visible?

Architecture and Design homework help