Humanities Homework Help

Grand Canyon University Cross Curricular Development Discussion


A comprehensive curriculum map is a valuable tool for teachers. Mapping curriculum allows instructors to review the aligned curriculum and continue to develop learning experiences that meet the needs of a diverse student population. Additionally, connecting learning across disciplines increases the relevance of the content and helps students build strong frameworks for past, present, and future learning.

For this benchmark, continue to build and revise your curriculum map to include cross-curricular, differentiation, and cultural diversity components based on current best practices.

The cross-curricular component should include:

Three disciplines or curricular areas other than your own.

The cross-curricular connections must be clearly articulated.

  • Resources, as appropriate.
  • The differentiation component should include for each unit:
  • Strategies that reflect best practices for differentiating access to the content.

Suggested adjustments to the instructional strategies and materials, assessments, and the learning environment.

Extension and remedial activities.

  • Note: Differentiation strategies should vary for each unit. Keep in mind the needs of students with disabilities, English language learners, high-achieving, and gifted students.
  • The cultural diversity component should include for each unit:
  • Culturally responsive pedagogical practices.
  • Resources such as appropriate literature, videos, technology, etc.

Activities that reflect culturally inclusive practices.

Note: Cultural diversity can be integrated into various areas of the curriculum map but should be explicitly pointed out.

This map should be a comprehensive visual depiction of the content for an 18-week period. Use the feedback you received in the Topic 4 field experience to make any additional changes to your map.

  • In 250-500 words reflect on the following:
  • How do the cross-curricular components make learning meaningful and engaging for students?
  • How did you develop your curriculum map to include culturally diverse and differentiated curriculum?
  • How can technology enhance cross-curricular and cultural components?

How does your curriculum map align with the organizational goals and standards in a way that improves student achievement?

How have you used current best practices to build and revise your curriculum map?

Humanities Homework Help

UCLA Disability Current Affairs Conservatorship Summary


You are required to complete the following prompts. For each prompt, please write 1-3 paragraphs. 

Summarize and provide your opinion on the controversy of the #FreeBritney (Britney Spears) movement. Explain some of the issues and arguments that you find.

Examine three references on the topic of conservatorship. These references should be a combination of peer-reviewed articles, online sources, or online videos.  In your summaries include key points and arguments. Make sure to cite your sources (include a link to your source) 

How accessible was it for you to find current, understandable information regarding conservatorship and alternatives to conservatorship? Were there resources in other languages? Non-legaleze resources for families? How accessible is information regarding alternatives to conservatorship for immigrant families who speak other languages, or parents with learning disabilities, etc? What barriers did you discover in your search? 

  1. Reflect on what you’ve learned in this course so far and about conservatorship. What are your opinions on the topic? What surprised you? What do you agree or disagree with? 

Humanities Homework Help

Government Policies on Covid19 Pandemic Discussion


In one of our readings this week (“Efficiency of government policy during the Covid-19 pandemic”), the authors ask whether democracies are more effective in protecting their citizens in a pandemic than an autocratic nation might be. While many might argue that countries like China are more effective in taking the necessary measures to contain the pandemic because they are readier to limit citizens’ freedom and human rights, they found no support for this hypothesis.  In fact, they found that the most effective governments are on average those of democratic countries.  Building on our discussion in class, do you agree or disagree with their conclusion?

Humanities Homework Help

Walden University Pearson Correlation Coefficient Discussion


Discussion 1(a) Imagine that you wanted to look at the difference between two independent groups. For example, you want to explore partner violence to see whether men or women are more physically violent in abusive relationships. The statistic you would conduct is an independent sample t-test. This test will tell you if there is a statistical difference between the means of the two independent groups. After you conduct an independent t-test, you would arrive at the conclusion that for each of the outcome variables, the differences between the two groups were statistically significant or not statistically significant.

For this Discussion, you explain when to use a t-test and how understanding this test will benefit you as a social worker.

