Business homework help

Business homework help. Create a 5 page essay paper that discusses Live experience of Opera: Phantom of the Opera.The entire play is implemented in full color, texture, and geometric shape splendor. The entire play has high level visual suspenseful excitement. The scale of the play is very large, including more than 20 actors. The work revolves around the fight between romantically emotional fight of two male suitors of the Opera’s main singer, Christine. The play intellectually prods the audience to pity people who are ugly and less fortunate in life. The play includes the culture of people during the 1870 French environment.The entire musical performance sounds incredibly very romantic (Sullivan 121). The chandelier music scene excites and creates fear in the hearts of the Las Vegas opera audience. The music is played out in rhythmically magical fashion. The music contains both sad and happy songs. The songs include the Phantom’s sad songs for having to wear as mask to cover his ugly face. The Sad songs include the Phantom’s and Raoul’s sad love songs over winning Christine’s heart. The songs are lonely song of Phantom who feels he has to hide in order to prevent people from seeing his ugly face. The songs show excitement. In the masquerade dance of the Opera, the song shows the people are excited to dance and meet everyone wearing a mask to hide their true identity.In the play The Phantom of the Opera, the music style is opera style. The actors sing their parts, not simply talk. The music is loud enough for the audience members sitting at the farthest Las Vegas Seat to hear and comprehend the words of the actors. All the actors are singing their parts, with no exception. There are month than 20 opera actors (singers). The singers include the actors playing the parts of the Phantom, the opera main star Christine, Christine’s lover Raoul, Meg, Giry, Piangi, Carlotta, and Buquet.The music has several popular songs. One of the opera’s songs is Think of Me. Another popular opera song is Angel

Business homework help