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Wk 4 Team – Professional Learning Community Norms [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Develop a set of norms for a PLC which includes the following considerations (make each of these a title):
    • Time
    • Listening
    • Confidentiality
    • Decision Making
    • Participation
    • General expectations
    • Format the norms in a chart with their description.

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Use the information gathered in Module 3 to complete this assignment.

During the Interview:

  • Ask the following questions:
  1. What challenges do children and families within your program experience?
  2. What resources do you feel are important within your community for children and families to access?
  3. How do you facilitate contact and communication with these agencies offering resources for children and families in your program?
  • Show the list of community resources you have developed. Ask if there are any resources that they would add or any that they have utilized on a regular basis.

After the Interview:

  • Write a reflection on your interview that includes the following:
  1. A summary of your interview.
  2. A description of how effectively you feel the program utilizes community resources.
  3. Any suggestions you have for the program regarding their connections to community resources.

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Thread 1
You have just finished his lesson on solving inequalities and handed students a worksheet to complete silently. While the students were working independently, you decided to check your email, not realizing that your computer screen was still being projected to the class.  You open an email from the principal Mrs. Russell, who is asking all teachers to keep an eye out for new student Rebecca Johnsons, who has recently transitioned from male to female. You realized what had occurred once you heard the students giggling at the screen. You quickly unplugged his computer from the projector and told the students to get back to work.  What should you do next to protect the student’s privacy? Include evidence from Model Code of Ethics for Educators and Professional Dispositions of Learners.
Thread 2
As an educator, what are some ways you might integrate strong values and ethics into your content-area lessons to help support students’ character development that not only support your spiritual beliefs but also those of your students? Provide at least two specific ideas for activities.

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At a professional conference, you have been selected to lead a discussion among experienced development professionals on the ways in which heutagogical thinking might be applied to designing learning processes for supervisory and management training.
Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Create a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) with appropriate, refined, and well-developed answers regarding heutagogical learning to be used as talking points in the workshop. Be sure to consider your audience and its interests.
  • Prepare your FAQs to address the similarities and differences between heutagogy and widely-known concepts of self-directed learning. You should also address the relationship between the concept of heutagogy and constructivist learning theories.
  • Address the acceptance of the term heutagogyamong scholars and its secondary use in educational and training literature. Is this a widely-known and accepted term and a well-differentiated concept or theory?
  • Describe the process of transition from a pedagogical approach to a heutagogical approach to learning.

Suggested word count: 1,000–1,250, not including title page, abstract, and reference page(s)

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During this Unit IP, you will be required to create and conduct a 2–4-hour lesson for one or more adults in a classroom or online course. You may choose to create and conduct a lesson for any type of adult on any topic that you wish. However, you must plan your time so that the actual administration of the lesson is completed with enough time to be able to address the evaluative areas of the final IP requirements.
Please note: Your lesson must be created and conducted “in real time,” which means you must actually design and implement in a real setting within the 2-week time frame of this unit. The reality of your project is a critical component for success of this unit and for future analysis steps to follow.
Some examples of topics include the following:

  • Starting a memoir
  • Motivating volunteers for conservation projects in your community
  • Pumping your own gasoline and paying for it at a convenience store where only English is spoken
  • Symbols in modern poetry as symbols in your life
  • Citizen-action groups of your city during World War II

You must consider the specific audience for your lesson. Some types of adult audiences include the following:

  • First-year college students
  • Beginning-level ESL learners
  • Inmates in a penal institution
  • Young adults in a GED program
  • Middle-aged adults in a GED program
  • Senior citizens in an Elderhostel program
  • Senior citizens in a class at a community center
  • Senior citizens in a class at a retirement home
  • Adults in a basic education program
  • Employees in a health care company

You are not restricted to the audiences or the topics in the above list.
To plan adequately and conduct your lesson on specific content for a specific audience, adhere to the following requirements:

