Business & Finance homework help

Business & Finance homework help.

     MGMT8420 Sustainable Management
Winter 2020
Final Course Assignment (Individual)
DUE DATE Delivery Method  
Friday, April 24th before midnight Electronic Word.docx file assignment uploaded to eConestoga dropbox  
Worth 30% of final grade for this course (60 marks)
Total MAX word count: 2500 words

This Final Course Assignment replaces the Final Exam and is to be completed individually, i.e. NO collaboration, copying or sharing. Turnitin is enabled, and any student found violating any of these prohibitions will receive an Academic Offence/Penalty. This assignment will assess your understanding and application of key course themes, topics and lessons. Adhere to each question’s word limit and apply course themes, as well as external research with APA formatted referencing in your answers.

  • Read through entire Assignment Instructions.
  • Answer the questions listed below.
  • *Be sure to draw on course themes and examples.* – do not GOOGLE your answers… this will result in a 0 for that particular question. Again, use course materials exclusively, to form your answers.
  • Adhere to the word limits for each question.
  • Include in-text citations as needed, and a reference section in APA format.
  • Assignments with NO ATTEMPT to include APA formatted in-text citations and reference list will receive a grade of zero (0).


  1. How is climate change both a threat and opportunity for global businesses? (5 marks)
    1. Provide at least two specific examples for each (2 threats & 2 opportunities) on how climate change is influencing business operations.
  • Word limit: 350 words.


  1. The creator of the GDP concept, Simon Kuznets, cautioned society against its widespread use as a measure of prosperity. (5 marks)
    1. What are some of the flaws of using GDP as the only measure of economic success?
    2. What are some alternatives; and how do the alternatives encourage and support sustainable development?
      • Word limit: 350 words.


  1. Explain the process and three steps a company should go through as they operationalize and/or integrate sustainability into their organizations. (10 marks)
    1. Describe each step, with real world business examples.
    2. Identify some common mistakes organizations make that prevent them from achieving an integrated sustainable strategy.
      • Word limit: 700 words


  1. Choose ONE of the four sustainable development management programs: Energy Management Program, Water Management Program, Waste Management Program, or GHG Management Program: (10 marks)
    1. Explain the Triple Bottom Line benefits for that specific management strategy.
    2. Identify two specific activities/strategies business can use to promote/actualize that specific management strategy.
    3. Suggest a reporting/guiding organization the business could use to assist with the disclosure and integration (ie. think EMS, GRI framework & standards…)
      • Word limit: 700 words


  1. With reference to at least TWO of the following theories: Tragedy of the Commons, Anne and Paul Ehrlich’s I=PAT Equation, Failure of ‘Free Market’ Environmentalism, or Lynn White Jr’s controversial theory grounded in Christian values: (5 marks)
    1. Provide an overview of the fundamental causes of unsustainability and why sustainability is difficult to achieve.
      • Word limit: 350 words


  1. The journey to Natural Capitalism involves four major shifts in business practices, all vitally interlinked. (10 marks)
    1. Explain and provide examples of how businesses can implement each of these Natural Capitalism practices.
      • Word limit: 500 words


  1. Report should have a Title Page with:
  • Your Name and Student Number
  • Course Identifier and Section #
  • Title for the Submission
  • Date of Submission
  • Instructor Name


  1. Answers to Questions:
  • Number the questions 1-6 into your report. Provide the answer to all parts/sub-parts of the question, ensuring use of both external research (with in-text citations) as well as key course concepts and examples.


  1. Reference List
  • Complete Reference list at the end of your document in proper APA format. Minimum of 10 sources used.


  1. Saving & Submitting your Assignment:
  • File name: Your Name – Final Assignment.docx
  • Upload your final submission in *docx format *to the Final Course Assignment Dropbox.

Marking/Rubric  (60 points, 30%)              

Scoring à
4/1 Points
Needs Improvement
6/2 Points
Meets Expectations
8/4 Points
Exceeds Expectations
10/5 Points
Question 1 – 6
#1   5 pts
#2   5 pts
#3   10 pts
#4   10 pts
#5   5 pts
#6   10 pts
       = 45 pts
Answers are missing information or may be missing entirely
Lack of enough research
Answers may be missing information
Some supporting research is used
Answers are complete
Effective use of supporting research
Answers are complete and demonstrate a robust understanding of key terms and concepts, with research
Overall/Format/Adhere to Assignment Instructions
5 pts
Use of Key Course concepts
5 pts
Referenced completely and accurately (APA format)
          = 5 pts
(45 + 15 pts = 60 pts)
The report contains many spelling or punctuation errors, which makes the writing difficult to understand
The answer is disorganized
Lacks citations and/or a reference (automatic 0)
The report contains minor errors, which make the writing difficult to understand
The report is somewhat organized
An effort to use citations and/or references
Spelling and punctuation errors do not significantly affect the communication of ideas
The report is organized
Minor issues with citations and/or reference
The report is nearly free of spelling and punctuation errors
The report is well organized
All citations are complete along with references

A Note on Academic Integrity
Written or other work which a student submits in a course shall be the product of his/her own efforts. Plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Cheating means the misrepresentation by the student of his/her performance in a college setting” (Conestoga College, 2018).
For more information on this policy, please go to the Academic Integrity Website at
Or come speak with me.
To avoid plagiarism, be sure to cite your sources using the APA style.  Should you require further information and/or assistance using the APA style guide, please visit the Learning Commons, the Library in person or online at APA @ Conestoga.  Failure to cite your sources is considered a violation of academic integrity and will not be tolerated by the College.

