Business Finance Homework Help

Strategy Perspective and Business Law Essay


all the reuirements are in attached file

please give me part 1 strategy goals only today

Please do the first stage of the Strategy goal documents today and I will let u know the remaining three stages

Things you need to work on this:

1. Strategy

How do you plant to approach your first negotiation meeting from a strategy perspective? Add some specificity and contingency planning.

2. Cultural approach

Will you do anything different based on the different culture? What? Why? I understand that most of you are not aware of the Mexican culture in any significant details, so please send a little time to research how you might approach any cultural issues and have a plan. One side is supposed to be Mexican. I expect that side to do similar research and behave accordingly (basically do the same sort of research that the American side does but with a view of noting how you would likely behave differently and how you might approach an American company differently). This part of the exercise is more research/academic based and you do not need to play the cultural role in your negotiation. Today’s business environment expects understanding of various cultures without stereotyping and this assignment asks you to practice walking that line.

3. Contract Provision Goal:

What do you expect the price, quantity and other terms to be? Why? This should include a list of the key provisions you believe are worth negotiating. Please use a chart as illustrated below. (for details of negotiation goals. Please use a chart and bullet points for your goals to make it easier to review.)