English homework help



1. Comparison/contrast. Marie Menken’s Go! Go! Go!(from last week) and Andy Warhol’s Empire both experiment with time and speed: Menken gives us an accelerated tour through different parts of New York City, while Warhol focuses on just one building.

Write s discussion post that compares and/or contrasts your experience of watching these two films. (As I noted in this week’s module, you do not necessarily have to watch all eight hours of Empire) What is your response to each film? What do these two films have to say about time, attention, speed, and/or the city?

Since I’m asking you to respond to two films, please make your post slightly longer than usual (400-500

Andy Warhol, Empire (Links to an external site.), 8 hours (1964) (Note: Empire is an eight-hour film! You are not required to watch the entire film, but do watch enough to have a durational experience)

Marie Menken,Go! Go! Go!  

2. Annotated bibliography 3

Write an annotated bibliography for the scholarly readings assigned on social theory (Baudrillard Garap).  Be sure to start with a full citation of the reading and use bold for this header to distinguish the text from your annotation.

An annotated bibliography is a three paragraph, 350-400 word assessment of an article you read.

You may take a look at an example attached below, on the full version of Robin Wood’s article “Ideology, Genre, Auteur” (1977).

  • The first paragraph (usually the longest) summarizes the author’s argument and the conversation or research question with which it is engaged.  Do your best here to present the author’s argument on their own terms.  Quote a key phrase or two that help communicate the main idea.
  • The second paragraph offers thoughts about what from this article could be useful for you, given your subject or area of interest.  For instance, all of you will be writing about Star Wars in relation to ideas about genre.  When you read a theory about what genre is or how genres change, are there ideas that do and don’t make sense for the way you’re thinking about Star Wars?
  • The third paragraph discusses the limitations you see in the author’s argument given the scope, method, or subject matter used to make it.

Applied Sciences homework help


The purpose of this assignment is to examine how to identify, prioritize, and address a potential problem within the health care environment.

Write a 1,200 to 1,400-word paper that examines how to address a problem within the health care environment, including risk mitigation and implementation of new compliance requirements.

  1. Describe how would you go about establishing that a potential concern is a problem that should be further investigated. Discuss any specific triggering event you should use in order to initiate the continuous quality improvement process.
  2. Explain what tools would be utilized to identify the problem, develop the solution, track the implementation, and summarize the findings (i.e., benchmarking).
  3. Once you have established that the identified concern is an issue worth addressing, discuss how you would go about prioritizing this problem compared to other problems. Consider the scarcity of resources, labor costs, capital investment needs, the approval process within your organization, and where you are in the budget cycle.
  4. Discuss who would be considered stakeholders or vested parties and how you intend to mitigate risk when implementing new compliance requirements.

You are required to reference a minimum of five peer-reviewed articles to support your argument.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Information Systems homework help

Discuss an organization’s need for physical security. What methods, approaches, and models can be used by organizations when designing physical security needs? Lastly, explain how these security measures will safeguard the organization.

Psychology homework help


PSY-355-Child and Adolescent Psychology

Conception, Birth, and the Newborn Worksheet

Part 1


Directions: Provide a 25- to 50- word summary of development during each of the prenatal stages listed below.

1 Month:


7 Weeks:


3 Months:


4 Months:


5 Months:


6 Months:


7 Months:


8 Months:


9 Months/Newborn:



Part 2

Directions: Write a 150- to 300- word response to each of the following questions; include any references and APA citations in your answer:

  1. What is a teratogen? How does it affect normal prenatal development? Provide at least two examples to support your response.




  1. What are the differences in the roles of mothers and fathers in bonding with a newborn? How can a father be an active participant in raising a newborn?







Economics homework help


Read the China Wind Power case I uploaded and answer the following 3 questions:

1)The case identifies the reasons why the Chinese Government supported Wind Energy; please describe briefly the various reasons.

2)Describe briefly the violations alleged by the USW; and which one (s) did the Chinese government back down on? 

