Humanities Homework Help

RLG 349 Early Monasticism in Medieval Christianity Essay


You are required to use at least four of the assigned readings for the essay. Depending on your topic, it may be very useful to bring in an additional source that directly targets what you want to analyze. That being said, all of the assigned readings are excellent and you can do well in this course by showing that you’veunderstood their arguments.Your essays, however, should not merely summarize the readings. Rather, your goal should be to focus on some specific area relevant to each Part of the course, making selective use of the sources that youve chosen.

Here are some broad topics for the first essay that could be developed into an essay focus:i) identify a core feature of early monasticism and explain how and why this feature is reinterpreted in later medieval history; ii) discuss some aspect of the experience of women in monastic settings; iii) explain how monasteries were integrated into wider social and political contexts. (Any topic can be chosen and then a specific essay will be written on that topic)

The general characteristics of a strong essay include:

focus – opening paragraph effectively introducing your topic and clearly stating the thesis or position that you’ll be defending and explaining; it usually helps to provide some context first before you state your thesis, but keep your discussion of this context to a minimum
organization – each paragraph should have a clear focus and provide support in some way for your thesis (I shouldn’t have to try and guess what the connection is); analysis should flow smoothly with no sudden leaps to unrelated ideas
use of sources – evidence that you’ve understood the key points of a scholar’s argument and how they’re relevant to your thesis; use of a proper citation method (your choice, but must be one that gives page numbers for citations)
critical response – identify possible weaknesses in the existing arguments, and/or perspectives that could deepen the analysis, and/or further questions that could be relevant
technique – exemplary grammar, spelling, sentence structure, style; your aim here should be clarity of expression, not complexity for the sake of complexity

As stated in the syllabus, I’ve provided a few topic areas that you can work with, if any of them appeal to you. Again, don’t feel that you *have* to use any of them. The best topic is the one that i) grabs your attention the most AND ii) is well-analyzed by the sources that you’re using. So, if there’s a specific topic in any of the readings in Part 1 that doesn’t overlap directly with the three default topics, and if you can find support for it in other sources (either among the assigned readings or ones that you find), then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t at least consider it. A key to success is to avoid general summaries of whole areas. For example, to try to describe *every* aspect of female monastic life would be too much! Or to cover *every* way in which monasteries were connected to the social and political life around them. A narrower focus *within* those broad domains will allow you to add more depth to your analysis. Practically speaking, you’ll want to already be thinking about directions you might want to go and be assessing which readings (or other sources) you might make use of to get there.

Humanities Homework Help

Slave Trade Questions


I don’t understand this African Studies question and need help to study.

Focus your comments this week on Stephanie Smallwood’s Saltwater Slavery (you read Chapters 3 & 4) by addressing the questions below:
What did Smallwood mean by the “political economy of the slave ship” (chapter 3)? What kinds of calculations went into determining how many captives a ship could carry?
How did this quantitative view differ from the perceptions of African captives themselves? How did African captives navigate the world of the slave ship?

Humanities Homework Help

British University Dubai Teamworking under Lean Approach Article Critique Essay


Individual Coursework

critiquing the two journal articles listed below. These articles present different perspectives on modern

approaches to management and how these are informed by historical models and theories covered in the course. You should then use this critique to expand on the arguments using content from the course and further reading in the area of management and develop conclusions supported by evidence. Your reflective essay should also include a minimum of 10 academic references. The marking guide for the coursework is posted in the assessment section of the vision site.

Humanities Homework Help

PSY 358 Grand Canyon University Physical Changes During Adulthood Worksheet


  • At what age-range do we see the most dramatic changes occurring? 
  • Choose (and explain how) at least two factors that might exacerbate the physical changes. Examples: Excessive sun exposure
  • What can be done to offset some of these physical changes (cho0se one change above and include both preventive and accommodating ideas). Example: You might explain the impact of proper nutrition  
  • What was your biggest take-away from this activity? What changes might you make now?

Humanities Homework Help

Sociology Question



The purpose of the Major Assignment is to immerse you in the qualitative research process. The process includes hands-on opportunities for you to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret qualitative data. This qualitative research process begins with some items that have already been identified for you:

  1. The research topic for this effort is the meaning of social change for Walden graduate students. You have been examining videos and reading about social change as part of the course study.
  2. The knowledge you have gained plus your reflections on the meaning of social change will form the beginning of the inquiry. That is, the research question you will explore is “What is the meaning of social change for Walden graduate students?”
  3. The description of your efforts of gathering, organizing, and analyzing data will form the basis of your methods section. And, the results of those efforts—the analysis and interpretation of those data—will be summarized.

This Major Assignment 2 is composed of four parts which includes: Part 1: Introduction; Part 2: Role of the Researcher; Part 3: Results; and Part 4: Trustworthiness and Summary.


Humanities Homework Help

Psychology Question


Hello this is the last part of a 4 part paper. It has to be in APA. Use the sources that have been used in the previous two papers. I will answer all the questions of the prompt and you can expand it and add literature to it basically. This paper is for a counseling program. For the sources you can look them up online and I can provide you with the link to the book. I will attach the first three papers. I already provided some comments to the answers and you can expand on that and add some literature.

