Nursing homework help

Healthcare Coverage Gap

The ACA was meant to provide quality health care coverage for all yet a coverage gap for some populations especially in states that oppose Medicaid expansion. Based on what you have learned so far in this course, create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the coverage gap problem, who is impacted by the coverage gap, the role the ACA plays in the coverage gap, why the coverage gap should be closed, and solutions/ recommendations for closing the gap. Address the following in your PowerPoint:

  • Select one state opposed to Medicaid expansion and describe why. Then, consider your own state. What are the benefits and drawbacks to Medicaid expansion in your state?
  • Define what the coverage gap is (problem/issue)
  • Discuss how the coverage gap impact low income healthcare consumers population.
  • What role does the ACA have in widening or closing the coverage gap?
  • Why is it important to close the gap (implications for positive social change)?
  • What are some solutions to closing the coverage gap and how can healthcare equity help close the gap? Include recommendations and/or solutions.

Your PowerPoint presentation should include/address:

  • Title Slide (1 slide)
  • Objectives Slide (1 slide)
  • Medicaid expansion (1-2 slides)
  • Coverage gap – define/problem/issue (1-2 slides)
  • Coverage gap impact on low income healthcare consumers (2-3 slides)
  • Role ACA has in widening or closing the coverage gap (1-2 slides)
  • Close the gap (1-2 slides)
  • Solutions to closing the coverage gap and how can healthcare equity help close the gap? (2-3 slides)
  • Reference slide (1-2 slides).

Assignment Expectations

Length: 9-14 slides (in addition to the title slide and reference slides)

Structure: Include a title slide and reference slide in APA format.  These do not count towards the minimum slide count for this assignment.  Your presentation must include an objectives slide.  Be sure to fully explain all slides in the Speaker Notes.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of three (3) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Management homework help

Discussion board instructions

link : you

Review the attached document(s) or video(s) and use one or more of the questions listed below as a guide and basis for discussion with your classmates.  Guidelines are to complete each post before the due date with a minimum of 150 words. Include in your posts some concepts and vocabulary from the assigned video or document, textbook, and/or lecture slides to demonstrate your understanding of the lesson for the module. 

Mandatory question prompts to answer:

Because the police officer is Black, is her attitude regarding rules to who can be in different neighborhoods acceptable?

What does this video say about racism in the U.S.? 

Other optional question prompts:

What about the video/activity/reading was most surprising to you or intrigued you the most?

How would you apply what you have learned?

How does the video/activity/reading remind you of a personal event or story?

How does the video/activity/reading relate to concepts you learned in class or from the text?

Part A: Your first post is due Wednesday and should include answers to the questions and end with an original question of your own for your classmates to answer.

Management homework help

Discuss the difference between forecasting and prediction? Can you think of examples of each to support your definition? Why might it be important for a manager to know the difference between forecasting and prediction?

Follow participation policy and expectations.

English homework help

Due Date: Wednesday of Week 8

Length: 5-6 pages (Works Cited page does not count as one of these pages)

Requirements: Must have a works cited page, must use at least three (3) secondary sources, must use

parenthetical citation.

NOTE ON SOURCES: Only use sources from JSTOR.


Read “Bartleby the Scrivener” there is also a video on youtube.

Write an argumentative essay that answers one of the following questions:

-Does this story have a “hero”? Who is it? How does this affect the story?

-Explain the narrators sympathy toward Bartleby. Why is he sympathetic? What does it suggest?

-Explain the significance of Bartleby’s death. What might this suggest?

Your paper will need to have a few basic parts:

1.) Thesis

-Clearly state what you are asserting about the story.

-Provide a basic breakdown of the major points that you will make (the “reasons” that your argument is correct)

2.) Examples and explanations

-Use examples from the story to support your assertions.

3.) Conclusion

-Restate your thesis, and bring your argument to a close.

Nursing homework help

Health Promotion. Case Study Module 8. 

Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide

rationales for your answers. Make sure to provide citations/references for your answers in APA


CASE STUDY: Active Labor: Susan Wong

Mrs. Wong, a first-time mother, is admitted to the birthing suite in early labor after spontaneous rupture of membranes at home. She is at 38 weeks of gestation with a history of abnormal alpha-fetoprotein levels at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

She was scheduled for ultrasonography to visualize the fetus to rule out an open spinal defect or Down

syndrome, but never followed through. Mrs. Wong and her husband disagreed about what to do (keep

or terminate the pregnancy) if the ultrasonography indicated a spinal problem, so they felt they did not

want this information.

Reflective Questions

1. As the nurse, what priority data would you collect from this couple to help define relevant

interventions to meet their needs?