3) Some critics claim that China (and others) are engaging unfairly in trading with other countries. Identify at least three (3) areas where it is claimed that this is occuring to the detriment of the other countries.


1-2 pages per question, no more than 2 pages per question!!!!

OUTLINE Format !!!!!!!!



Long-winded/ fuzzy answers will be marked down

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS (read carefully!!!!!!!! Repeat the question and then answer)

The case is the reality 



Answer the question(s)

Cover major points


Ease of understanding

NOT fuzzy thinking


Precise, to the point

NOT wordy, verbose

Underlying considerations

Logical thinking 



Human Resource Management homework help


  1. Individual Project: Career Development Plan e


Prepare your own five-year career development plan about ‘What do you intend to do professionally in the next 5 years (1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th & 5th year)’?  Your plan must be presented in time-line format (This can be done using MS Project and multiple other software). Be very specific with your timeline, provide dates for when will you achieve different things mentioned in your timeline. For instance, if you mention in your timeline you will attempt an exam provide a DATE of when will you attempt that exam. Also include the COSTS associated with completing different activities. Your career plan must address and consider the following items:


  1. What are your career objectives? What position, field or industry do you want to work in/for? (To be answered in introductory paragraph – Max 1 page)


  • Which province in Canada and why? (This needs to be supported with job market analysis such as employment options, field attractiveness, income potential/salary rates – I want to see a lot of statistics in here – Don’t make this section descriptive – use graphs, charts, salary benchmarking tables from provincial reliable sources 3-4 pages)


  1. If you in intend to work for an organization, what are the possible promotional opportunities for career growth and what senior level position do you wish to obtain? How long will it take for you to obtain your next promotion within your field? What certificate will be needed for promotion? how many years of experience will be required for the promotion? (This can be easily included in your time-line)


  1. An inventory of your current skills, abilities, training, and education and the required qualifications for your desired position? (Strictly use a table to outline your current education as well as all job-specific skills, certificates etc., that you have. Only mention the certificates/degrees acceptable in Canada)


  1. From your time- line Identify three action steps that are crucial to achieving your stated career development plan. These steps are usually those without which your plan cannot proceed. (Put a heading action steps and describe them in short paragraphs- 3-4 lines maximum)


  1. Identify potential barriers that might prevent you from reaching your stated career goals and objectives. (In bullet points – make sure they are all realistic and applicable to you. Just imagine what problems would you face while starting your professional career in Canada)


Assessment Criteria:

  • ANALYSIS – You will be marked based on how accurate your figures/Data are, thoroughness of your analysis and how well prepared you are to start your professional career in Canada. How creative/unique and detailed your time line is. How well do you know entry requirements for your specific field and what are you doing right now or will be doing shortly to meet them. How realistic your plan is in terms of the problems that you will face and what will you do to resolve those problems.


  • PAPER REQUIREMENTS – Whether students have fully understood the paper requirements. If all requirements are satisfactorily met/fulfilled. Whether or not all questions have been answered.


  • QUALITY AND VARIETY OF SOURCES– For this information to be robust you have to use at least 15 references – Google, Wikipedia will not be considered as authentic sources you will be marked down for using them. You can use company websites, Governmental & provincial websites of Canada, Job Market analysis taken from statista and other reliable sources, entry requirements for your profession from provincial bodies etc.,



  • FORMATTING -You must include title page and list of references for this Project. APA style of formatting, referencing tables, font style, line spacing etc., must be used
  • Provide all your sources of information that you have used to gather the numbers/figures along with hyperlinks that instructor can access in the list of references. NUMBER the references in your list.


Marketing homework help






BSBADV507 – Develop a Media Plan

Training Package: BSB Business Service
Due Date: Week 4 Assessment Type: Case study/ PowerPoint Presentation


Assessment Guidelines

Please read the following assessment guidelines carefully.