  • Identify the learners who will participate in your lesson. Describe the needs and characteristics of these adult learners.
  • List the specific topic that the students will learn during your 2–4-hour lesson.
  • Create and include 1–2 terminal performance objectives for the lesson.
  • Objectives must be written in audience, behavior, condition, degree (ABCD) form and use Bloom’s Taxonomy with appropriate measurable verbs to align with specific Bloom’s cognitive level expectations.
  • Ensure that your objectives include the following attributes:
    • Learner-centered
    • Measurable (no use of “Know”, “Understand”, “Demonstrate understanding”, or “Learn,” none of which can be measured)
    • Appropriate for your adult learners
    • Appropriate cognitive level verbs for your content
  • Create and include 3 active learning activities.
  • Ensure that your active learning activities are as follows:
    • In alignment with the verbs of your terminal performance objectives
    • Appropriate for your adult learners
    • Appropriate for your content
  • If you plan to conduct your lesson for more than one learner, you may wish to include a pair or group activity.
  • Explain your rationale for determining the order in which the activities occur.
  • Using your plan for the active learning activities that you created, include the following:
    • Facilitate learning for one or more adult learners.
    • State the place that the lesson occurred and the exact time that the lesson began and ended.
  • Correctly use grammar, punctuation, spelling, and other mechanics of the English language.

Deliverable Length:  4-6 pages

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The parable below has never been more applicable than in the tumultuous days of 2020!
If so desired write a 200 words or more essay explaining what this means to you. Your reward
along with 2 points of Extra Credit will be your personal growth and perspective. Must be submitted by
Sunday 12/06 by 11:59 PM. The points would be added to your Career project grade.
Have a great day,
Professor Brian Scanlon
“This too shall pass”
There was a king and he once said to the court sages – I have a ring with one of the finest diamonds in the world and I want to hide a message under the stone that can be useful in a situation of extreme despair.  I will give this ring to my heirs and I want it to serve faithfully.  Think of what kind of message will be there.  It must be very short to fit in the ring.
The sages knew how to write treatises, but did not express themselves in one short sentence.  They Thought and thought, but did not come up with anything.
The king complained about the failure of his venture to an faithful old servant who raised him from infancy and was part of the family.  And the old man said to him:
“I’m not a sage, I’m not educated, but I know such a message. For many years spent in the palace, I met a lot of people. And once I served a visiting mystic whom your father invited. And he gave me this message.  I ask that you don’t read it now. Save it under the stone and open it only when there’s no way out at all. The king listened to the old servant.
After some time, the enemies attacked the country and the king lost the war.  He fled on his horse and his enemies pursued him.  He was alone, his enemies were many. He rode to the end of the road.  There was a huge deep cliff before him, if he fell there, it would be the end.  He could not go back, as the enemies were approaching. He already heard the clatter of their horses’ hooves.  He had no way out.  He was in complete despair.
And then he remembered the ring.  He opened it and found an inscription: “This too shall pass.”
After reading the message, he felt that everything was quiet.  Apparently the pursuers got lost and proceeded in the wrong direction. Horses were no longer heard.
The king was filled with gratitude to the servant and the unknown mystic. The words were powerful.  He closed the ring.  And set out on the road.  He gathered his army and returned his state.
On the day when he returned to the palace, they arranged a magnificent meeting, a feast for the whole world – the people loved their king. The king was happy and proud.
The old servant came up to him and said softly: “Even in this moment, look at the message again.”
The King said, “Now I am a winner, people are celebrating my return, I’m not in despair, not in a hopeless situation.”
“Listen to this old servant,” the servant answered. “The message works not only in moments when everything is bad, but also in moments of victory.”
The king opened the ring and read:
“This too shall pass.”
And again he felt a silence fall over him, although he was in the midst of a noisy dancing crowd.  His pride dissolved.  He understood the message.  He was a wise man.
And then the old man said to the king; “Do you remember everything that happened to you? Nothing and no feeling is permanent. As night changes day, so moments of joy and despair replace each other. Accept them as the nature of things, as part of life”

