Health Medical Homework Help

MN 504 Purdue Global University EBP and PICOT Essay


Discuss how you used the three components inherent to Evidence-Based Practice inquiry to direct your clinical question database search. PICOT question: “What is the role of shortage of nurses in nursing home deaths?”

APA 7th edition

3 References

Health Medical Homework Help

University of California Los Angeles Nursing Journal


I’m working on a nursing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

  1. What motivated you to pursue nursing school, and to pursue it at this time in your life? What barriers do you need to overcome in order to succeed?
  2. What emotions surface when you think about nursing school? What about your future nursing career? Explain.
  3. How will learning about the history of professional nursing help you in becoming a nurse? What steps can you take to add to a positive image of nursing?
  4. What do you think could be challenges to applying evidence-based practice in nursing care? How can you overcome these when you become a nurse?
  5. Describe your current study strategies. How do you prepare for classes and/or exams? Does this process work for you? What about your time management skills? How can you improve in both of these areas?
  6. Looking back over the last two weeks of the course, what did you learn about that you didn’t know before? How will you apply this to your life (currently, or in your future nursing practice)?

Health Medical Homework Help

The Public Health History Discussion


I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Instructions below along with resources needed. Minimum length of 3 paragraphs. The link to the ebook is below along with information as well as the link to the What is Public Health website.

Link for What is Public Health website:

Link for course ebook will be shared

Getting Started

This assignment will review the historical context of public health as a discipline, including the foundational concepts of disease prevention, health protection, and health promotion and education of populations. As you read about the historical factors serving as an impetus for launching the public health system, parallels with current population health needs will be established. In addition, you will explore the core functions and essential services provided by the public health system in the United States.

Upon successful completion of these activities, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the core functions and essential services provided to populations through the public health system.


  • Textbook: Public Health Nursing: Population-centered Health Care in the Community
  • Website: Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)

Background Information

Public health plays many important roles in your community. From food and water safety, air quality, and the prevention and control of communicable diseases, to the recording of birth and death certificates, surveillance of morbidity and mortality rates, and the inspections of restaurants, campgrounds, swimming pools, and daycare centers, the public health system touches the lives of every citizen in the United States. The core functions and essential services performed by public health professionals are numerous and varied, yet each is foundational to the health of the overall population.

In this assignment, you will review the historical aspects of public health practice in order to discern its role in promoting the health of populations today. Additionally, you will closely examine the core functions and essential services of public health and how they relate to current healthcare issues in the United States.


  1. Review the appropriate rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Chapters 2 and 7, review Chapters, 1, 46, in the textbook, Public Health Nursing: Population-centered Health Care in the Community.
  3. Visit the “What is Public Health” page at the ASPPH website to learn more about the impact of public health, as well as integral public health resources within the United States. Note: This website includes a large amount of information on a wide variety of different topics. Tailor your reading on this website to relevant areas of personal interest.
  4. Respond to the following:
    1. Discuss the historical significance of public health, its beginnings, and where it is today. Why was public health originated, and how does this origin relate to the three core functions currently guiding public health practice today?
    2. Research as many roles and settings as you can identify of the public health nurse today. A minimum of five roles/settings should be identified. Briefly explain what they would do in this role.
    3. Based on your assigned readings, compare and contrast past public health issues with present public health issues. Specifically, discuss the similarities and differences which are evident.

Health Medical Homework Help

Population Focused Healthcare Discussion


I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better.

All instructions are below and well as links to websites and any resources you may need. Length should be 2-3 paragraphs, APA 7th edition format with references.

Website for CDC:

Link for ebook will be given

Getting Started

The focus of this assignment is to introduce the concept of population-focused healthcare and identify approaches at the local, national, and global levels. Working with populations and communities will take on a new meaning as you explore the difference between individual care and a community as the recipient of care.

Upon successful completion of these activities, you will be able to:

  • Relate the concept of population-focused health to local, national, and global healthcare.


  • Textbook: Public Health Nursing: Population-centered Health Care in the Community
  • Website: CDC 10 Most Important Public Health Problems and Concerns

Background Information

Population-focused health includes approaches that are aimed at improving the health status of a defined group, and may occur at local, national, and global levels. Nurses who have traditionally been involved in caring for individual clients (patients) during times of illness may find the concept of population health to be somewhat unfamiliar. Although the approaches may be quite different from those involved in providing nursing care to an individual, you will find that population-focused practice holds the same foundational elements and applies those same tenets in caring for at-risk populations.