  1. The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in
  2. If you have any considerations that may affect your performance in the assessment, please inform your assessor immediately. Your assessor will provide you with a suitable alternative to complete this
  3. Your assessor will mark your assessment and provide feedback and a grade to you via the assessment submission on Moodle.
  4. If you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect you have the rights to appeal the grading through filling out an appeals form which will then be handle by the Academic
  5. A “NYS” (not yet satisfactory) result of this task may be returned to you for a re-assessment. Re-assessments must be submitted by an agreed date with your
  6. The re-assessment work must address the specific performance tasks beyond doubt for the assessor to issue a satisfactory (pass) A repeat NYS outcome could lead to an administration fee for further reassessment.
  7. All work must be done individually. Copied work will not be accepted and


By adding my name to this document, I hereby declare the work is my own and has not been copied from any other source.




Student NAME:                                                                                            Date:                                         






Develop a Media Plan

Learner Assessments



























Summative Assessments

The summative assessments are the major activities designed to assess your skills, knowledge and performance, as required to show competency in this unit. These activities should be completed after finishing the Learner Resource. You should complete these as stated below and as instructed by your trainer/assessor.

Knowledge, skills and performance may be termed as:

  • Knowledge – knowledge requirements, required knowledge, essential knowledge, knowledge evidence
  • Skills Performance
    • skill requirements, required skills, essential skills, foundation skills
    • evidence requirements, critical aspects of assessment, performance evidence.

Section A: Knowledge Activity

The Knowledge Activity is a series of activities to confirm your competency for all of the required knowledge in the unit of competency.

Section B: Skills Performance Activity

The Skills Performance Activity is designed to be a practical activity performed based on the information you have obtained in Section A. You should demonstrate the required practical tasks for the unit of competency and be observed by the assessor, as applicable to the situation.

If necessary for the activities, you should attach completed written answers, portfolios or any evidence of competency when submitting this work.

Marking guidance

You will undertake two Summative Assessments as your own work but communicating with others.


To satisfactorily pass this unit, you need to ensure that each component of the Summative Assessment (Sections A & B) is completed, submitted and marked Satisfactory.


See the Unit Outline and listen to your trainer for the due date for this assessment.


You will be supplied with the assessment materials via the Moodle course for this unit.


It is acceptable to prepare and capture parts of your work using word processing, scanned document or other forms of technology (eg audio recordings). When you do this, you MUST name the files correctly and upload them to the Moodle course for this unit.


Make sure that you complete and submit the cover page each time you submit your work for a Summative Assessment.

Feedback and results

You will receive supportive feedback about your work for your Summative Assessments.


See the International Student Handbook for the College’s policies on resubmissions and appeals.


You can always talk to your trainer about the feedback and your progress.


Section A: Knowledge Activity

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.


The completion of the following activity will enable you to demonstrate the foundation skill of:

  • Get the work done
  • Takes responsibility for planning, sequencing and prioritising tasks and own workload for efficiency and effective outcomes

The completion of the following activity will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

  • outline and explain data analysis and matching techniques
  • identify principles and characteristics of advertising media, types of media and advertising strategies
  • identify and explain key provisions of relevant legislation, codes of practice and national standards affecting business operations
  • identify and explain ethical principles relating to advertising industry
  • define terms for describing media audiences.


Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.



You are employed by Bounce Fitness as their General Manager Marketing. You will find the login details in the Moodle course for the Bounce Fitness website and intranet – http://bounce.precisiongroup.com.au


The documents you will require for Bounce Fitness can be found on the Bounce Fitness website:


  • Procedures tab / Administrative Procedures / Style Guide
  • Infrastructure tab /  Current Projects  /
    • Bounce Fitness Corporate Marketing Plan
    • Creative Brief for the Introduction of Corporate Fitness Programs
    • Market Research Results of Creative Brief for the Introduction of Corporate Fitness Programs


Be sure to check out the other documents to get information on the business.  You may need to conduct further research.


