Article writing homework help

Article writing homework help.

Give a Power Point, Google Slides, or Prezi presentation on your thesis and annotated bibliography of your “research paper.”
1. What is your thesis? Also, what is the historical/contemporary content that you are analyzing?
2. Show the class the research you used to prove your thesis in your annotated bibliography. Essentially you are explaining how each piece in your annotated bibliography work towards proving your thesis.
3. Include images in your presentation.
4. Minimum of seven slides. The first being the title page, the second being your thesis, the remaining slides being the presentation of the evidence used in your annotated bibliography.
5. You MUST send me a copy of your presentation through Google Drive. My Google Drive email is Remember, do not send this through an email, or I may miss it. Share the file on Google Drive. I may miss your presentation if you do not send it this way.  However, copies without presentations will NOT be considered.
6. If you cannot record your presentation, then do not worry about recording your presentation, only the slideshow is necessary. However, on PowerPoint, you can record your slideshows. First you create your slideshow. Then, select the section “Slide Show,” on the top portion of Power Point. Then, you will see the option to record a slideshow. Record the slideshow, then send it to me. While this is not required, it will add 40 extra credit points to the assignments that benefit your grade the most.
Due Date: April 27th by 11:59 pm.
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Article writing homework help

Article writing homework help

Article writing homework help.

Give a Power Point, Google Slides, or Prezi presentation on your thesis and annotated bibliography of your “research paper.”
1. What is your thesis? Also, what is the historical/contemporary content that you are analyzing?
2. Show the class the research you used to prove your thesis in your annotated bibliography. Essentially you are explaining how each piece in your annotated bibliography work towards proving your thesis.
3. Include images in your presentation.
4. Minimum of seven slides. The first being the title page, the second being your thesis, the remaining slides being the presentation of the evidence used in your annotated bibliography.
5. You MUST send me a copy of your presentation through Google Drive. My Google Drive email is Remember, do not send this through an email, or I may miss it. Share the file on Google Drive. I may miss your presentation if you do not send it this way.  However, copies without presentations will NOT be considered.
6. If you cannot record your presentation, then do not worry about recording your presentation, only the slideshow is necessary. However, on PowerPoint, you can record your slideshows. First you create your slideshow. Then, select the section “Slide Show,” on the top portion of Power Point. Then, you will see the option to record a slideshow. Record the slideshow, then send it to me. While this is not required, it will add 40 extra credit points to the assignments that benefit your grade the most.
Due Date: April 27th by 11:59 pm.
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Article writing homework help