Article writing homework help

Using a Web browser, search on a few of the port numbers known to be used by hacker programs, such as Sub-7, Midnight Commander, and WinCrash. What significant information did you find in your search? Why should the information security manager be concerned about these hacker programs? What can he or she do to protect against them?

Nursing homework help


Select one nursing theory of professional interest to you.

  • Research this theorist and describe it to your classmates.
  • Discuss ways in which you can apply the theory in your own day-to-day practice. Provide specific examples.
  • For this post, you must show research in your writing using in-text citations and show your reference in 7th. ed. APA.

Nursing homework help

For this assignment, you will be researching the various federal agencies within our government and using the questions below educate your classmates on what the agency does and how it affects/helps the citizens of the United States. (Automatic half off total points for not presenting or uploading into Blackboard)

⦁ Name of Agency(1 pt.)_________________________________

⦁ Stated Purpose of Agency: ( 4Pts) ________________________


⦁ Budget: Where does $ come from and How much $ is it. ( 3pts.)


⦁ Examples of How the Agency/Bureau Affects Health/Safety of people?(5 pts)

⦁ Nursing Implications: How can we use this agencies services or refer patients to them for assistance. (5 pts)

⦁ *Use of media/visuals (websites, power points), handouts, APA style

Psychology homework help




Select a specific mental illness and create a brochure which addresses the following:

Describe the mental illness selected (description, symptoms).

Discuss stigmas associated with the mental illness selected.

Present different treatment options.

List community resources for a person diagnosed with this disorder.

When creating the brochure, consider the following:

Is there a specific population whom this brochure would be especially beneficial? For example, a brochure illustrating PTSD may be written to address soldiers or their family members. With this in mind, ensure that information and resources are focused toward this population without specifically stating the population on the brochure. It should be obvious based upon the information included, the visuals, and resources.

Use a brochure template. Templates can be found in Microsoft Word in new documents or in Office templates. Consider visual appeal, including pictures, charts, different font size, and colors, which adds appeal to the message of the brochure but is not overly distracting.

Include a minimum of three scholarly sources. Full references should be included on the brochure. In-text citation should also be included in the brochure.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Business & Finance homework help



Barbara schedules a meeting with a core group of clinic managers. The purpose of the meeting is to review the strategic plan and to gather additional feedback from the managers. Barbara is aware of the importance of diversity within the organization. Diversity and inclusion is particularly important because of the population served by UCCO facilities. However, she realizes during the meeting that there may be some issues with diversity and culture. Furthermore, how diversity and culture impact team performance. Several managers made comments regarding distribution of work and employee perspectives based on stereotypes. She also found out that there are many personality conflicts and issues with subordination. Barbara encountered the conflict and degradation comments, first-hand during the meeting.

Visit the Rasmussen online Library and search for a minimum of 3 articles covering diversity and culture and teamwork.

For this project assignment on UCCO complete a minimum of a 3 page report to address management of change with strategic planning and with the following concepts:

  • What is the role of executives in the process of change management and strategic planning? How do issues with diversity and culture relate to change management?
  • Why is diversity inclusion important? What are the benefits? Specifically address UCCO purpose for diversity.
  • Discuss how working with others can help with respect for diversity and respect for diverse perspectives.
  • What are the challenges and benefits of employing a diverse workforce?
  • What should Barbara’s plan be for encouraging teamwork among a diverse workforce and ensuring that employees make meaningful and valuable contributions to team projects and tasks. Incorporate Barbara’s personal experience with the team of clinic managers.

Remember to integrate citations accurately and appropriately for all resource types; use attribution (credit) as a method to avoid plagiarism. Use NoodleBib to document your sources and to complete your APA formatted reference page and in-text citations.



Nursing homework help


1. Use the following questions to assist in formulating your thoughts for this discussion. Describe a time spirituality was important in your life or in the life of someone you love or cared for (e.g., family member, friend or pet). Why was it meaningful in that situation? Include in the importance religious  or cultural practices or other reasons for it significance. .

2. What would you do if a patient asked you to pray with them or read the Bible or another holy book he/she might have at the bedside? How would this request make you feel? Would you experience any conflict if you were a different faith than the patient?  There is something called scripting which is having something written and memorized for difficult situations. Write a prayer or spiritual message you could use in the above situation.

Philosophy homework help


 For this Discussion Board, write about some part of the videos that you thought was important, impactful, or raised questions for you related to early child development with implications for social work. Connect with some aspect of your reading or PPT as well.

Take a paragraph or two to unpack the issue and your ideas about it. When you respond, discuss these ideas with someone else posting.

Marketing homework help



Find and visit 3 websites that use a Desktop/Laptop Computer and Mobile Platform and identify at least 3-5 differences on each platform with examples. (Images, text, navigation etc.)

Use Microsoft word for this assignment and use screenshots to show the differences – please use APA formatting and reference style. Submit on Moodle as a file upload.

Nursing homework help

Review the following Prioritization Principles videos:

  1. Prioritization (Links to an external site.)

  1. Nursing Leadership – ABCDE Principle and Patient Prioritization (Links to an external site.)

  1. Nursing Leadership – Efficient Nursing Practice & Delegation (Links to an external site.)

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as it relates to Prioritization

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for Nursing


  • Setting priorities is an essential and critical thinking skill.
  • Priority setting is perhaps the most critical skill in good time management, because all actions we take have some type of relative importance.
  • Management of a patient load depends heavily on setting priorities.
  • Generally, the new nurse tends to focus on one problem at a time rather than seeing the whole picture and may have difficulty in priority setting.
  • Through the assessment process, patients help the nurse define their needs, establish interventions, and implement the plan of care. This is where individualized priority-setting between patients and nurses occurs.
  • By necessity some care needs will be delayed in preference to more pressing needs of other patients.
  • Priorities will be influenced by the acuity of the patient’s condition and the acuity of all patient’s assigned to a nurse

Time Management:

  • Three Basic Steps in Time Management
    • Allow time for planning and establish priorities.
    • Complete the highest priority task whenever possible, and finish one task before beginning another.
    • Reprioritize based on the remaining tasks and on new information that may have been received.