Education homework help

Complete the attached assignment and upload the document to eCampus using the assignment link, above. I recommend that students review the two assignment examples (above) before getting started.
These are the handouts that go with Video #11- Thinking and Intellectual Performance – Bloom’s Taxonomy

In Example #2, I used a concept from Sociology: MICROAGGRESSION

REMEMBER – So state verbatim the definition/facts about the concept. (Ex. According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, a microaggression is defined as a “comment or action that subtly and often unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group, such as a racial minority.”)
UNDERSTAND – This next level requires that you paraphrase/explain the definition/facts in your own words. (Ex. Microaggressions happen when people are unaware of the offensive language or behaviors they use toward groups of people that are different from themselves; these groups often represent cultures in society that are devalued or looked down upon in some major way.) So, a comment from someone who is perceived in society as more powerful or important can come across as a slight or a way to put that group down.)
APPLY – So for this level, think of an example of the term. (Ex. When a woman in an elevator clutches her purse when an African-American man enters. What she is communicating, maybe intentionally or unintentionally, is that she’s afraid he might try to rob her or hurt her in some way. She’s saying “I’m scared of you”.)
ANALYZE – Try to compare and contrast the term with an “if this, then what” statement or think of other ideas to compare/contrast (Ex. Perhaps if people of different ethnic, class or other backgrounds can spend more time getting to know each other, they can better understand and be made aware of these subtle behaviors and their impact on the person affected (feeling hurt, isolated, frustrated).
EVALUATE – Draw conclusions. (Ex. We all have biases that we need to keep in check. When we become aware of offending others, we should try to correct the behavior.)

CREATE – Think of something new from what you already know about this concept.

Ex. Develop a workshop for community college faculty which addresses the unintended ways faculty may treat students this way.
Ex. Create a cultural awareness student organization to help address this issue at an institutional level.

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Learning Outside of Class

  1. Open document #1 called Reading Self-Assessment. Take the assessment. Think about your results and what they might mean.


  1. Open document #2 called “Reading Strategies to Use for What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains. Read the reading strategies that you should use for this passage (and any passage that you might find hard to read).


  1. Open document #3 called Front and Back Cover. This is the front and back cover of the text. Ask yourself: Based on what the front and back cover say,
    1. What can I expect to learn when reading this book?
    2. What questions do I have about this book?

(You do not need to write down your answer to #3.)

  1. Open document #4 called Prologue. Apply the strategies in document #2 as you read the prologue of the text. When you are finished, answer the following questions (a-e below) in a word document, and upload to the assignment link.

(To locate the assignment link, click “My Assignments,” click Unit 3, scroll down just below the Bloom’s Taxonomy Assignment, and below these instructions.)

  1. Who is the watchdog, and how do you know that from this text?
  2. Who is the thief, and how do you know that from this text?
  3. Explain in your own words the message of this text.
  4. As you read, which reading strategies did you use the most and why?
  5. How will you take the reading strategies you used today into your future as you become a more autonomous learner?

Extra Credit!  This opportunity printed below is worth 100 points!  If you choose to take on the challenge, add your responses to the same document on which you answered the previous questions.  Do not attempt to submit a second document. For this extra credit assignment, read the document called 5 Chapter 1  and  repeat the process in #4 a – e  above for this passage.

Education homework help

Complete the attached assignment and upload the document to eCampus using the assignment link, above. I recommend that students review the two assignment examples (above) before getting started.
These are the handouts that go with Video #11- Thinking and Intellectual Performance – Bloom’s Taxonomy
UsingBloomsTaxonomyasaStudyStrategy-Ex1v1 BloomsTaxonomyAssignment-Multitasking 2BloomsVerbs 5CollegeTuitionbyBernieSanders UsingBloomsTaxonomyasaStudyStrategy-Ex2v1