Applied Sciences homework help


Please watch the YouTube Video below, presented by Dr. Atul Gawande entitled How Do We Heal Medicine? 

Dr. Atul Gawande is one of the champions of quality and patient safety today. He is a surgeon, a researcher and a prolific speaker and author. He contends that in order to “heal medicine”, we need to go, as an industry, from “being cowboys to pit crews”.

Using APA format, please write a 200 word essay on the following question.

Explain what he means by this, and how can the CQI methods and tools that you have been learning can contribute to the changes that we need to make in health care?

Applied Sciences homework help


Question 1

Please read the attached Case Study:  Institutionalization of Continuous Quality Improvement.

-What do you think are the most important two steps that the Macon County Health Agency took to implement CQI into the daily work lives of their staff and physicians?

-Describe how you might use one of these steps in your work as a health care leader.

Question 2

The use of CQI tools and methods has been both successful and challenging in low- and middle-income countries.

-Based on your learnings up to now, what do you think are the best CQI tools for use in low- and middle-income countries?

-Explain why you made this choice and why you think they could be successful.

IMPORTANT: Minimum 200 words required for each question. No formatting or APA required. Thank you.


Human Resource Management homework help


Great Marketing Moves The evolving art of getting noticed 

Over three decades, Inc. has seen entrepreneurs, often with little cash but lots of creativity)’, produce clever marketing campaigns time and again. Here are 3U classic examples from the archives. —Kelly Fairdoth 

Make a article summary from 2-3 paragraphs. 

Computer Science homework help


  1. Technical Paper: Proof of Concept (POC)
    Your company is a 4-year-old startup called XYZ Software Enterprises. XYZ produces a point of sale system and was awarded a Proof of Concept (POC) to one of the largest and oldest restaurants in the industry (you know, the ones in the commercials all the time). The restaurant wants XYZ to prove that the software will do what the sales people said it could do.
    Your Proof of Concept will include four parts:

    • Part 1: Gantt Chart.
    • Part 2: Testing and User Acceptance Report.
    • Part 3: Use Case Diagram.
    • Part 4: Activity Diagram.
    • Part 1: Gantt Chart
      A Gantt Chart (see page 353, Figure 11-18 in your textbook) needs to be created for the entire process of the Proof of Concept. There is a two-month deadline from today to complete the POC.
      Using Visio or Excel, create a Gantt Chart that includes all of the items listed below and adds five more tasks minimum from the concepts learned from the course:
    • The initial meeting—today.
      • Should appear as the first line.
    • Teams selected to participate in the project (1 week).
    • Information gathering (add the information gathering methods you will use and how long each will take).
    • System configurations based on information gathering methods (2 weeks).
    • Create Activity Chart based on information gathering (information to create chart supplied).
    • Create Use Case Diagram based on information gathering (information to create chart supplied).
    • Show the finished configurations to the team and get feedback (1 day).
    • Make changes based on feedback (3 days).
    • Install the system in the test store (2 days).
    • Train staff (1 day).
    • Run a live test of POC (2 weeks).
    • Note: The five or more additional tasks can be sub-tasks for information gathering methods as well some other sub-task or major task not in the initial list.
      You may add items from the SDLC, specific item or items on testing, or any other concept you think should be part of the POC process learned in the course of this semester.
      Note: Remember that events in a Gantt chart can happen at the same time as other events. Some items also cannot start until others are completed. Everything has an estimated time frame and it is displayed in the chart.
      Part 2: Testing and User Acceptance Report
      As part of the expected documentation in the POC, XYZ wants a report on Testing and User Acceptance.
      Your manager is asking you to research the testing criteria they listed in the POC documents.
      The POC document states that they are looking for the following:
    • System and Stress Testing.
    • User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
    • For both categories, research and report on the following:
    1. What these tests are.
    2. Why the industry leader would want these particular tests.
    3. The best ways, in detail, to accomplish the tests so that your company meets the criteria they are looking for.
    4. These items can be added to your Gantt Chart (Part 1).
      Part 3: Use Case Diagram
      The restaurant, as part of the information gathering, outlined a use case in a chart, which is below.
      Your manager assigned you to create the Use Case Diagram using Visio, MS Word, or any other software. (See the diagrams on Page 84 and 85 of the textbook.)
    • Paste the diagram into the created report.
    • USE CASEACTOROrder FoodWaiter, Patron, ChefServe FoodWaiterCook FoodChefPay for foodWaiter, PatronEat FoodPatronPart 4: Activity Diagram
      As a part of the information gathering process, a chart of items was provided by XYZ.
      Your manager has asked that you use Visio, MS Word, or any other software with which you are familiar to create the Activity Diagram (see pages 138 Figure 5-5 and 139 Figure 5-6 in the textbook.)
    • Paste the diagram into the created report.
    •    POS SALES PROCESS       Activity DiagramHost or Hostess seats patronServer takes drink orderServer opens order for table in POS systemServer places drink order in the POS systemSystem sends drink order to the BarBar makes drinksServer brings drinks to tableServer takes food orderServer adds food order in the POS systemOrder goes to kitchenChef and staff cook the orderFood Runner brings food to tableServer takes dessert orderServer adds dessert order to POSChef and Staff create dessertsFood Runner brings desserts to tableServer creates check in POSServer collects payment and enters it in POSServer adds tipped amount to POSServer closes table in POSAdditionally, you must do the following:
    • Use at least 3 quality resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
    • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
      The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
    • Develop a proof of concept of a software system for a potential customer.

