Biology homework help

A portfolio is built using a set of subsidiary portfolios, programs, projects, and operational activities. The selection of key components is crucial in portfolio success. What role do portfolio funding and portfolio resources play in structuring the portfolio? How is this connected to the selection and continuing evaluation of portfolio key components?
You will not see other’s postings until you post your first one, and importantly, you need to reply to at least two of your peer’s postings.  This medium is instrumental in gaining an understanding through peer sharing.

  • Prepare your initial post (a minimum of 250 to 300 words) response by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. ET, and provide a minimum of two peer responses (a minimum of 150 words for each) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ET.
  • Be sure your posts make substantive contributions. A substantive post will explain or analyze the topic in detail, ask a thoughtful question about the topic, or share a relevant personal experience or additional resources concerning the discussion topic.
  • Cite current credible references and format your posts according to the APA style.


Biology homework help

2420-Lab 7- Microbial Growth: Temperature, Oxygen and Osmotic Balance


Answer following questions after reading the information and watching the video from the link below. Use color RED or BLUE for your answers. Submit the completed document on eCampus for grading. Refer to

Bacterial Growth:

Read the information from textbook from chapter 4 review sections 4.1, 4.3 and 4.4 to answer the following questions.
Watch the following video:

  1. Label the phases of growth on the following curve:
  2. What happens to bacteria in the phases labeled as A, B, C and D in the above figure?


  1. If we add more nutrients and space at the end of the exponential phase for a growing bacterial culture, what will happen?

Oxygen Requirement of bacteria

Read the information from textbook from chapter 4 review sections 4.3-4.4 to answer the following questions.
Watch the following videos:

Results of the bacterial oxygen requirement of bacteria:

  1. Why can only some organisms tolerate oxygen?


  1. Describe the kind of bacteria shown in the figure above in terms of oxygen (concentration) requirement and special enzymes.


  1. Which oxygen related enzymes are present or absent in the bacteria from tubes A-E?


Temperature Requirements of Bacteria:

Read the information from textbook from chapter 4 review sections 4.3-4.4 to answer the following questions.
Watch the following videos:

Temperature tolerance of bacteria

Write the correct term for bacteria growing under the following conditions

  1. Most medically important bacteria
  2. Bacteria growing on or inside your body
  3. Bacteria growing in your refrigerator
  4. Bacteria growing in the arctic ocean in winter
  5. Bacteria growing in hot springs in Arkansas
  6. Bacteria growing in geysers
  7. Why are bacteria not able to grow at temperature higher than the maximum tolerance limit?
  8. Do bacteria grow at the temperatures lower than the minimum tolerance limit? Why or why not? Explain

Osmotic Balance Requirements of Bacteria:

Read the information from textbook from chapter 4 review sections 4.3-4.4 to answer the following questions.
Read the following:

Osmotic tolerance of bacteria

Halophiles: On human body, Staphylococcus aureus is known to tolerate sweat. These bacteria may cause skin infections if athletic gear is shared among athletes without proper sanitization. In nature we will find bacteria, algae and fungi in water bodies or soil with higher salt concentrations. These organisms come under a group called “halophiles”.
Habitat: Halophiles are usually found in salt lakes, salt marshes, subterranean salt deposits, dry soil, salted meat and hypersaline seas.
3 groups based on the salt concentration tolerance:

  • Halophiles-2-5% salt required for growth
  • Moderate halophiles-5-20% salt required for growth
  • Extreme halophiles-20-30% salt required for growth

Write the correct term for bacteria growing under the following conditions

  1. Based in your knowledge about tonicity, for cells to survive they have to be surrounded by ______tonic environment.


  1. Why would cells not survive in hypotonic or hypertonic environment?

Anatomy homework help

please answer the following questions
  • attachment

  • attachment


Biology homework help

Consider the scenario below, then follow the instructions underneath it to complete the discussion. If appropriate, support your position with credible resources/examples/evidence and provide APA references.

Mr. D
Mr. D is a 90-year-old man who was admitted to the hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting, left arm pain, and chest pain. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is performed, and he is diagnosed as having a myocardial infarction.
Mr. D has a long history of comorbidities including hypertension, diabetes, and congestive heart failure (CHF). With this in mind, the physician asks Mr. D if he wants life-sustaining measures taken (e.g., CPR, mechanical ventilation, etc.) should he experience cardiopulmonary arrest.
Mr. D tells the physician that he wants all measures taken to save his life.

Imagine that you are the nurse assigned to provide care to Mr. D, and address the following:

  1. Considering Mr. D’s advanced age, what are the benefits/risks associated with providing life-sustaining measures?
  2. What factors should you consider based on the Mr. D’s age and health history?
  3. If Mr. D were your family member, how would you respond to his decision?