Business & Finance homework help

Business & Finance homework help

Business & Finance homework help.

     MGMT8420 Sustainable Management
Winter 2020
Final Course Assignment (Individual)
DUE DATE Delivery Method  
Friday, April 24th before midnight Electronic Word.docx file assignment uploaded to eConestoga dropbox  
Worth 30% of final grade for this course (60 marks)
Total MAX word count: 2500 words

This Final Course Assignment replaces the Final Exam and is to be completed individually, i.e. NO collaboration, copying or sharing. Turnitin is enabled, and any student found violating any of these prohibitions will receive an Academic Offence/Penalty. This assignment will assess your understanding and application of key course themes, topics and lessons. Adhere to each question’s word limit and apply course themes, as well as external research with APA formatted referencing in your answers.

  • Read through entire Assignment Instructions.
  • Answer the questions listed below.
  • *Be sure to draw on course themes and examples.* – do not GOOGLE your answers… this will result in a 0 for that particular question. Again, use course materials exclusively, to form your answers.
  • Adhere to the word limits for each question.
  • Include in-text citations as needed, and a reference section in APA format.
  • Assignments with NO ATTEMPT to include APA formatted in-text citations and reference list will receive a grade of zero (0).


  1. How is climate change both a threat and opportunity for global businesses? (5 marks)
    1. Provide at least two specific examples for each (2 threats & 2 opportunities) on how climate change is influencing business operations.
  • Word limit: 350 words.


  1. The creator of the GDP concept, Simon Kuznets, cautioned society against its widespread use as a measure of prosperity. (5 marks)
    1. What are some of the flaws of using GDP as the only measure of economic success?
    2. What are some alternatives; and how do the alternatives encourage and support sustainable development?
      • Word limit: 350 words.


  1. Explain the process and three steps a company should go through as they operationalize and/or integrate sustainability into their organizations. (10 marks)
    1. Describe each step, with real world business examples.
    2. Identify some common mistakes organizations make that prevent them from achieving an integrated sustainable strategy.
      • Word limit: 700 words


  1. Choose ONE of the four sustainable development management programs: Energy Management Program, Water Management Program, Waste Management Program, or GHG Management Program: (10 marks)
    1. Explain the Triple Bottom Line benefits for that specific management strategy.
    2. Identify two specific activities/strategies business can use to promote/actualize that specific management strategy.
    3. Suggest a reporting/guiding organization the business could use to assist with the disclosure and integration (ie. think EMS, GRI framework & standards…)
      • Word limit: 700 words


  1. With reference to at least TWO of the following theories: Tragedy of the Commons, Anne and Paul Ehrlich’s I=PAT Equation, Failure of ‘Free Market’ Environmentalism, or Lynn White Jr’s controversial theory grounded in Christian values: (5 marks)
    1. Provide an overview of the fundamental causes of unsustainability and why sustainability is difficult to achieve.
      • Word limit: 350 words


  1. The journey to Natural Capitalism involves four major shifts in business practices, all vitally interlinked. (10 marks)
    1. Explain and provide examples of how businesses can implement each of these Natural Capitalism practices.
      • Word limit: 500 words


  1. Report should have a Title Page with:
  • Your Name and Student Number
  • Course Identifier and Section #
  • Title for the Submission
  • Date of Submission
  • Instructor Name


  1. Answers to Questions:
  • Number the questions 1-6 into your report. Provide the answer to all parts/sub-parts of the question, ensuring use of both external research (with in-text citations) as well as key course concepts and examples.


  1. Reference List
  • Complete Reference list at the end of your document in proper APA format. Minimum of 10 sources used.


  1. Saving & Submitting your Assignment:
  • File name: Your Name – Final Assignment.docx
  • Upload your final submission in *docx format *to the Final Course Assignment Dropbox.

Marking/Rubric  (60 points, 30%)              

Scoring à
4/1 Points
Needs Improvement
6/2 Points
Meets Expectations
8/4 Points
Exceeds Expectations
10/5 Points
Question 1 – 6
#1   5 pts
#2   5 pts
#3   10 pts
#4   10 pts
#5   5 pts
#6   10 pts
       = 45 pts
Answers are missing information or may be missing entirely
Lack of enough research
Answers may be missing information
Some supporting research is used
Answers are complete
Effective use of supporting research
Answers are complete and demonstrate a robust understanding of key terms and concepts, with research
Overall/Format/Adhere to Assignment Instructions
5 pts
Use of Key Course concepts
5 pts
Referenced completely and accurately (APA format)
          = 5 pts
(45 + 15 pts = 60 pts)
The report contains many spelling or punctuation errors, which makes the writing difficult to understand
The answer is disorganized
Lacks citations and/or a reference (automatic 0)
The report contains minor errors, which make the writing difficult to understand
The report is somewhat organized
An effort to use citations and/or references
Spelling and punctuation errors do not significantly affect the communication of ideas
The report is organized
Minor issues with citations and/or reference
The report is nearly free of spelling and punctuation errors
The report is well organized
All citations are complete along with references

A Note on Academic Integrity
Written or other work which a student submits in a course shall be the product of his/her own efforts. Plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Cheating means the misrepresentation by the student of his/her performance in a college setting” (Conestoga College, 2018).
For more information on this policy, please go to the Academic Integrity Website at
Or come speak with me.
To avoid plagiarism, be sure to cite your sources using the APA style.  Should you require further information and/or assistance using the APA style guide, please visit the Learning Commons, the Library in person or online at APA @ Conestoga.  Failure to cite your sources is considered a violation of academic integrity and will not be tolerated by the College.

Business & Finance homework help