The Bounce Fitness CEO has asked you to develop a media plan for 6 months.  More information about this brief is available in the Section B: Skills Performance Activity section below.


To ensure you do a really good job, you have decided to do some research and prepare notes based on the topics below.


  1. Describe the term ‘data matching’ and why it is used when developing a media plan (50-70
  2. Describe five different data analysis techniques used when developing a media plan (10-30 words per technique)
  3. Explain the key principle of media advertising (100-150 words)
  4. Describe five different types of media or advertising strategies used when developing a media plan (10-30 words per technique)
  5. Complete the table below regarding the following legislation, codes of practice and national standards affecting business operations.


Legislation, codes of practice and national standards affecting marketing communications Describe how these impact an organisation’s e-marketing communications (10-60 words each)


Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC),  
Anti-Discrimination Laws  
Australian Consumer Law (ACL)  
Privacy Act 1988  
Advertising Federation of Australia  
Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)  
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)  
Australian Marketing Institute’s (AMI) Code of Professional Conduct  
Direct Marketing Code of Practice  
  1. List and explain the 10 Communications Council ethical principles used in the Australian advertising industry (50-100 words)
  2. Complete the table below to define the terms used to describe media audiences.


Media audience terms Define each media audience term (20-60 words each)


Geographic and Lifestyle  
Cultural Factors  


  1. Review the tasks required in Section B: Skills Performance Activity below and complete the following table to indicate how you will complete all of these tasks by the assessment deadline:


Task Desired deadline Comments





Section B: Skills Performance Activity

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance criteria, performance evidence and foundation skills for this unit.


This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following elements and performance criteria:

  1. Define media requirements
    • Identify target audience characteristics from advertising brief and prepare a detailed consumer profile which uses the same terms as those used to describe media audiences
    • Analyse product market factors to determine reach and frequency requirements of advertising media selected
    • Analyse creative requirements of advertising message and determine media implications
    • Identify media merchandising requirements from the advertising brief
    • Confirm media budget and identify legal and voluntary constraints.


  1. Select media vehicles

2.1          Weigh up relative merits of identified media vehicle alternatives, taking past media performance into account

2.2          Evaluate and test new or alternative media vehicles with other advertisers and against proven vehicles

2.3          Select media vehicles that target the required audience, meet media requirements and fulfil merchandising requirements within budget

2.4          Select media vehicles that meet creative, reach and frequency requirements of the advertising message to be achieved within budget

2.5          Select media vehicles that meet creative, reach and frequency requirements of the advertising message to be achieved within budget


  1. Determine media schedule

3.1          Ensure duration and timing of media schedule meet requirements of the advertising brief

3.2          Determine distribution of messages over duration of schedule to meet requirements of the advertising brief

3.3          Create a media schedule to satisfy advertiser

3.4          Develop alternative media schedules for advertiser within budget

3.5          Determine testing schedule for the media plan and continually modify media plan in accordance with results obtained.


  1. Produce a media plan

4.1          Create media plan which defines media requirements of the advertising brief and provides evidence supporting each requirement

4.2          Specify recommended media and vehicle/s, and rationale for their selection in the media plan

4.3          Ensure media plan contains a budget allocation per medium per advertising period

4.4          Identify anticipated impact of advertising and measures to assess its effectiveness in the media plan.


This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:

  • produce a media plan for an advertisement which:
    • defines media requirements of an advertising brief
    • specifies rationales for media vehicles chosen
    • ensures media schedule meets requirements of the brief
    • contains budgetary allocation for each advertising medium
  • develop measures to assess effectiveness of media vehicles selected.


