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Oakwood University Wk 5 Competitive Advantage Perspectives Paper


Competitive Advantage Perspectives

Competitive advantage leads to superior firm performance. To explain differences in firm performance and to derive strategic implications—including new strategic initiatives—firms must understand how to measure and assess competitive advantage.

Complete or answer the following:

1. Based on information in the annual reports or published on the firm’s website, summarize what the firm views as the reasons for its successes (either past or expected in the future). Search for both quantitative and qualitative success factors provided in the report.
2. Does the firm seem most focused on accounting profitability, shareholder value creation, or economic value creation? Give quotes or information from these sources to support your view.
3. Many firms are now including annual corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports on their websites. See whether your firm does so. If it does not, are there other indications of a triple-bottom-line approach, including social and ecological elements, in the firm’s strategies?

Paper Details:

  • Submit the assignment in Microsoft Office format.
  • Format the assignment using APA formatting and writing style.