  • When did you first notice the idea of becoming a counselor?
  • (MY OWN COMMENT: I noticed the idea of becoming an academic counselor after I have been through many struggles in school and I had counselors who helped me reach this point. I also am the type of person who likes to listen to others share their stories and try to give some advice.)
  • What told you that it was important to you?
  • (It is important to me because I want to give back what I have received. I want to be there for other undocumented, immigrant students and also students from different backgrounds and I want to encourage them to pursue an education. My inner voice told me how important it is to support others who are doubting themselves it motivates see others succeed.)
  • How did your experience in this program impact your identity as a future counselor?
  • ( This program has taught me about a lot of perspectives and theories I was not aware of. It definitely prepared me to work with different kinds of people. I learned that the same method does not work for everyone. Each individual is different and I need to work with each one in a different way. I learned a lot about self awareness and how to be careful with my language. Something that is really important that I have learned is that the counselor or therapist is not always the expert but the client is in some cases. This is something I did not think of before. My identity as a counselor has completely changed because now I feel more prepared and excited to start my counseling journey. I was more self conscious before and did not have as much courage as now.)
  • What are you currently doing that is a reflection of your preferred ways of practicing counseling as a profession?
  • (Currently I am trying to do some practice sessions with family in friends to prepare myself to work with actual clients. I think the more practice I have the easier it becomes for it to flow. I also try to rely on theories that I have learned throughout the program).
  • What are some of the new insights you have gained through this capstone project? (Be sure to ground your insights in the literature by using citations.) (This project has helped me realize which theories work for me and how I need to use different methods for different clients. It also gave me an opportunity to talk to other experts in the field)

Humanities Homework Help

Florida Gulf Coast University Accounts of The Conquest of Mexico Questions


I’m working on a History exercise and need support.

Below is a link to excerpts from two documents about the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Hernan Cortés commanded an expedition to Mexico and arrived on the Mexican coast in 1519. He then marched to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlàn, where he received a friendly welcome from the Aztec king Moctezuma, who initially believed Cortés was a representative of Quetzalcoatl, a legendary and godlike feathered serpent of the Amerindian peoples. There were growing tensions due to Cortés’s efforts to persuade the Aztecs to renounce their native beliefs and accept Christianity. The Spanish took Moctezuma hostage and destroyed religious shrines, which led to a revolt against Spanish

The first document is an Aztec account of Cortés’s meeting with Moctezuma and his subsequent attack on the temple of Tenochtitlàn. The second account is a passage from Cortés’s correspondence describing his first meeting with Moctezuma. Please reading both accounts and answer the following discussion questions in no less than 200 words.

Source: “Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico,” Internet History Sourcebook

Source: “Moctezuma’s Greeting to Cortes,” Internet History Sourcebook

Discussion Questions:

1. According to the Aztec account, how did the Aztecs initially view Hernan Cortés and the Spanish? How did Moctezuma treat Cortés?

2. How did the Aztecs later view the Spanish and justify rebelling against them?

3. According to Cortés’s letter, how did Moctezuma react to the arrival of the Spanish? How did he understand the appearance of the Spanish in Mexico?

4. After reading both an Aztec account and a Spanish account of the initial meeting between Cortés and Moctezuma, what can we learn about Cortés’s arrival at Tenochtitlàn?

Humanities Homework Help

ENG 111 George Mason vs Northern Virginia Community College Essay


Write a comparison essay about George Mason vs Northern Virginia Community College. You will need an outline and an essay. You will need to do a little research but use your own word. This is not a research essay.

Outline template example

Point to Point

1.Introduction: A hook sentence.

Thesis statement

2. Body:

Paragraph 1: Cost

  • George Mason
  • Northern Community College

Paragraph 2: Schedules

  • George Mason
  • Northern Community College

Paragraph 3: Section

  • George Mason
  • Northern Community College

3. Conclusion:

Humanities Homework Help

USF Missouri Governors Activate National Guards Article Analysis



News Journal Written Assignment:

News Journals require you to relate current events to the topics covered within POS 2041, American National Government. For your first Journal, choose from one of the articles listed below.

As you review the articles you will find that some are fairly direct while other reveal the complexity of federal issues. Chose the article that you are most comfortable with and then fully address each of the following requirements:

      1. Summary – Summarize in paragraph form the facts and issues presented in the article. Document the source of your information with a parenthetical reference, i.e. (Sanger and Broad 2019, para. 4).
      2. Application – Apply three or more concepts from the assigned chapter to the main ideas in the news article. Specifically explain how the material in your textbook is illustrated in the article you are examining. This can be accomplished by using examples from the article and terms or concepts found in the textbook. You must clearly define the concepts and provide in-text citations in the APA format, including the page numbers, i.e. (Krutz 2019, p. 15) for our textbook.
      3. Analysis – Conclude with an analysis and reflection of the issue that includes reasoning related to concepts within POS 2041 an analysis of the article perspective. Does the article present the issue in a way that influences as well as informs. Lastly, include your own observations of the issue, the actions of those involved or an anticipated outcome related to your understanding of the concepts covered within the course.