This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following knowledge evidence:

  • list organisational products and services offered
  • identify organisational budget and resource constraints


This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following foundation skills:

  • Reading
    • Identifies, analyses and evaluates complex texts to determine requirements of advertising brief, and legislative, regulatory and business requirements
  • Writing
    • Writes in a range of styles to suit job requirements and different audiences
  • Oral Communication
    • Uses appropriate techniques, including active listening and questioning, to convey and clarify information
  • Numeracy
    • Analyses and processes complex data to determine schedules and budget
  • Navigate the world of work
    • Takes full responsibility for following implicit and explicit voluntary constraints related to budget, legal and ethical requirements in selection of media vehicles
  • Get the work done
    • Takes responsibility for planning, sequencing and prioritising tasks and own workload for efficiency and effective outcomes
    • Analyses relevant information to inform decisions about media requirements to conform to the brief
    • Utilises continuous improvement and testing strategies to ensure effectiveness of final media plan
    • Uses familiar digital technologies and systems to enter data, organise and present information


Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.


Assessment information

Use the information provided, together with the information that you researched and wrote about for Section A: Knowledge Activity in this Assessment workbook, as well as your own research, to complete this assessment.


For this assessment, you will undertake a series of tasks which will help you develop a media plan based on the following information provided to you by Bounce Fitness’s CEO:



The Client and Project


This campaign is for the Bounce Fitness Corporate Marketing Plan. Bounce Fitness has four fitness centres in three major cities on the east coast and one in a large regional centre in Queensland.


Target Audience


Businesses with over 20 employees primarily in the age groups of 20 to 50 through establishment of contracts  with  the  businesses.  Bounce Fitness programs are to be included as part of their employee benefits programs. This group represents the single largest cluster most likely to make large-scale use of facilities. Emphasis should  be  placed  on  larger  corporations  in each CBD of Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. A proportionally smaller investment should be made in Cairns.




Schedule support, to the extent affordable, to provide continuous activity during late July – October. This period accounts for 80% of total membership sales and therefore highest demand by staff of businesses. It is also the beginning of the new tax year and will be more feasible for the businesses.




Allocate funds in accordance with market-volume contribution. Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane should receive the bulk of the funding.


Communication and

Creative goals


The   effective   frequency   level   for   high   BDI markets in the three major Centres (Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne) will be 2+ exposures over a typical four-week advertising period. This relatively low frequency goal reflects:


• The  lack  of  competitive  advertising presence in the market.

• The clean and straightforward presentation of product benefits (rather than image) in the creative execution.


Recognising the different selling environment between high and low BDI markets, the effective reach in local advertising will be increased upwards of the three-state goal.




$2,500,000 for the six-month period.


Compile your work ensuring that they meet the guidelines in the Bounce Fitness Style Guide    http://bounce.precisiongroup.com.au/procedures/ administrative-procedures/


You should also use the following templates which together constitute Bounce Fitness’s Corporate Fitness Program’s Media Plan: http://bounce.precisiongroup.com.au/documents/administrative/ :


  1. Create a customer profile and media requirements analysis document

Prepare a:

  • Customer Profile based on the above brief ensure you use the same terms as those used in the brief and using the Customer Profile template
  • Media Requirements Analysis Report which contains the following information:
    • Purpose of document (30-50 words)
    • Summary of media plan brief (50-70 words)
    • Detail products and services being covered by the media plan brief (20-50 words)
    • Media plan brief budget and timeline (5 words)
    • Product market factors to determine reach and frequency of media advertising (50-70 words)
    • Creative requirements and media implication of advertising message
    • Media merchandising requirements
    • Legal, codes of practice and national standards affecting this brief (100-150 words)
    • Positive and negative characteristics for at least three alternative media advertising options, taking into account past media performance, using the following table:



Media Vehicle (1-5 words)


Characteristics (5-20 words)


Characteristics (5-20 words)

Match to What

Communication? (1-5 words)



  • Evaluate and test these three alternative media advertising using the table below – Score = 1–5 – where 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest
<Insert media advertising type> (1-5 words)   Score Additional Comment (2-10 words)


<Insert media advertising type> (1-5 words)   Score Additional Comment (5-10 words)


<Insert media advertising type> (1-5 words)   Score Additional Comment (5-10 words)

Save these documents as:

