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DSCI 2010 WU Data Modeling and Evaluating a Model Report


For this Assignment, you will return to your
role as an intern at Nutri Mondo, an organization that uses data science
to address issues related to food insecurities and other food-related
issues. Read the message from the director of Nutri Mondo, Susana
Maciel, to set the context for your assignment:



Thank you for keeping me up to date on how the data understanding and
data preparation phases were going. I am assuming that I will get to see
some visualizations soon on the effects of food insecurity. Please let
me know how they evaluate the models they are building. It will help me
understand some of the models that they ultimately go with.

Also, I know that this data set is from the U.S. government. We work
with several communities across Latin America and South America
regarding food insecurity and other similar issues. I would be curious
to know if you would like to find a data set related to an issue that
affects your community. Of course, if you have other interests, I would
like to know what challenges you would like to solve with data science.
Later on, you can send me any data visualizations that you find

Looking forward to your reports,


Susana Maciel
Nutri Mondo

To prepare for this
assignment, review this week’s Learning Resources. Then write a report
to your director about data modeling and how to evaluate models. Your
report must answer the following:

  • What is the purpose of data modeling and what does it accomplish?
  • Why does modeling come after data scientists understand and prepare their data?
  • How does a data scientist ensure that modeling responds to the original business understanding?
  • What were the processes that the data science team at Nutri Mondo is using to evaluate the models they created?