From the perspective of population-focused healthcare, there is a commonality that is shared with all other forms of healthcare is a health-related concern that places a group of people in an at-risk position. At-risk populations have an increased risk of developing health problems. Limited access to economic resources, age, gender and some examples which you might recognize include the elderly, pregnant teenagers, infants, migrant workers, the homeless, the underinsured, the impoverished, and so forth.

In this activity, you will explore population-focused health more closely, including specific advancements in protecting the health of the public. In addition, you will consider specific population health needs, the impact of population-focused interventions, and formal organizations that promote the health of populations locally, nationally, and globally.


  1. Review the appropriate rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Chapters 1 and 46 in the textbook, Public Health Nursing: Population-centered Health Care in the Community.
  3. Prepare to discuss the following prompts:
    1. Define population-focused healthcare and what that means to local populations, national populations, and global populations. Support your assertions with citations from your assigned readings.
    2. Pick one of the Ten Great Public Health Achievements in the 20th century located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
    3. Explain why this is considered an achievement and what you see as the two pros and two cons of this achievement.
    4. Based on the readings in your textbook, identify a population health problem in your community. Explain why this is a problem and what at-risk population is affected. Discuss how population health approaches can impact this problem.
    5. Based on the readings in your textbook, discuss the differences between local, national, and global population-focused healthcare. Note at least one formal population health organization that affects each of these areas.
  4. Research and select at least two current scholarly sources to support your explanations and insights.

Health Medical Homework Help

UCLA Critical Thinking Health Adage Life Experiences & Digestive Problems Discussion


Think of an adage or common saying, perhaps something your mother or father used to say to you, that is health-related.

1. Share the adage and your thoughts about it. Do you agree? Disagree?

2. Using the concept of Evidence Based Practice to either support or disprove the adage. You don’t have to look up research to prove or disprove your saying (unless you choose to) but please address what information you would need to have in order to support or refute these claims. For example, what questions would you need to investigate?

*If you do use research or evidence-based information, make sure you include your sources!

Health Medical Homework Help

FIU Ethical Nursing Issue & Healthcare Industry Presentation


  1. Instructions  Each student will present a powerpoint presentation via Blackboard collaborate
  2.  Approved Topics
     Should human cloning be allowed?
        Should euthanasia be legal?
    What are the biggest problems in healthcare?
    Should Pediatric patients have the right to stop their treatments?
    Futile care in the ICU setting.

Health Medical Homework Help

UP Healthcare Managers Use Financial Statements for Long Range Planning Questions


  1. Explain its purpose and identify the information can be derived from the financial statement
  2. Explain what you think is the major purpose of the financial statements and the healthcare manager’s use of these statements.
  3. Discuss how you will use the financial statements in your health care career.

DRESOURCE REQUIREMENTS: APA Formatting is required if you use information from a source to develop your response. Use citations where appropriate and list references. All citations and references must be in APA format. Only 15% of the content can be source material. If you write in your own words, only the reference is required.


Health Medical Homework Help

SU Genetics Chromosomal Alterations Research Paper


Genetics Research Paper: covers a chromosomal alteration (to include but limited to historical perspective, alteration’s origin, phenotypic symptom(s) both molecular and gross, inheritance pattern, and therapies (molecular, pharmaceutical, surgical, psychological, etc… Paper is a minimum of 5 pages (maximum of 8), Times Roman size 12 font, 1.5 spaced, and include citations in the text and literature cited section. A minimum of 3 sources including 2 books and/or journal articles is required. Pictures are not considered as part of the 5-page minimum.

Health Medical Homework Help

CCF Nurses Perceptions of Trust Burnout Quality of Care and Work Satisfaction Ques


Using the two approved research articles for the topic you selected, address the following content for each article:

  1. What is the problem? What is your PICOT question?
  2. Why is this problem important nursing?
  3. Summarize the main points of the research articles. Include type of research (qualitative/quantitative), research design, collection of data, methods, and significant findings
  4. Are the studies rigorous? Explain strengths and weakness.
    1. For Quantitative Research you must use the appropriate terminology: What makes this research Valid, Reliable, Generalizable.
    2. For Qualitative you must use the appropriate terminology: What makes this research, Trustworthy- Credible, Transferable, Dependable, and Confirmable.
  5. Compare/contrast the findings of each study in your summary.
  6. Could these studies help to make a practice change for nurses? Explain why.

The paper will also be graded on how well it is written, the organization and sufficient details. Paper must be 3-4 pages written in APA format. Include your references. The reference page and title page are not to be included in the total number of pages.