  • BSBADV507 Task 1 Customer Profile <Your name>
  • BSBADV507 Task 1 Media Requirements Analysis Report <Your name>


  1. Create a media schedule

Prepare a Media Schedule which:

  • Uses the Media Schedule template
  • Is based on the brief and your Media Requirements Analysis Report from Task 1 and within budget
  • Contains budgetary allocation for each advertising medium
  • Meets:
    • creative, reach and frequency requirements of the advertising message
    • duration, timing and distribution of messages of media schedule requirements of the advertising brief
  • Ensures the selected media options meet legal, codes of practice and national standards

Save this document as “BSBADV507 Task 2 Media Schedule v1 <Your name>


  1. Ensure media schedule satisfies CEO requirement

You now need to interact with another BSBADV507 Develop a media plan student who has completed and submitted their work for Section A: Knowledge Activity above.  This person will act as Bounce Fitness’s CEO, who requested this work.  Ensure this person has a copy of your Media Schedule before attending the meeting.  This person will also need ask you to prepare two alternative media schedules for them following the meeting.

At this meeting (10-15 mins), you need to:

  • Facilitate a discussion to:
    • Specify why you chose your media options
    • Identify whether your Media Schedule meets the needs
    • Clarify if you need any further information related to you preparing two alternative media schedules
  • Use appropriate techniques, including active listening and questioning, to convey and clarify information


Your trainer will advise you when this role play will be undertaken.




  1. Create two alternative media schedules

As per the CEO’s request in Task 3, prepare two alternative Media Schedules which:

  • Use the Media Schedule template
  • Are based on the brief and your Media Requirements Analysis Report from Task 1 and within budget
  • Contain budgetary allocation for each advertising medium
  • Meet:
    • creative, reach and frequency requirements of the advertising message
    • duration, timing and distribution of messages of media schedule requirements of the advertising brief
  • Ensure the selected media options meet legal, codes of practice and national standards

Save these documents as

  • BSBADV507 Task 4 Media Schedule v2 <Your name>
  • BSBADV507 Task 4 Media Schedule v3 <Your name>



  1. Create a media plan

Prepare a Media Plan which uses the Media Plan template and determines the testing schedule for the media plan to continually modify media plan in accordance with results obtained.

Save this document as “BSBADV507 Task 5 Media Schedule v1 <Your name>





Summative Assessments: Sections A & B checklist

This will used by the trainer to document the learner’s knowledge, skills and performance as relevant to the summative assessments: Sections A & B. The table indicates if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Summative Assessment – Sections A & B

Unit: BSBADV507 Develop a media plan
Student Name:  
Student ID:  
Trainer Name:  
Checklist for unit
The candidate must submit: Complete Not yet complete Not applicable
Section A: Knowledge Activity – Questions 1-7      
Section B: Skills Performance Activity

1.       Create a customer profile and media requirements analysis document

Student prepared:

·         “BSBADV507 Task 1 Customer Profile <Your name>

·         “BSBADV507 Task 1 Media Requirements Analysis Report <Your name>

which contained the following:

Ø  Purpose of document (30-50 words)

Ø  Summary of media plan brief (50-70 words)

Ø  Details of products and services being covered by the media plan brief (20-50 words)

Ø  Media plan brief budget and timeline (5 words)

Ø  Product market factors to determine reach and frequency of media advertising (50-70 words)

Ø  Creative requirements and media implication of advertising message

Ø  Media merchandising requirements

Ø  Legal, codes of practice and national standards affecting this brief (100-150 words)

Ø  Positive and negative characteristics for at least three alternative media advertising options, taking into account past media performance

Ø  Evaluation and testing of these three alternative media advertising

And used the correct document formats and styles to meet the task and audience requirements as set out the guidelines in the Bounce Fitness Style Guide.      
2.       Create a media schedule

Student prepared a Media Schedule called “BSBADV507 Task 2 Media Schedule v1 <Your name>” which:

Ø  Used the Media Schedule template

Ø  Was based on the brief and your Media Requirements Analysis Report from Task 1 and within budget

Ø  Contained budgetary allocation for each advertising medium

Ø  Met:

o   creative, reach and frequency requirements of the advertising message

o   duration, timing and distribution of messages of media schedule requirements of the advertising brief

Ø  Ensured the selected media options meet legal, codes of practice and national standards

And used the correct document formats and styles to meet the task and audience requirements as set out the guidelines in the Bounce Fitness Style Guide.

