Business Finance Homework Help

OST 2852 Seminole State College of Florida IP Macros Pending Orders Excel Project


Read all assignment instructions carefully! When finished, compare your results to the grading rubric before submitting them. For a printable copy of these instructions, open open the Download Excel_IP_Macros_Instructions_2020.pdf

Student Learning outcome

Students will apply what they have learned in
a real-world scenario, utilize critical thinking skills to automate a task by
creating macros and buttons to run them.

Project overview

You work in the office of Orlando’s Premiere
Appliance Warehouse. Part of your job is to keep track of all pending sales
orders and use this information to help your sales schedule deliveries as soon
as all items needed for the order are in stock. This Excel file is kept on the
company server so all salespersons (Markia, Akima, Steve, and Juan) can access
it. However, the sales staff are not fluent in Excel and have trouble filtering
the data to show just the orders that they need to schedule.

Project resource

You may find it helpful to view the Download Macros_Made_Easy.pptx presentation that includes narration and links
to three demonstration videos showing how to record macros and create buttons
to run them. To access the video links and hear the narration, you must open
the file in PowerPoint, and then go to the ribbon and click on Slide Show and From
Beginning. Click on Enter to advance to the next slide. When you see the Film
or Movie icons, click to launch the videos. (Note: Running the slide show is
different than just scrolling through the slides!)

Project instruction

Open the

Download IP3_Pending_Orders.xlsx workbook

Documentation sheet

Enter your name and today’s date on the Documentation sheet.

Pending OrderStatus Sheet

To assist the sales staff, create four macros
– one for each of the four salespersons (Markia, Akima, Steve and Juan). Each
macro should do the following:

  • Filters the list to show only the salespersons name in the Salesperson column
  • Filter to shows Yes in the All Items in Stock column
  • Sorts the results by County in descending order.

The macros should work no matter which cell
in the worksheet is selected. (Hint: When recording the
macros, the first step should be to click in A5 or any cell in the list.)

After creating the four macros, add a shape
or button for each salesperson and assign their macro to the button. (Hint:
Place the shapes or buttons near the top of the worksheet around row 3 so they
are easy for each salesperson to find. If you use shapes, you can add
formatting to make them more appealing to the eye. Label all shapes or buttons

Last, create a macro that clears all filters,
so the list is reset to show all orders. Add a button or shape to
run this macro at the top of the worksheet around row 3 too.

Format the worksheet so it is professional-looking. For example, you might format the titles using cell styles, format the
data in the list, and adjust column widths as needed. Set the sheet to print on
1 page. Add a footer showing “Printed on:” followed by the current date and

Save the file as Lastname_Firstname_IP_Macros_Pending_Orders.xlsm.
Important: Don’t forget to change the file type to Excel
Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) when you save. If you do not, your macros will
not be saved!