Business Finance Homework Help

Miami University Customers Are Always Right Discussion Questions and Responses


Discussion Board: Chapter 6- Customer Service

Read these articles:

Why the Customer is Always Right (Links to an external site.)

The Customer is NOT Always Right and We’ll Tell You Why. (Links to an external site.)

Watch these videos: 

Is the Customer Always Right?, video with Closed Caption (Links to an external site.)

Step 1: Respond to the following, and if appropriate, include personal experience as part of your answers:  

  • a. Do you agree or disagree with the statement, “The customer is always right”?
    b. Are you willing to negotiate to achieve customer satisfaction?  

Explain your answers using personal experiences or stories and examples that illustrate both positive and not-so-satisfactory ways to handle difficult customers.

Step 2: Read other student’s posts and respond to at least one other student. If differences of opinion occur, support your viewpoint professionally.

Step 1: Respond to the following, and if appropriate, include personal experience as part of your answers:A. Do you agree or disagree with the statement, “The customer is always right”? I feel this is a tricky question for me. I have been in customer service and the serving Industry for about seven years. I see both pros and cons for “ The customer is always right“ phrase. I do believe it helps with business growth and loyal customers. On the other hand I do believe it puts a strain between managers and employees. I’ve worked with a lot of companies that say the customers always right which does make employees scared or annoyed to bring up situations to the higher up. At the end of the day I think when most businesses follow this phrase they are more successful. B.Are you willing to negotiate to achieve customer satisfaction?  I’m willing to please anyone I can at work. I do believe company/employees should have a limit to how far they would go to achieve customer satisfaction. I do think it’s very important but you should always look out for your staff who is working very hard for the company’s  success.  Explain your answers using personal experiences or stories and examples that illustrate both positive and not-so-satisfactory ways to handle difficult customers. I worked in retail for a long time. I worked for Nike for 4 years. My Boss lived by the phrase “the customers always right” I had a customer come in so upset at us for shipping him that shoe that he ordered. We explained to him that he ordered the wrong shoe and he still was so upset at us. We didn’t get mad at him or gave him poor service, We put him at the top of our help list and he got the shoes for his sons birthday the next day. He then was one of our top customers at our store. Being a server, you get a lot of unhappy customers with issues like waiting on drinks from the bar, kitchen messing up the food, or just your server not doing something on their time. As a server I believe you have to hold your head up high and do the best you can. 

1. Create your business’s marketing materials.    There are five required marketing items, but your business may also need additional materials.    Remember, these materials are the ‘face and first impression’ of your business to your potential customers- it should look as professional as possible!  NOTE: (Links to an external site.) is a great website that allows you to create all of your materials in one site.Required materials: Business CardBrochure or menu ( depending on type of business)  Brochure  tri-fold template available on the Internet.SignFlyer and/or coupons   Customer Receipt or InvoiceIn addition to the required items above, you may want to include other marketing materials that apply to your business.  Such as:  Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TwitterT-shirtAppointment cardMagazine insertRetail bagsGift Certificate Important: These components are a critical aspect to your business, therefore, are to be included in your business plan Appendix.     See the Grading Rubric for Appendix business plan criteria.PreviousNext