Biology homework help

Biology homework help. v PTSD – published by the Veterans Administration (25 minutes)
View the PTSD webinar and answer the following 8 questions:
1) What percent of people who experience trauma will develop PTSD in their lifetime?
2) Name five types of serious traumatic events that can cause PTSD:
3) Is choosing to view traumatic things on TV categorized as a ‘traumatic event’?
4) What are the 4 Symptoms that someone must have to be diagnosed with PTSD according to the DSM V:
5) What was one of the examples that SPC Rob Tucker (US Army) gave of experiencing a common event in the US that mirrored something that had happened in combat and contributed to PTSD?
6) What did Craig Shipley (US Marine Corps) share about feelings of trust?
7) CPT Sarah Humphries (US Army) shared what reaction to her son’s (near) bicycle accident?
8) Dr. Ron Acierno talked about the ways that you “know you’re ready for treatment”. Name two ways he indicated:
v Suicide Screener video – published by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (8 minutes)
Review the screener video and answer the below 3 questions:
1) List the four questions that should be asked during the assessment
2) When asking questions, is it best to word them in your own words or to state them exactly as listed?
3) Some professionals feel that asking about suicide will increase the person’s risk. Several trials indicated that those at risk of suicide actually feel what emotion when being asked a question about suicide?
v Cultural Competency in the topic of Suicide – published by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (6 minutes)
Choose one of the 3 below “SPARK talks” and after viewing it write a one paragraph summary 
§ Reaching Older Adults
§ Men in the middle years
§ Culturally Competent Care for LGBTQ Youth

Biology homework help