  • Explain when to use a t-test using a social work practice example.
  • Explain how understanding what a t-test is and how it functions may assist you as a social worker.
  • Explain how the t-test function you identified may also enhance your colleague’s social work practice.
  • Discussion 1(b) However, with a correlation, you do not know cause and effect. For example, in this scenario did getting poor grades lead to marijuana use—or did marijuana use lead to poor grades? Identifying a relationship between variables is not the same as understanding the cause and effect. For this Discussion, you explain the function of correlations and how understanding correlations may help you better understand a population.
    Post your responses to the following:
    • Explain how correlations function.
    • Explain how understanding correlations may help you better understand a population.
    • Describe another way in which understanding correlations may enhance your colleague’s practice.

Humanities Homework Help

Ethical Leadership for a Family Member Discussion


300 to 400 words

Think of a leader within your organization that you feel demonstrates ethical behavior. (This could be someone from a past or present employer, school, religious group, or family.)

  • Discuss why you feel they are an ethical leader. Give at least two examples of their ethical behavior.
  • What is their leadership style? How did you determine it? Give an example of how they exhibit their leadership style. The original posting or answer to the questions must go well beyond a one or two worded response. Each example should be written with multiple sentence answer
  • Be sure to access the watch page and watch the two videos before creating your posting

Humanities Homework Help

ELM 305 Grand Canyon University W4 Scripting Dialogue Table


Scripting Dialogues

Scripting dialogues between teacher and student is a strategy used to intentionally teach the integration of written and spoken language. Scripted dialogues are used in a variety of contexts, and are especially helpful when students are practicing phonics, word recognition, and spelling.

Part 1: Scripting Dialogues Table

Using the “Scripting Dialogues Table” with the “Birthday Soup” excerpt, create teacher-student dialogues specific to using single-letter and consonant digraphs, short vowel and long vowel sounds, and appropriate use of word building and word building-spelling. Review the examples in your text as a guide.

Part 2: Rationale

In a 250-500 word rationale, summarize how each dialogue is effective and developmentally appropriate for teaching phonics, word recognition, and spelling.

Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly sources.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


Read Chapters 5 and 11 pages 261-262.


Read pages 11-17 in “Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read,” by Armbruster et al., located on the National Institute for Literacy website.


Read pages 11-17 in “The National Reading Panel Report: Practical Advice for Teachers,” by Shanahan, located on the ERIC website.


Review page 14, from “Birthday Soup,” by Minarik, located on the Common Core State Standards ELA website.


Humanities Homework Help

Los Angeles Valley College Pervasiveness of Electronic Health Records Discussion



Select an innovation and create a 1-2 page writing plan for completing an informative report.


For the first assessment, you will make a plan! You will do this by creating a writing plan to prepare for the following

You will begin the first stage of writing, the prewriting stage; you will also consider audience and purpose. You will find that you use all four skills discussed in this course—communication, productivity, technology, and innovation—as you complete this assessment.

When it comes to success, having a plan will help you identify how to reach your goals and ensure you accomplish them on time. The same is true when it comes to your writing. In this assessment, you’ll practice your productivity skill to begin creating a plan for your writing assessments in the course, and you’ll also utilize your technology skill to ensure that your plan stays on track.


For this assessment, you will make a plan! You will do this by creating a writing plan to prepare for Assessment 2, an informative report; Assessment 3, a recommendation report; and Assessment 4, a pitch e-mail. You will begin the first stage of writing, the prewriting stage, and consider audience and purpose. You will find that you use all four skills discussed in this course as you complete this assessment: communication, productivity, technology, and innovation.

For all the assessments in this course, consider this scenario:

Your workplace has experienced significant change recently, and your department is expected to respond to change with innovation. Your direct leader has asked you to determine one specific innovation for your department; you will be responsible for the implementation of this innovation.
Your direct leader has asked you to first create an informative report in which you present the benefits and risks around your suggested innovation. Once they approve or provide feedback on this, they would like you to create a recommendation report for you immediate manager. Finally, you will need to create a pitch e-mail to communicate the final changes to your entire department.
For your assessments, consider an innovation in a workplace within your discipline. You can consider your current job or a job you aspire to in the future.