Nursing homework help


Community and public health nurses have crucial roles in promoting health and reducing illness and injury in populations, families, and individuals. While public health nurses offer healthcare services to communities and individuals who cannot access services, community health nurses help in advocating and formulating policies for eliminating healthcare disparities. Public health nurses work in health clinics, schools, community centers, and public health agencies.

Public health nurses work to promote wellness and prevent illness by focusing on educating at-risk groups and individuals on living healthy lifestyles and preventing diseases. Some specific roles of public health nurses include evaluation of patients’ health and recommending treatment plans, provision of referrals, and administration of care and treatments. Also, they inform patients concerning support services and make patient follow-ups (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2019).

Community health nurses are very important especially in areas where healthcare is not easily accessible. This implies that nurses can travel far and wide to provide healthcare services. Just like public health nurses, community health nurses also provide treatment to patients and educate communities on how to maintain their health to avert the prevalence of diseases and curb preventable deaths. They participate in planning health education campaigns in collaboration with community leaders.

Psychology homework help

You are required to write and submit a research paper (4 pages, excluding the cover page and reference page = 6 pages in total).You may choose your own topic or pick a topic from a Research Exercise found in each chapter unit.Each chapter has accompanying research exercises. You may choose to write your research paper off a topic from these research exercises OR you may also choose to identify your own topic. Either way, it is imperative to communicate with the instructor about your research paper with any questions you may have. The research exercises that accompany each chapter further stimulate critical thinking about the topic. Each research exercise contains questions and resources that will be helpful in writing your paper, if you choose that topic.Microsoft Word. The paper must be 1,000 words or more (about four double-spaced pages). All papers need to be TYPED, DOUBLE SPACED ON STANDARD-SIZED PAPER (8.5 X 11 inches) WITH MARGINS OF 1 INCH ON ALL SIDES AND USE TIMES NEW ROMAN 12 POINT FONT.Your journal articles in your paper should be referenced. You can use your text and at least TWO outside sources to document your papers. Please use the American Psychological Association (APA) style writing format for referencing your sources. Reference Librarians at each campus of the college can also help you with this.

  • Here is a website with information on the APA documentation style:
  • The American Psychological Association writing format should be used.  Reference librarians at each campus, in person or via phone or Internet, can assist you with this.


Assessing Criminal Competence.

Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence

Drug Addiction and Recovery

Dissociative Disorders (Multiple Personality Disorder)

The role of neurotransmitters in anxiety disorder

Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder

Comparison of psychosexual theories of Alfred Kinsey and Sigmund Freud  

When Therapy Goes Too Far:  A Case of Dissociative Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)

The recognition and treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in war veterans

Criminal Profiling: Reality behind the Myth (ch 16)

Teens and mental illness

Suicide – Gender and Suicide rates across the life span

Women and Depression: Understanding the Gender Gap

The Picture of Schizophrenia

Societal Pressures that Lead to Eating Disorders

Adolescent Depression

Suicide – The Grim Facts (ch. 8)

Psychological traits of pedophiles AND the treatment of convicted pedophiles

Social Anxiety Disorder

Adolescent antisocial personality disorder:

Soldier Support

The State of the Nation’s Mental Health

What is the state of the Nation’s Mental Health

The relationship of sleep to psychological and physical health.

Schizophrenia: diagnostic criteria, differential diagnosis and diagnostic challenges

Altruistic Suicide


Surgeon General’s Study Focuses on Suicide as a Public Health Problem (ch. 8)

Intrusive thoughts and OCD

Dissociative Disorders

The development of phobias, looked at from three psychological theories – psychoanalysis, cognitive-behaviorism, humanism

Depression During and After Pregnancy

Attention Deficit Disorder

Body Dysmorphic Disorder as a form of Obsessive Compulsive disorder

A Virtual Cure

The History and Treatment of Sexual Addictions

The History and Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders

Eating Disorders: Family systems

Bipolar disorder – How this effects the person diagnosed with the disorder and the people in their lives

Antisocial Personality Disorder – Diagnosing Psychopathology and Sociopaths. The effects of APD and how widespread it is in society.

Women and Sex: What is Dysfunctional

The interrelationship of genes and smoking behaviors

Assessing the Role of the DSM-V

Long term effects of sexual abuse on children

Researching the Causes and Treatment of Autism-Spectrum Disorders (ch. 14)

Bipolar Disorder: Adolescence Diagnostic Implications

Sociology homework help



Summary: Chief of Police Jeri Williams discusses changes being made within her police department related to use of force and implicit bias. She describes efforts to make the force more transparent and to prepare officers to adapt quickly to different situations.


Do you agree or disagree with the changes she may be implementing on having an officer that is in pursuit not deal directly with the perpetrator upon containment of the individual? 

