Education homework help

Transformational Leadership 
James MacGregor Burns is known as the father of the concept of transformational leadership. Burns first produced the theory in his 1978 study Leadership. Building upon the concept first introduced by Burns, Bernard M. Bass put transformational leadership into a model in the mid 1980’s.
This model is known as the 4 I’s of leadership:
1. Idealised Inflence (II) – the way a leader influences their group
2. Intelectual Stimulation (IS) – the environment a leader creates that allows follower to be creative and ideas to flow
3. Inspirational Motivation (IM) – leader motivates and inspires followers to improve performance
4. Individual Consideration (IC) – treat each team member as an individual and develop vital relationships
This model is still condisered the essential mapping to achieve transformational leadership. In your discussion post, please explain how you can address the four I’s in your current role. Touch on what you are currently doing and what can be improved. When responding to your peers, try to provide creative and/or new ideas to expand upon the thinking.

Education homework help

Address the sources of challenges and opportunities (e.g. profit motives by corporations, nationality and gender bias, lack of citizenship rights of migrant workers, and legal rights to unionized or lack thereof).

Education homework help

I need the SIOP Lesson Plan completed using the information prodvided in the ELPS Quick Share.
The Social Studies Writing SIOP LP is an example of the assignment completed.
Please use the information from the ELPS Quick Share. The additional pictures provided are the activities for the ELPs Quick Share.

Education homework help

Why“Re-Usable Smart Application For Hotel“ Is The Factor That Plays An Important Role In The Success Of A Product?

Coursework 2, CW2 – Feasibility Study, Weeks 8-9 (E-learning submission by Week 9, Friday, 5pm).
Business Research Report (30% of total grade)
• Goal: justification of Business Idea
• Volume: 1’000 words of main written text per individual group
member on average, except for cover page, bibliography and
• Formatting: Formatting of the main text: police Times New
Roman 12 pt, interline – 1.5 pt, Justified alignment, page number in upper right corner; Referencing: Harvard style
Please justify your group business idea by doing the following brief literature review, based on related secondary publications, theoretical research articles and/or applied sources relevant for your product/service mix, target market, technology, location, or other core aspects of your strategic positioning:
– Find a research article related to your Feasibility Study on the Web and read it.
Assessment 2: Individual business research report (30%
written research report and 10% presentation, totalling
40% of the grade) 7
– Find and read the findings from 3 other literature sources on the topic of your article that would allow you to evaluate its credibility (any source type can be used).
– Write a report containing approximately the wordcount indicated below (you can write more, but not less than total 800 words), with a grade weighted per section accordingly:
I) Cover Page, including individually submitting student name (if individual submission is made), project name, group members (leader’s name and student No.; members’ names and student No.)
Main text body:
– Topic importance (200 words): present business research topic
– Brief literature review (800 words), including points A to D
A) Description: summarize the main message/findings of your main source in your own words
???? Analysis: compare and contrast your main source’s main message/ findings with current practices in hospitality business that you know from your own experience and/or up to maximum of 3 other literature sources you have read on your research article topic. Better comparisons with greater number of sources lead to higher grades.
C) Evaluation: Assess the research credibility of your source
Describe the selected research strategy by giving its name and definition, research sample, and how the data was analysed; otherwise, indicate how the information reported in the paper was obtained by the author(s). If the information source is not clearly stated, please indicate so and explain what does it mean int terms of the source credibility. Evaluate credibility of these research findings, using the 4 criteria of credibility and possibly referring to your 2 other literature sources or your own industry experience.
D) Conclusion: Provide an overall conclusion, whether hospitality managers could use the findings of research described in your article to make decisions about business innovation.
II) Bibliography: references are formatted in Harvard style (to facilitate the referencing, groups may use Harvard References in reference management software). All the 4 sources should be referenced in the bibliography/in-text.
III) Appendix: it contains information that is relevant for the study, but not easily included in the main written text (if any).
The grade will be penalized in case of substantial misunderstanding or lack of familiarization with the topic content resulting from misuse of literature sources, such as (but not limited to):
1. systematic or major lack of originality in analysis (10 points), synthesis of key findings from the source (10 points), and conclusion development (10 points) (30 points in total);
2. systematic or major evidence of familiarization with the content of findings with one specific source (10 points);
3. systematic or major mismatch between the actual and reported source content (10 points);
4. systematic or major mismatch between the sources referenced and used in the bibliography (10 points).
Specific grading criteria for Assessment (10% each):
• use of topic relevant for the proposed business planning concept (topic importance)
• links among business practice and concepts (topic importance)
• analysis (of literature sources)
• synthesis (of literature sources)
• evaluation-level thinking (conclusions)
• development of a logical and well-ordered argument (specific theory use or concept description)
• Harvard style use (academic sources, reference list, citations, quotations)
• organization: paragraphs, transition of words and phrases
• clarity of expression
• spelling and grammar
EnhancingcustomerscontinuedmobileappuseinServiceIndustry1 UseofsmartphoneappsincocreativehotelserviceinnovationanevidencefromIndia