2. How can you help this couple if they experience a negative outcome in the birthing suite? What

are your personal views on terminating or continuing a pregnancy with a risk of a potential

anomaly? What factors may influence your views?

3. With the influence of the recent Human Genome Project and the possibility of predicting open

spinal defects earlier in pregnancy, how will maternity care change in the future?

Management homework help

Paula Plaintiff’s Really Bad Week, Part 2


In this assignment, you’ll need to decide whether Paula Plaintiff has any legal claims arising from another series of unfortunate events. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow, making sure to fully explain the basis of your decision.

Paula’s bad luck continues. Five days after the events detailed in your last assignment, Paula returns to work at Capstone Corporation. Unfortunately, she used her company e-mail to send her mom a personal note about her injuries, despite being aware that Capstone’s company policy prohibits use of company e-mail for personal communication. Paula’s supervisor, Mikey Manager, discovers Paula’s violation and Paula is reprimanded. When Paula goes home, she uses her personal computer to post disparaging comments about her boss and Capstone Corporation on social media. The next day, Paula is fired from her job.

After several days of bad luck, Paula believes her luck is about to change. She finds a new job in a nearby town. Paula had been using the bus to go to work at Capstone Corporation, but she will need to purchase a car to commute to her new job. Fortunately, her neighbor Freddy Ford has just purchased a new vehicle and is selling his old Mustang. Paula meets with Freddy and agrees to purchase the Mustang for $1000. The parties also agree that Paula will bring Freddy the money the next day when she picks up the car. The next day, Paula calls Freddy and says, “I have the money. I’d like to come pick up my car.” Freddy replies that Paula is too late. He sold the car earlier in the day.


In a 6–10 paragraph paper, answer the following questions:

  • Does Paula have any legal claims against Capstone Corporation? What about Paula’s actions? Does Paula have a contract with Freddy to purchase the car? Consider the following:
    • Does Paula have a right to privacy when using Capstone Corporation’s e-mail system? Discuss one’s right to privacy and relate it to the facts in the scenario.
    • Can Paula be legally fired from her job for making negative comments about her boss and her company on social media? What about free speech? Discuss these issues and relate them to the facts of the scenario.
    • Do Paula and Freddy have a contract for the sale of the Mustang? Discuss the elements of a contract and relate those elements to the facts of the scenario.

You will create and submit your assignment by using the ecree link. Just click on the link and start writing. Your work will be saved automatically. You’ll see some feedback on the right-hand side of the screen, including text and videos to help guide you in the writing process. When you’re ready, you can turn in your assignment by clicking Submit at the bottom of the page.

Click the assignment link to start your assignment in ecree. Please note that ecree works best in Firefox and Chrome.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Criminal homework help

Please pick from one of the following questions:

1. Pick your favorite “mafia/mobster” movie and do a compare and contrast as to how “realistic” or “fake” it was, use what you learned in this chapter as a guide to help!

** this will require some research on the mobsters/mafia family **

2. What was Dutch Schultz’s big mistake that led to his downfall?

Nursing homework help

All: Questions must pertain to Montefiore Medical Center:

Submit Section III of the case study, in which you will address the chosen organization’s financial incentives and quality improvement processes. Specifically, you will critique the organization’s population-health oriented policies, the organization’s approach to care and the extent to which it is patient-centered, and any strategies the organization uses in its population-health approach.

Reference these resources to complete your milestone assignments:

Montefiore Medical Center Case Study

Chase, D (2010, October). Montefiore Medical Center: Integrated Care Delivery for Vulnerable Populations. Retrieved from

Interpreting Services Program:

Interpreting Services Program (n.d.). Retrieved from

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

III. Financial incentives and quality improvement processes

a) Analyze population health-oriented policies (such as non-discrimination in hiring, care and treatment, Patient Bill of Rights, financial assistance, etc.) that the organization may have implemented for reducing costs and improving overall quality. Be sure to provide evidence to support your claims.

b) To what extent is the organization’s approach to care considered patient-centered? Be sure to cite specific examples to substantiate your claims.

c) What specific strategies (such as eliminating unnecessary procedures and providing only essential treatments or interventions) does the organization employ in its population health approach to reduce costs and improve overall quality?

d) Describe gaps or deficiencies that may exist in the organization’s use of the population health approach in reducing costs and improving quality of care, and provide evidence to support your claims. If you feel there are none, be sure to explain your reasoning.

Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Three must be submitted as a two- to three-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, with sources cited in APA format.

Nursing homework help

1. a. Describe how epidemiological data influences changes in health practices. b.Provide an example and c.explain what data would be necessary to make a change in practice.

2. a.Discuss ways your organization uses technology to gather patient and health care information, and this information and data are used to direct patient care and outcomes.