Business & Finance homework help

Business & Finance homework help.

step 2.   economic  effects of war
Once completed, the group will begin preparing the group document. There are several sections of this document. This document should be organized using the sections below.
· Section 1 – Student names who are involved in the group. The subject being researched.
· Section 2 (Label this Section 2): The first section of this project will contain the five articles and summaries that each student has completed. These should be divided by student. Please list each student alphabetically by last name and then provide their articles in alphabetical order with their summary. (see Section 2 information below)
· Section 3 (Label this Section 3): As a group, answer the following questions. List the question and then provide an answer in paragraph form. Each answer should be no less than 250 words.
o Name three areas where (most of) your research agrees (each answer should be no less than 250 words for a total minimum of 750 words)
o Name three places where (most of) your research disagrees (each answer should be no less than 250 words for a total minimum of 750 words).
o Name one thing that was most surprising to most of the group members and why. This should be no less than 250 words.
o Name the one thing that was most interesting to most of the group members and why. This should be no less than 250 words.
· Section 4: Reference Page using APA style. Please make sure that you also used in-text citations within the body of Section 3.

Business & Finance homework help