Business Finance Homework Help

BUS 222 EGCC How to Attract Customers to an E Commerce Business Discussion


Unit Two Discussion Question

How is it important to select the best-suited platform for your social media needs? How might one consider a different platform when creating his or her interactive media strategy? Provide examples in order to illustrate your response

First peer belowChoosing the right social media platform to highlight your business or personal ventures is important. A business or personal account that has or needs lots of pictures or videos to explain the concept wouldn’t do well on Twitter because that’s only text and visa versa.      One example I can use is my sons desire to start an antique toy train repair business. He can use Instagram to highlight before and after pictures or short videos of the trains highlighting his repairs. Again, this wouldn’t do well on a platform such as Twitter. He also uses Discord to network with the antique toy train community and shares pictures and videos there.      Part of my work with Spartan requires posting training videos and articles as well as promoting upcoming workshops. We use Facebook for this type of networking because we have access to thousands of people who have chosen to be in the Spartan groups. Other platforms would be difficult to reach that many people so easily. TicTok, even tho it is fine for short videos, would not be able to have the same impact because you can’t have the articles and the videos are limited to, at the max, 3 minutes. YouTube would also not be a good option for this. Even though you can post longer videos, you are missing the option for the article. This is where you can use both YouTube for the video and attach the link to your article and post them together. 

Second peer belowVarious individuals utilize distinctive web-based media stages for various purposes. Web-based media can be utilized to make proficient organizations, to showcase items and administrations or to cooperate, share musings and bits of knowledge or to direct research, among different employments. While picking an online media stage, one should guarantee that they pick a stage that best fills the expected need. For example, an individual should pick a stage that will permit them to arrive at the interest group. On the off chance that the stage is intended to find vocation openings or business associations, one should pick stages, for example, LinkedIn which permit individuals from comparable expert fields to see as one another and interface. One should initially evaluate the substance they plan to make and pick an online media stage that will permit the utilization of the substance. Likewise, the objectives that an individual has set aides in picking the most appropriate stage. An individual who aims to drive deals in business might consider utilizing stages where customers plan buys utilizing the stage, for instance, Pinterest. One more significance of picking the online media stage cautiously is to guarantee the picked stage lines up with an individual’s social objectives. An individual looking to utilize online media stages to improve client care might be constrained to pick stages that offer moment client criticism like twitter. Intuitive media methodologies try to empower business people and organizations to showcase their labor and products using on the web or advanced mediums. At the point when one is picking a stage for intuitive media methodologies, they should be mindful so as to pick a stage which accommodates the chance to make a computerized culture through permitting brand proprietors to give moment input through answering to public remarks and getting to data on open gatherings to examine the assessment of the overall population on the brand. For example, Facebook, Instagram and different stages permit the referencing of an individual or labeling an individual in a thing that might hold any importance with them or a conversation out in the open gatherings. At the point when brand proprietors can get to notices on when their image was referenced, it tends to be not difficult to follow up the conversation and react viably. One may likewise look to utilize a stage that permits promotions that can viably arrive at the ideal interest group using recordings or sounds in the notice. Such stages are probably going to be better as far as arriving at the interest group since recordings and sounds might convey quicker that long texts. Recordings and sounds can likewise be more interesting to possibilities. An intuitive procedure is probably going to require a stage that permits the brand proprietor to see client criticism, both great and terrible to utilize it as information during investigation to work with changes. For instance, Facebook permits the writer of a post to see remarks and answer to remarks. Stages that permit both the brand proprietor and the imminent to get notices, connect with one another and assemble a relationship might be the best with regards to making an intuitive media technique. For instance, Facebook permits its clients to follow business pages and get notices when the writer posts any data. The stage likewise gives brand proprietors notices when clients remark on their posts, henceforth, permitting quickness in successful reaction.