4         Ensure media schedule satisfies CEO requirement

Student met with another BSBADV507 Develop a media plan student who has completed and submitted their work for Section A: Knowledge Activity above.  This person acted as Bounce Fitness’s CEO, received a copy of your Media Schedule before attending the meeting, and also asked the student to prepare two alternative media schedules for them following this meeting.


And the student:

Ø  Facilitated a discussion (10-15 mins) to:

o   Specify why they had chosen the media options

o   Identify whether the Media Schedule meets the needs of the brief

o   Clarified if they needed any further information related to preparing two alternative media schedules

Ø  Used appropriate techniques, including active listening and questioning, to convey and clarify information

4                     Create two alternative media schedules

Student prepared:

Ø  “BSBADV507 Task 4 Media Schedule v2 <Your name>

Ø  “BSBADV507 Task 4 Media Schedule v3 <Your name>


Ø  Used the Media Schedule template

Ø  Was based on the brief and your Media Requirements Analysis Report from Task 1 and within budget

Ø  Contained budgetary allocation for each advertising medium

Ø  Met:

o   creative, reach and frequency requirements of the advertising message

o   duration, timing and distribution of messages of media schedule requirements of the advertising brief

Ø  Ensured the selected media options meet legal, codes of practice and national standards

And used the correct document formats and styles to meet the task and audience requirements as set out the guidelines in the Bounce Fitness Style Guide.

5.       Create a media plan

Student prepared a Media Plan called “BSBADV507 Task 5 Media Plan <Your name>” which used the Media Plan template and determined the testing schedule for the media plan to continually modify media plan in accordance with results obtained.


And used the correct document formats and styles to meet the task and audience requirements as set out the guidelines in the Bounce Fitness Style Guide.

Other evidence to support the Summative Assessments that was submitted by the candidate:



Result:  q Satisfactory   q Not satisfactory  q More work required

Assessor signature:                                                                                                  Date:


English homework help


Essay 2: Position Essay (100 pts./10%)

“Should _____________?”


In this position essay, you will explore discussions regarding the role of technology in our lives. You will narrow down a topic, state your position on the issue, briefly address opposing arguments, and provide credible, quality outside evidence to support your claims.


You have two options for this assignment:

  • You may research, explore, and take a position on an issue involving technology in your major/career field.
  • You may research, explore, and take a position on an issue involving technology in general.


Your title should be in the form of a research question (see above); your thesis will answer that question. Examples of titles/position topics: “Should Students Be Required to Use iPads in the Classroom?”, “Should Police Wear Cameras?”, “Should Musicians Avoid Spotify?”, “Should Bots be Banned from Buying Concert Tickets?”, “Should Self-Check Outs be Eliminated from Grocery Stores?”, “Should Telehealth Appointments Continue to be Used Post-Pandemic?”, etc.


Position essays require you to:

-explore and evaluate various sides to an argument

-choose a position and reflect on why you feel a specific way

-narrow a potentially broad topic to connect with your audience

-select credible evidence to support your position


You need to include in-text citations and a Works Cited page. Sources (3-5) are necessary to strengthen and support your position. (*Note: Failure to include in-text citations and a Works Cited page will result in an automatic F for the assignment.)


Keep in mind the following while writing your essay:

  • Argue with yourself—can you recognize flaws in your own argument(s)?
  • Refrain from writing vague statements—stay focused and on point.
  • Don’t forget about the UWC!


