Nursing homework help


Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state, including discussion of the entities involved in developing the standards of practice and how the standards of practice influence the nursing process for your areas of specialty.

250-300 WORDS

Nursing homework help



Scenario: Non-Pharmacological Management of Dementia: On the neurology inpatient unit, there are increasing numbers of patients with dementia. Some of the symptoms noted in these patients include agitation, wandering and even screaming and violence. A nurse on the unit was recently injured by an elderly man who attacked and hit her while she was providing nursing care to him. Your task is to propose a plan that will address the non-pharmacological management of dementia on the unit and train the nurses to provide quality care to patients with dementia.


PICO Question: In adults with Alzheimer’s disease, what is the effect of animal-assisted therapy compared to usual care on the intensity of agitation?


P: adults with Alzheimer’s disease

I:  animal-assisted therapy

C: usual care

O: intensity of agitation


3 Keywords: Alzheimer’s, animal-assisted therapy, agitation


1 Synonym: dementia


1 MeSH term: psychomotor agitation

Nursing homework help


Your Chief Nurse Executive (CNE) recognizes you are pursuing your BSN and has asked you to be a member of the nursing evidence-based practice (NEBP) committee. She has advised the members that the purpose is to conduct nursing research studies involving clinical practice problems. Increasing nurses’ awareness of quality and safety concerns will help develop an attitude of inquiry and asking questions. Baccalaureate nurses “collaborate in problem identification, participate in the process of search, retrieval, and documentation of evidence, and integrate evidence using credible databases and internet resources.

The CNE has advised all members of the following areas of quality and safety clinical practice that each committee member needs to consider and choose only one as a priority area for conducting a research study. Sources of research problems come from nursing clinical practice

Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs).
Examples include:

  • Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI)
  • Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)
  • Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP)
  • Surgical Site Infections (SSI)
  • Sepsis (Screening or Prevention)
  • Discharge Teaching/Coaching
  • Transitions of Care/Level of Care
  • Pressure Ulcers
  • Skin Integrity

Your CNE has requested that you select ONLY one topic area and complete the PPE Worksheet using only one topic area. The committee will collaborate and decide as a team which nursing clinical problem area will be the priority focus of their next research study. Thank you for your valuable contributions to this important NEBP committee.

Article writing homework help

  • Discuss your thoughts on sexual assault and violence on college campuses.
    • Do you think there is enough education being done to prevent this violence?
    • Why do you think that many acts of sexual violence on college campuses don’t get reported?
    • Do you agree with “boys will be boys” when it comes to sexual assault and other sexual charged behaviors?
  • Review the rape culture video and article.
    • Have you ever been in a situation where someone said or did something that would be considered part of rape culture?
    • Do you think that rape culture and language pertaining to rape is learned, and that it is normal in American society?
    • What impact do you see this having on American society overall?
  • Now, recall the video from the domestic abuse survivor.
    • Did she change your mind at all about who is a domestic abuse victim?
    • Do you think you could identify a victim of domestic abuse if a friend or family member had a problem they weren’t talking about?
  • Do a little internet research and discuss one community organization that is dedicated to ending violence and domestic abuse (remember to make sure the sites you visit are reliable). Please give the name of the organization, the website address and a brief description of their mission.


Information Systems homework help

HIM 301 Week 5 Guidance




Assignment Due Date Format Grading Percent
International Considerations Scenario Day 3
(1st post)
Discussion 4
Trends in Informatics

Case Study

Day 7 Assignment 2
Final Project Day 7 Final Project 20

Documents in Class Announcements: Your instructor has uploaded a PowerPoint presentation which is a great guide containing tips and tricks as to how to put together an excellent PowerPoint slide presentation. For those of you who choose the PowerPoint presentation option for the final project you will find this guide to be useful.

Discussions: In your discussions this week we are examining some of them are advancing concepts of informatics such as the use of simulation programs and simulation technologies in healthcare. Additionally, we are exploring the global initiative is happening with regards to eHealth and the advancements of electronic medical record systems in both developed and underdeveloped countries.



Chapter 36 Case Study: Trends in Informatics

Formulate a paper addressing trends in health informatics using the address the following prompts:

  • Discuss the benefits and challenges of simulation technology as a technology trend.
  • Given future directional trends in informatics discussed in Chapter 36 of your text such as nanotechnology, predictive analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT), select a trend that you view to be most important to our society today. Provide a rationale for your choice.
  • Analyze the Health Information Technology Governance Activities and Processes summery discussed in Chapter 29 of your text (Box 29.1). Reflecting on your Ashford University major of study, discuss how an organizational leader in health care and/or health and human services would use these activities to prioritize informatics projects related to implementing an informatics trend discussed in Chapter 36.

