Business Finance Homework Help

UB Salary Negotiations Networking & Customer Service Webinars Discussion


For each webinar that you watch, write a post on that thread. Each post should address the three prompts below,
contain 2 – 3 paragraphs, and use good business writing principles (complete sentences, good grammar, and short
Prompts to discuss

1. What did you already know about this topic? Explain how you were exposed to this topic in the past (e.g., through
previous training/classes or life/work experience). If you never heard of this topic before, what did you think it meant
prior to viewing the webinar?

2. What did you learn from the webinar? Identify two ideas/strategies mentioned in the webinar that are new(ish)
concepts for you and explain your understanding of those ideas/strategies as a result of watching the webinar.

3. Imagine yourself working in your future career/industry. According to the webinar, how/why will this topic be
relevant? (e.g., “As a future accountant, I can see how (the topic) would be important to know because _____…”)

specific and reference information shared in the webinar.
Remember, you will view and post about three webinars.
***Each post should:
 Be posted on the thread associated with the webinar you watched
 Fully address the three prompts above in 2 – 3 paragraphs
 Incorporate specific information from the webinar.

Team 1: https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.conten…

team 2: https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.conten…

Team 3: is in the attachment