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Pima Medical Institute Tucson The Three Core Process Model Question


Think about a health-care related situation in which you or someone you know experienced a poor quality experience and consider the role or influence of the manager. Choose one of the four system models discussed in the lesson and textbook that fits your experience:

  • Three core process model
  • BNQP Healthcare Criteria for Performance      Excellence
  • Interconnected systems model
  • Sociological framework

Write 3-4 paragraphs (12-point font) regarding this experience, following the guidelines below:

  1. Describe      your experience—what happened, what was the outcome, and what role did the      manager and others play directly or      indirectly? (5 points)
  2. Explain      in detail how you would apply      the elements of your chosen model to this experience to result in a better      outcome. Be sure your response      demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the model you have      chosen. (10 points)
  3. Describe      why you chose this model for this situation. Also, for each of the remaining models, explain whether or not each one could be applied to your      experience, and why. (5 points)