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San Diego State University Critical Literary Theory Response


Responding to Prose Using Critical Literary Theory (Compare/Contrast)

Create a response to creative nonfiction work and a short story from the last module utilizing a mode of literary theory, focusing on a work of nonfiction. There is no need to include a summary of the work of creative nonfiction, as your instructor has read the stories; instead focus on writing a comparison/contrast (Links to an external site.)essay. The following video provides a great introduction to writing a thesis for your literary analysis:

(Links to an external site.)

Focus your essay on elements of the creative nonfiction work that highlight differences between nonfiction and fiction.

For each main point that you select, support that point with quotes from the narrative, and then share your analysis of how and why the points and evidence/quotes/examples fit together.

Be sure to refer to Module 0 should you have questions about developing an academic paragraph.

Your writing should use one of the traditions of critical literary theory. (Links to an external site.) Use third-person point of view.

For a successful critical thinking assignment, you must do the following:

  • Have a strong thesis statement (Links to an external site.)that you craft after constructing your evidence-based paragraphs (Links to an external site.).
  • Use specific textual support from the text in the body of your paper.
  • Apply a mode of literary analysis to help you make your assertions from a theoretical position.
  • Include quotations with your analysis. This is important so you can work to analyze the author’s words and is an essential part of literary analysis.
  • Proofread for errors in spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics. Vary sentence structure and sentence length to add interest.

Writing Requirements

  • Should be 2-3 pages in length (not counting the title page and references page)
  • Minimum of two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook (The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these references.)
  • Use template paper located in the module folder.
  • Follow correct APA guidelines found in CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.) with regard to the following:
    • Font style and size
    • Margins and spacing
    • References page (Include a reference page citation at the end of the paper for the short story in the antholo