Purpose of the assignment:

  • To practice evaluating arguments and evidence
  • To practice staying on topic
  • To practice research methods
  • To practice writing thesis statements, topic sentences, and transitions


I will grade your essays based on the following:


  • Solid thesis statement
  • Organization
  • Quality of sources (3-5)
  • Ability to integrate sources
  • Grammar and punctuation
  • Ability to convey personal opinion in a professional manner
  • Title of essay


  • Meeting the length requirement (approx. 900-1100 words)
  • Format and documentation style (MLA)

Helpful Hints:

-Use MTSU library to discover sources. Prof. W. will show you how to do this easily and efficiently! Try searching useful MTSU library databases such as Opposing Viewpoints, Statista, CQ Researcher, and Academic Search Ultimate.

-Cite your sources as you find them.

-Keep your audience in mind. In this instance, your instructor and your peers are your audience.

-Read the essay numerous times, and be an engaged reader (take notes, annotate, talk to the text, etc.).

-To avoid errors, proofread a printed copy of the essay before turning in the final draft.

-If you have any questions, ask!


Due Dates: See course calendar for official due dates; make certain you are aware of readings, homework, and deadlines. The assignments this semester require more self-discipline and intensive strategies than what you experienced in English 1010.

English homework help


Essay 2: Position Essay (100 pts./10%)

“Should _____________?”


In this position essay, you will explore discussions regarding the role of technology in our lives. You will narrow down a topic, state your position on the issue, briefly address opposing arguments, and provide credible, quality outside evidence to support your claims.


You have two options for this assignment:

  • You may research, explore, and take a position on an issue involving technology in your major/career field.
  • You may research, explore, and take a position on an issue involving technology in general.


Your title should be in the form of a research question (see above); your thesis will answer that question. Examples of titles/position topics: “Should Students Be Required to Use iPads in the Classroom?”, “Should Police Wear Cameras?”, “Should Musicians Avoid Spotify?”, “Should Bots be Banned from Buying Concert Tickets?”, “Should Self-Check Outs be Eliminated from Grocery Stores?”, “Should Telehealth Appointments Continue to be Used Post-Pandemic?”, etc.


Position essays require you to:

-explore and evaluate various sides to an argument

-choose a position and reflect on why you feel a specific way

-narrow a potentially broad topic to connect with your audience

-select credible evidence to support your position


You need to include in-text citations and a Works Cited page. Sources (3-5) are necessary to strengthen and support your position. (*Note: Failure to include in-text citations and a Works Cited page will result in an automatic F for the assignment.)


Keep in mind the following while writing your essay:

  • Argue with yourself—can you recognize flaws in your own argument(s)?
  • Refrain from writing vague statements—stay focused and on point.
  • Don’t forget about the UWC!


Purpose of the assignment:

  • To practice evaluating arguments and evidence
  • To practice staying on topic
  • To practice research methods
  • To practice writing thesis statements, topic sentences, and transitions


I will grade your essays based on the following:


  • Solid thesis statement
  • Organization
  • Quality of sources (3-5)
  • Ability to integrate sources
  • Grammar and punctuation
  • Ability to convey personal opinion in a professional manner
  • Title of essay


  • Meeting the length requirement (approx. 900-1100 words)
  • Format and documentation style (MLA)

Helpful Hints:

-Use MTSU library to discover sources. Prof. W. will show you how to do this easily and efficiently! Try searching useful MTSU library databases such as Opposing Viewpoints, Statista, CQ Researcher, and Academic Search Ultimate.

-Cite your sources as you find them.

-Keep your audience in mind. In this instance, your instructor and your peers are your audience.

-Read the essay numerous times, and be an engaged reader (take notes, annotate, talk to the text, etc.).

-To avoid errors, proofread a printed copy of the essay before turning in the final draft.

-If you have any questions, ask!


Due Dates: See course calendar for official due dates; make certain you are aware of readings, homework, and deadlines. The assignments this semester require more self-discipline and intensive strategies than what you experienced in English 1010.