Priority ranking of patients:

  • First level patient problem
    • These are threats to a patient’s immediate survival or safety and demand immediate nursing intervention. ABC’s (airway, breathing, circulation).
  • Second level patient problem
    • Concerns such things as mental status change, acute pain, acute urinary elimination, untreated medical problems requiring immediate attention (diabetic needing insulin) abnormal pathology lab results, risks of infection, safety, or security.
  • Third level patient problem
    • Those that do not fit into the above two categories such as monitoring for medication side effects, lack of patient knowledge, longer patient longer-term problems with living activities, etc.
  • No life-threatening problems exist
    • The nurse used both professional judgment and the patient to set priorities and determine planning.
    • This is a continually changing aspect of assessment of patients.

Priority Setting Traps:

“Whatever hits first”

  • This trap occurs when an individual simply responds to things as they happen rather than thinking first and then acting. This is common to new nurses.
  • “Path of least resistance”
    • In this trap the individual makes the assumption that it is easier to do a task by himself or herself and fails to delegate appropriately.
  • “Squeaky wheel”
    • In this trap, the individual falls prey to those who are most vocal about their requests and then feels a need to respond to the time frame imposed by the ““squeaky wheel” rather than his or her own.
  • “Default”
    • The individual feels obligated to take on tasks that no one else has come forward to do.
  • “Inspiration”
    • In this trap, individuals wait until they become “inspired” to accomplish a task. Some tasks will never be inspiring, and the wise time manager recognizes that the only thing that will complete these tasks is hard work and appropriate attention to the matter.

Managing time at work:

  • Being overwhelmed by work and time constraints lead to increased errors, omission of important tasks, and general feelings of stress and ineffectiveness.
  • Time management skills are learned although some people are better at it than others.
  • Disorganization results from poor planning and prioritization.
  • Simple suggestions for time management:
    • Gather all the supplies and equipment that will be needed before starting an activity. Breaking down a job mentally into parts before beginning the activity may help the nurse identify what supplies are needed.
    • Group or “cluster” activities that are in the same location. If you have walked a long distance down a hallway, attempt to do several things there before going back to the nurses station. Another example is a home health nurse, group client visits geographically when possible to minimize travel time.
    • Document your nursing interventions as soon as possible after an activity is completed. Waiting until the end of the workday to complete necessary documentation increases the risk of inaccuracies and incomplete documentation.
    • Strive to end the workday on time. Although this is not always possible, delegating appropriately to others and making sure that the workload goal for any given day is reasonable are two strategies that will help accomplish this goal.
    • Schedule difficult tasks during the period of the day you are most productive and simpler, more routine tasks during less productive times.

Time wasters:

  • Procrastination
    • The three most common reasons for procrastination are:
      • Not wanting to begin
      • Not knowing where to begin
      • Not knowing where to begin, even if you wanted to do, which you don’t.
      • Poor planning
      • Failure to establish goals and objectives
      • Inability to delegate
      • Inability to say no
      • Management by crisis
      • Haste
      • Indecisiveness

Coping with short short-staffing:

  • Prioritize you assignments
  • Organize your workload
  • Be a team player
    • Make a rule that no one can sit until everyone can sit. Pitch in and help others.
  • Use unlicensed personnel wisely
  • Encourage family participation
  • Inform and involve nursing administration
  • Communicate effectively and nicely
  • Take care of yourself
  • Maintain a positive attitude
    • Attitude is everything. If you go into a is challenging situation with a positive attitude you can achieve great results. A negative attitude can bring down the morale and performance of the entire team.


Assume that you are the Charge Nurse of a team with one LPN and one nursing assistant on the 7A-3P shift at an acute care hospital. The three of you are responsible for providing total care to 10 patients. Prioritize the following list of 10 things you need to accomplish this morning. Use a 1 for the first thing you will do and a 10 for the last.


Check MAR against the orders


Listen to night shift report from 0700-0720


Perform walking rounds to assess the night shift report and to introduce yourself to patients.


Hang four (4) 0900 IV medications


Set up the schedule for breaks and lunch among your team members


Give the 0845 pre-op on patient going to surgery at 0900


Pass the 0830 breakfast trays


Read the charts on new admissions that you are responsible for on the unit


Check 0600 blood glucose results for 0730 insulin administration


Consult with the interdisciplinary healthcare team to develop and/or revise patient plans of care

Now, create an initial discussion posting that provides the rationale for how your prioritized your day in relation to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Your initial posting must be completed by Wednesday, 3/17/2021 by 11:59 pm. On another day, you must respond to two of your classmates by Sunday, March 21/2021 by 11:59 pm.


Hägg-Martinell, A., Hult, H., Henriksson, P., & Kiessling, A. (2020). Nursing Students Learn to Handle Stress and to Prioritize in a Complex Context During Workplace Learning in Acute Internal Medicine Care – An Ethnographic Study. Advances in medical education and practice11, 21–30.

Toney-Butler TJ, Thayer JM. Nursing Process. [Updated 2020 Jul 10]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. [Figure, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for…] Available from:

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