Your paper should be two to three pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages and formatted according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In addition to the textbook, utilize a minimum of two scholarly sources to support your position.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Final Project:

Hint:  As discussed in Week 3, this is not a project you can tackle on Day 7 at 11:00 PM.  If you have not begun your final project as of the beginning of Week 5 you must to do so immediately to do the appropriate level of research on your topic. Please do not wait until the end of Week 5 to begin this final project. The research phase alone will take you several hours prior to putting together your video or PowerPoint presentation. I strongly suggest you review the project early in the week; you have time to ask any questions.  I check the course and the email once a day.



Some students have a difficult time with the audiovisual component of the assignment.  You can do the audiovisual presentation or as an alternative you can submit a PowerPoint with speaker notes.  This is still a five-minute presentation so put your effort into the final project-it is worth 20% of the final grade.

Final Project Content:

The four- to five-minute presentation should be set up as a staff educational session on your selected topic.

Your presentation must:

  • The four to five-minute presentation should be set up as a staff educational session on your selected topic.
  • Define your topic and explain its relevance to health informatics.
  • Describe any ethical issues associated with your topic.
  • Describe any associated laws, regulations, or voluntary standards relevant to the topic.
  • Explain how the topic relates to or impacts health care delivery, administration, education, data administration or research.
  • Summarize associated data capture tools and technologies.
  • Describe a specific example of your topic in use in health care.

References: Include five scholarly references, in addition to the textbook, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.



Nursing homework help

Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief Assignment Template for Part 1 and Part 2


Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid


Use this Agenda Comparison Grid to document information about the population health/healthcare issue your selected and the presidential agendas. By completing this grid, you will develop a more in depth understanding of your selected issue and how you might position it politically based on the presidential agendas.


You will use the information in the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid to complete the remaining Part 2 and Part 3 of your Assignment.



Identify the Population Health concern you selected.  


Describe the Population Health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it.  



Administration (President Name) President Trump President Obama President Bush
Describe the administrative agenda focus related to this issue for the current and two previous presidents.  










Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue.  









Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.  
























Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis


Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid, complete the following to document information about the population health/healthcare issue your selected


Administration (President Name) President Trump President Obama President Bush
Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected?








How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? How does it stay there?      
Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current and two previous presidents?      




Human Resource Management homework help



Assignment Details:

Post an executive summary of your Comprehensive Project in the body of a post in this Discussion Board (do not use attachments). An executive summary is a 10% synopsis of a larger document that outlines the purpose, planned processes, actual processes, findings, and recommendations for the project. Chief executive officers (CEOs) often read and assess executive summaries before deciding to read entire reports. Consequently, the summary must be a high-quality narrative that demonstrates the significance of the work, addresses all the important issues being undertaken – the seven GP questions are important issues – shows, the objectivity of research and analysis underpinning the report, and establishes the credibility of the resulting conclusions.

Human Resource Management homework help


  • Management Careers and Diversity
    A company has experienced several lawsuits as a result of equal employment opportunity (EEO) infractions. No diversity training has occurred within the company to date. As a newly promoted manager in this organization, you are given the responsibility to determine the effects of implementing diversity training for all levels of the employees in terms of future litigation and EEO problems. Consider how diversity fits into the scope of organizational development and how the organizational leaders may have to change to learn from these lawsuits.
    Write a six- to eight-page paper in which you do the following:

    1. Outline an HR strategic plan that includes diversity training for all employee levels.
    2. Identify specific diversity training segments to address the management’s perspectives.
    3. Use a change model to persuade management to implement the needed modifications to the organization’s practices.
    4. Propose a brief training outline of diversity content.
    5. Recommend a comprehensive method of evaluation to ensure the training will create the needed changes.
    6. Go to  locate at least five quality academic resources to use in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
    7. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
      The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
    • Design a diversity training plan that educates employees and includes information required to persuade organizational leaders to implement changes.

Criminal homework help

Week 10 Project – Due

Mar 21, 2021 11:59 PMMCJ6985-Applied Professional Project SU01

Final Assignment: Compiling Your Final Report

In this week, you will compile the components of your final project as per the submissions done from Week 1 through Week 9. You will compose an abstract and add table of contents, references, and any appendices to support your data and analysis. You can use your model study as a guide, if required.

Create an 8- to 10-page final report by compiling the following components:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction section, including a problem statement and research questions
  • Background section
  • Literature review
  • Data collection methods
  • Analysis and results
  • Discussion and conclusions section
  • Limitations
  • For future research section
  • References
  • All appendices and lists of figures and tables

In addition, describe how the current study may lead to relevant future research.

Cite all sources using APA format on a separate page.

Submission Details:

  • Name your final report SU_MCJ6985_W10_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Week 10 ProjectWeek 10 Project Due March 21 at 11:59 PM