Education homework help

Ethics Project
Review the seven scenarios, rate them and add brief justification for each.  Add your answers directly to this file and save it as EthicsProjectYourName.docx.
These scenarios are based on published works by Professor Whitman and Professor Paradice and are adapted from “Cross-National Differences in Computer-Use Ethics” by Michael E. Whitman, Anthony M. Townsend, and Anthony R. Hendrickson, The Journal of International Business Studies.
Review each scenario carefully and respond to each question using the following statement, choosing the description you feel most appropriate: I feel the actions of this individual were:
(very ethical / ethical / neither ethical nor unethical / unethical / very unethical)
Ethical Decision Evaluation

  1. A scientist developed a theory that required proof through the construction of a computer model. He hired a computer programmer to build the model, and the theory was shown to be correct. The scientist won several awards for the development of the theory, but he never acknowledged the contribution of the computer programmer.

The scientist’s failure to acknowledge the computer programmer was:

  1. The owner of a small business needed a computer-based accounting system. One day, he identified the various inputs and outputs he felt were required to satisfy his needs. Then he showed his design to a computer programmer and asked the programmer if she could implement such a system. The programmer knew she could implement the system because she had developed much more sophisticated systems in the past. In fact, she thought this design was rather crude and would soon need several major revisions. But she didn’t say anything about her thoughts, because the business owner didn’t ask, and she hoped she might be hired to implement the needed revisions.

The programmer’s decision not to point out the design flaws was:

  1. A student found a loophole in the university computer’s security system that allowed him access to other students’ records. He told the system administrator about the loophole, but continued to access students’ records until the problem was corrected two weeks later.

The student’s action in searching for the loophole was:
The student’s action in continuing to access others’ records for two weeks was:
The system administrator’s failure to correct the problem immediately was:

  1. You placed an online order and when your package arrived you noticed that in addition to your original order something else was also included. Even though you did not order the 2nd item, you really like it and it was not that expensive so you decide to keep it.

The decision to keep the item was:

  1. A programmer at a bank realized that he had accidentally overdrawn his checking account. He made a small adjustment in the bank’s accounting system so that his account would not have the additional service charge assessed. As soon as he deposited funds that made his balance positive again, he corrected the bank’s accounting system.

The programmer’s modification of the accounting system was:

  1. During work, you often have down time. To fill the void, you decide to check your social media and shop online.

Your decision to use company time for personal reasons is:

  1. One day, a student programmer decided to write a virus program. Virus programs usually make copies of themselves on other disks automatically, so the virus can spread to unsuspecting users. The student wrote a program that caused the microcomputer to ignore every fifth command entered by a user. The student took his program to the university computing lab and installed it on one of the computers. Before long, the virus spread to hundreds of users.

The student’s action of infecting hundreds of users’ disks was:
If the virus program output the message “Have a nice day,” then the student’s action of infecting hundreds of users’ disks would have been:
If the virus erased files, then the student’s action of infecting hundreds of users’ files would have been:
Grading Rubric

Task Points
Scenario 1: Rate and justification 3
Scenario 2: Rate and justification 3
Scenario 3: Rate and justification 3
Scenario 4: Rate and justification 3
Scenario 5: Rate and justification 3
Scenario 6: Rate and justification 3
Scenario 7: Rate and justification 3
File named correctly 2
Proof read check spelling and grammar 2
Total 25


Education homework help

Write a 700 word minimum paper that analyzes the following:

  • Stages of team development
  • Barriers to effective team work
  • Strategies to overcome the barriers
  • Conflict resolution
  • Ways to effectively implement shared decision-making on teams
  • Cite a minimum of two sources to support your work using the APA format.

Education homework help

Complete slides 12-17 of Implementing a Professional Learning Community Template. Make sure you complete the slides for both Weeks Five and Six so you can use your analysis for your final project.

Education homework help

This assignment requires you to reflect on and synthesize all that you have learned during this course. Your focus should be related to family support as a profession. You will review all of the course components including the course objectives, readings, discussions, and assignments and you will identify the three most important concepts or perspectives that you have learned during this course. You will provide a rationale for your selection of these 3 areas. Discuss these 3 areas in detail and indicate the nature of their relationship to each other. Furthermore, you will discuss how your new understanding will likely affect your professional practice. You should site any sources that you utilize and you will need to incorporate at least 8 peer-reviewed articles into your paper.
The paper that you write for this assignment will be 8 pages in length, not including the title page and the references section.  Also, your submission for the assignment should not significantly overlap with your assignment 1 or 2 submissions.

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Wk 5 Team – Wiki Update: Artifacts & Portfolios

Assignment Content

  1. Explain the following in a word document of 350 words or whatever other format your team chooses:
    • Purpose and process of using student artifacts and portfolios
    • How these items can be used within the context of a professional learning community framework