Biology homework help

Consider the scenario below, then follow the instructions underneath it to complete the discussion. If appropriate, support your position with credible resources/examples/evidence and provide APA references.

Mr. D
Mr. D is a 90-year-old man who was admitted to the hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting, left arm pain, and chest pain. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is performed, and he is diagnosed as having a myocardial infarction.
Mr. D has a long history of comorbidities including hypertension, diabetes, and congestive heart failure (CHF). With this in mind, the physician asks Mr. D if he wants life-sustaining measures taken (e.g., CPR, mechanical ventilation, etc.) should he experience cardiopulmonary arrest.
Mr. D tells the physician that he wants all measures taken to save his life.

Imagine that you are the nurse assigned to provide care to Mr. D, and address the following:

  1. Considering Mr. D’s advanced age, what are the benefits/risks associated with providing life-sustaining measures?
  2. What factors should you consider based on the Mr. D’s age and health history?
  3. If Mr. D were your family member, how would you respond to his decision?


Biology homework help

In this assignment, students will pull together the capstone project change proposal components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. For this project, the student will apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.
Develop a 1,250-1,500 written project that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:

  1. Background
  2. Clinical problem statement.
  3. Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system.
  4. PICOT question.
  5. Literature search strategy employed.
  6. Evaluation of the literature.
  7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized.
  8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures.
  9. Discussion of how evidence-based practice was used in creating the intervention plan.
  10. Plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention.
  11. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome.
  12. Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created.

Review the feedback from your instructor on the Topic 3 assignment, PICOT Question Paper, and Topic 6 assignment, Literature Review. Use this feedback to make appropriate revisions to these before submitting.

Biology homework help

Consider the scenario below, then follow the instructions underneath it to complete the discussion. If appropriate, support your position with credible resources/examples/evidence and provide APA references.

Mr. D
Mr. D is a 90-year-old man who was admitted to the hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting, left arm pain, and chest pain. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is performed, and he is diagnosed as having a myocardial infarction.
Mr. D has a long history of comorbidities including hypertension, diabetes, and congestive heart failure (CHF). With this in mind, the physician asks Mr. D if he wants life-sustaining measures taken (e.g., CPR, mechanical ventilation, etc.) should he experience cardiopulmonary arrest.
Mr. D tells the physician that he wants all measures taken to save his life.

Imagine that you are the nurse assigned to provide care to Mr. D, and address the following:

  1. Considering Mr. D’s advanced age, what are the benefits/risks associated with providing life-sustaining measures?
  2. What factors should you consider based on the Mr. D’s age and health history?
  3. If Mr. D were your family member, how would you respond to his decision?


Biology homework help

In this assignment, students will pull together the capstone project change proposal components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. For this project, the student will apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.
Develop a 1,250-1,500 written project that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:

  1. Background
  2. Clinical problem statement.
  3. Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system.
  4. PICOT question.
  5. Literature search strategy employed.
  6. Evaluation of the literature.
  7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized.
  8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures.
  9. Discussion of how evidence-based practice was used in creating the intervention plan.
  10. Plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention.
  11. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome.
  12. Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created.

Review the feedback from your instructor on the Topic 3 assignment, PICOT Question Paper, and Topic 6 assignment, Literature Review. Use this feedback to make appropriate revisions to these before submitting.

Biology homework help

This position paper is  (600-words minimum). In this paper you will read the scenario and present a position on that issue. All papers shall cite a minimum of three sources. One of the sources must be from the text, one must be an Internet source (with hyperlink) and the third may be from any source (print, personal experience, Internet, learned treatise, journal, etc.). You shall cite each source in APA format. The paper is due no later than Sunday (12/6) 11:00pm.
Below is the Senerio for this paper.
The routine practice of “ghost surgery” is well documented in medicine. Ghost surgery refers to any medical procedure in which the contracting physician was not the actual physician who performed the procedure. In many instances the patient is completely unaware simply because the patient is unconscious at the time. Ghost surgery is not, strictly speaking, limited to surgical procedures. The same phenomenon occurs in a variety of medical settings from radiology to routine lab work. In some instances, ghost surgery is a necessary component of the medical system, for example with the obvious need to train medical students to become the future surgeons of the world. Please review the Tunkl and Shorter cases; each addressed a different aspect of responsibility and liability. Please consider all views and write a position paper setting forth how you would propose to resolve a good balance between the rights of patients and the often necessary practical needs of the medical community.