Review the provided resources for this assessment. Decide what innovation you will use, and then select the technology tool that you will use to create your plan, such as Word, Excel, or another digital tool. Whatever you select, the output must be in a format that you are able to attach in the submission area for faculty to access.


For this assessment, create a 1–2 page writing plan that addresses the following:

  • Describe the selected audience.
    • Identify and explain who your audience is.
    • How will you address their needs in each writing project?
  • Apply the prewriting stage of writing.
    • This will be done as you outline your plans for each of the three writing projects—the informative report, the recommendation report, and the e-mail correspondence, or pitch e-mail.
    • For your writing plan, you can use one of the prewriting tools, such as brainstorming, suggested by the Writing Center. You can include this anywhere in the document.
  • Explain the purpose.
    • The purpose will be to inform and recommend, but you should also cover the purpose of the innovation or change itself.
  • Discuss the selected innovation.
  • Write coherently with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Additional Requirements

Save your writing plan in an accessible format and submit.

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Formatting: The writing plan should be organized and formatted in a way that enhances comprehension and keeps the reader interested.
  • References: Any references used should be clearly cited and credited.
  • Length: 1–2 pages of text, in addition to a cover sheet.
    • The cover sheet should include your name, the course number, assessment title, and date. No other information is required on this page.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply the stages of writing to produce effective professional communication.
    • Apply the prewriting stage of writing.
  • Competency 2: Define the appropriate audience and purpose for specific deliverables.
    • Describe the selected audience.
    • Explain the purpose.
  • Competency 3: Develop business and technical writing documents that convey essential information.
    • Discuss the selected innovation.
  • Competency 5: Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.
    • Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.

Humanities Homework Help

ELM 305 Clayton State University W4 Phonics and Word Recognition Worksheet


I’m working on a english case study and need an explanation to help me study.

For Field Experience C, we will be focusing our video observations on phonics and word recognition. Please spend four hours this week observing videos related to phonics and word recognition.

After reviewing your videos, please create a lesson plan teaching a specific phonics skill. You will be using the Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan (EEI) template that I have attached. Please implement a book that you can use to help you teach this skill (be sure to list it under supplemental materials).

Here is an example video that could be observed:

Anytime Anywhere Common Core: Phonics and Word Recognition

Humanities Homework Help

PHIL 115 Brookdale Thomas Hobbes Case in His Social Contract Theory Discussion


M 8 Discussion — Social and Political Philosphy

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Are we really brutes?

Much of political philosophy today is based on the idea of Thomas Hobbes that we are brutish animals, quarrelsome and violent and that we need to be controlled like any other wild animal. Is that true? People in the past have thought so, but new archaeological evidence suggests we are not. Pre-historic man was actually peaceful and believe it or not, very artistic. Please view the video here.

Oldest known figurative cave art discovered in Borneo Griffith University. April 30, 2018. You Tube. .

Since Hobbes theory of absolute rule is dependent upon his negative view of human nature, any evidence to indicate we are not brutes gives us some reason to think that a dictatorship is not the best form of government for us. In fact, after considering the information in the film, we could even feel justified in recommending a democracy instead, which is the view of J. S. Mill. To come to some conclusion about this, please answer the following questions:

  • What case does Thomas Hobbes make for his Social Contract Theory?
  • What is your impression of early humans from the video?
  • What case does J. S. Mill make for democracy in the section labeled Freedom?
  • Given the political world as we see it today, and using the information from the chapter, do you side with Hobbes or Mill in this discussion? Give good evidence for your view.
  • Please write about 1000 words for this essay.
  • Please respond to two of your classmates for maximum credit.