Geology homework help

climate change in the Bay Area and the drought effect on the ocean water, attracting great white shark to hunt seals as close as Alcatraz in the bay
·  Written project (minimum of 1750 words, or double that for team projects; include a References list & captioned maps/illustrations) due December 13,
·  Presentations (narrated PowerPoint presentation, YouTube videos or live) to be posted online for viewing or scheduled for December 2, 9 or 16
1.  You may work individually or collaborate in teams of two.
2.  Select a Bay Area environmental issue NOT discussed in detail in lectures, films or readings. General topic areas might include agricultural preservation, air pollution, climate change/sea level rise, endangered species/wildlife, energy, environmental justice, housing developments, invasive species, land use planning, marine sanctuaries, parks/open space, sustainability, transportation, waste disposal, water pollution/resources.
3.  Find a more specific case study: how the topic you have selected is being addressed in a particular place and/or by a specific organization; a particular species or pollutant; a specific tract of land, community or watershed.
4.  Locate at least 5 references that will help you learn about this topic. Online references are fine. Provide a complete References list in your proposal (not just url’s but author, title, date accessed as well.) Your written project will need 5-10 References; be sure to cite all sources of facts, information and opinions.
5.  How are environmental groups’ actions and/or public policies shaping this topic in the Bay Area? Be sure to address any controversies or different stakeholder perspectives.
6.  Prepare a brief presentation (a narrated PowerPoint, video or podcast) to help your classmates understand what is at stake, why it is important and what you have concluded from your research. Individuals will have 5 minutes for presentations; teams will have double time.

Geology homework help

 This is a test about Survey of oceanography, 25 Multiple choices for 20 minutes. Starting on Dec 4, 8:00am to 10: 00 am. If you could help me, chat with me. I will send you more detail. The file that I upload is some course documents about this class. If you can handle this, contact me.

Geology homework help

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify products that use metal and nonmetal/industrial mineral resources.
  • Become familiar with the geologic processes and geographic distribution of metal or nonmetal/industrial mineral.
  • Conduct an analysis of products used in the home and/or workplace.

Part 1:
“Visit” a local home improvement store and/or hardware store (e.g., Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware, etc.) to find a product that uses the metal, nonmetal and/or industrial mineral listed below as the major ingredient.  You do not need to purchase any products for this assignment.
Note: Due to COVID, you are not required to physically go to the store for this assignment.  Therefore, you can complete the entire assignment using the websites from the stores listed above.  
Part 2:
Conduct an analysis of the same metals and nonmetal/industrial minerals listed above used in your home and/or workplace. Basically find any products and/or building materials that uses the same metals and nonmetal/industrial minerals from Part 1 in your home and/or workplace.  You can repeat the products found in Part 1 if needed.
Part 3:
Complete a report using the following format:

  1. Introduction
  2. Product Analysis (Use information from Part 1)

A picture of the product must be included with a description of the following:

  • information about the use of the product
  • the geologic occurrence of the metal or nonmetal/industrial mineral (e.g., ore deposit mineral models)
  • examples of major deposits (e.g., Bushveld, South Africa).

Cite your sources using MLA citation and format style (Links to an external site.).

  1. Personal Uses (Use information from Part 2)
  2. Conclusion

Part 4:
Submit report in required dropbox in pdf or word format.
List of Metals, Nonmetals, and Industrial Minerals
Abundant and Scarce Metal Resources Fe Al Mg Ti Zn Cu Pb Cr Ni
Nonmetals and Industrial Minerals N P K Gypsum Aggregate Dimension Stone
*A separate product is required for each metal, nonmetal and/or industrial mineral listed in the table.
Shopping Assignment ExamplePreview the document
**Do not copy the example!  You report must be unique and your own work.
USGS Factsheets


Shopping Assignment RubricShopping Assignment RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction20.0 ptsFull MarksAll of the required content was submitted in the assignment.17.0 ptsSatisfactoryThe required content was submitted; however, descriptions and details were missing from the submission.10.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementThe required content was not submitted and descriptions and details were missing.0.0 ptsNo Submission20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProduct Analysis50.0 ptsFull MarksAll of the required content was submitted in the assignment.40.0 ptsSatisfactoryThe required content was submitted; however, descriptions and details were missing from the submission.30.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementThe required content was not submitted and descriptions and details were missing.0.0 ptsNo Submission50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal Uses10.0 ptsFull MarksAll of the required content was submitted in the assignment.8.0 ptsSatisfactoryThe required content was submitted; however, descriptions and details were missing from the submission.5.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementThe required content was not submitted and descriptions and details were missing.0.0 ptsNo Submission10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion20.0 ptsFull MarksAll of the required content was submitted in the assignment.17.0 ptsSatisfactoryThe required content was submitted; however, descriptions and details were missing from the submission.10.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementThe required content was not submitted and descriptions and details were missing.0.0 ptsNo Submission20.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0PREVIOUSNEXT

Geology homework help

The essay must focus on Season of Migration to the NorthClear Light of Day or Exit West. Your essay will run 4-5 pages, so it will be important to shape your focus so that you have a topic that you can discuss in depth in 5-6 pages. Once you choose a text and narrow your focus, you will develop an original, thesis driven paper that supports your analysis of the selected text with references to outside sources.
Your essay should include reference to at least two sources that are appropriate to the type of argument you decide to pursue. Everyone will investigate what other scholars have said about their chosen text by looking at literary criticism; additionally, you might research cultural, legal, or historical contexts, or you might explore how your subject is treated in different art forms (photographs, paintings, songs, films). Ideally, I would prefer if you apply some theoretical angle or a concept on the texts you’re examining. The research should help you to support your own argument; including research should not take the place of your own, original analysis of texts.