Explain why you agree or disagree with this implemented policy change in use of force. Then, bring in a real-world case study/article in which the police use of force was found either to be used too much or validated.

What were the parameters of the case?

350-450 words excluding references, APA format and a minimum of 3 references




Computer Science homework help


Laws and regulations created by Congress are designed to protect society from itself. Law abiding citizens generally follow the law, but not everyone believes in this approach. There are laws meant to punish hackers for crimes against companies and people. Are these laws effective, and does the punishment fit the crime?

Write a 4–6-page paper outlining one law that is effective and working. Use current statistics as justification for effectiveness. Find another law that is not working effectively. Again, use statistics or other research to show lack of effectiveness. Make a recommendation on a law that could bridge a gap in covering a new hacking method or ID theft. Include relevant information such as punishments for crime types. Address whether punishments are harsh enough to deter hacking. Research can be done using your favorite search engine. Use the Library as needed for research. Cite your resources and use APA formatting throughout.

Lab 2b. Application: Lipid Solubility of Membranes

Adapted from Cell Biology Laboratory Manual –

Beet cells contain a high concentration of the red pigment anthocyanin. When exposed to a compound that dissolves the cell membranes, the anthocyanin will leak out of the cells and cause a red color to occur in the surrounding media. Alcohols, based on their chemical properties have the ability to enter into and disrupt the plasma membrane.  In this lab you will measure the effectiveness of different types and concentrations of alcohols on their ability to penetrate and disrupt the plasma membrane.



  • Fresh beets
  • Solutions of the following alcohols:
  • 22M Methanol
  • 5M Ethanol
  • 0M Propanol
  • 1:2 and 1:4 dilutions of each alcohol above
  • Razor blades
  • Depression slides
  • Stopwatch/timer
  • Microscope


  1. Cut thin slices of a beet so that they can be placed on a microscope depression slide and viewed with the lowest power (4X). When cutting the beet ensure that there are no ragged edges, that no piece has any of the outer skin on it, all of the pieces are the same size, and the pieces do not dry out. After making the cuts, rinse the beet pieces several times using a small amount of water. Immediately drain off the water. This will wash off any pigment released during the cutting process.
  2. While watching the edge of the sliced beet, add 50ul of each of the alcohols below to the slide (only one at a time), until the beet section is submerged. Be careful not to allow the alcohol to flow off the slide.
  3. Immediately begin to time the dissolution of the beet cell membranes. Mark the time when a red color is first observed in the surrounding alcohol solution.
  4. Repeat the entire series for 1:2 and 1:4 dilutions of each of the alcohols (see quick reference for making a simple dilution).
  5. Your challenge is to plot your data to express the effectiveness of each alcohol in penetrating and disrupting the membrane. Also use the data below to express how the properties of the alcohol, either the MW or the Partition coefficient (the relative solubility of the alcohol in hypdrophobic versus hydrophilic conditions).



Alcohol Formula Molecular Weight Partition coefficient
Methanol CHOH 32.04 0.01
Ethanol CHOH 46.07 0.03
n-Propanol CHOH 60.09 0.13


Collecting the data:

Alcohol Alcohol (time in seconds) 1:2 dilution (time in seconds) 1:4 dilution (time in seconds)
Methanol 14.5 30.6 90.9
Ethanol 8.8 25.4 50.8
n-Propanol 4.6 10.6 30.6




Post-lab Work: Complete your analysis, graph your results and answer the following questions after your lab time.


Adapted from Biology with Vernier: accessed October 2015


  1. Explain in your own words the purpose of this lab.
  2. Why do we use beets in this study?
  3. How (by what method) are we measuring the effects of alcohols on membranes?
  4. Plot your data. You may use a program like Microsoft Excel or Googlesheetss, or you may draw your graph by hand. Be sure to accurately label your axes, units, and samples.




5.. Which alcohol seems to disrupt membranes most effectively? How did you come to this conclusion (be thorough in your explanation)?


  1. At what dilution of alcohol is the cellular damage highest for methanol? ethanol? n-propanol? Is this what you expect. Why or why not?


  1. The three alcohols have the following structures:

Ethanol                                                Methanol                                n-Propanol




Which alcohol would you predict would disrupt the membrane most efficiently. Explain why (relate this to the structure and properties of the alcohols). Did the results match your predictions. Explain why or why not.






Micropipette quick reference:



Never lay a pipette down while there is fluid in the tip. Hold it vertically.

Never turn the plunger button without first pressing the lateral catch.

Never turn the plunger button below or above the working range for the instrument.


Aspirating and Dispensing

Press the plunger button to the first stop.  Dip the tip into the solution to a depth of 3 mm, and slowly release the plunger button. Wait 1-2 seconds and withdraw the tip from the liquid, touching it against the edge of the reservoir to remove excess liquid.

Dispense the liquid onto the walls of the receiving vessel by gently pressing the plunger button to the first stop and then press the operating button to the second stop. This action will empty the liquid from the tip. Remove the tip from the vessel, sliding it up the wall of the vessel.  Eject the tip over a waste receptacle by pressing the plunger button to the third stop. Release the plunger button to the ready position.