Literature homework help

Watching the film then analyzing the film and answer the questions. The instruction is attached below.
You will choose one of the films from the list below(on the end of the files) , and develop a thesis that reveals how the film uses genre conventions, and how that relates to its historical context.

Literature homework help

4-5 page analysis or 1000 words about The Poetic Edda.

Literature homework help

Once the topic and the draft questions are finalized, various aspects related to the topic should be explored. For this purpose, visit Saudi Digital Library website and download at least 20 research articles (at least 10 articles must be published in last 5 years) related to the topic and draft research questions. Prepare the Literature review as per the sample format provided in the blackboard (available in Week 3 course materials). The topic must be supported by quality literature. Similarly, the individual questions (objectives), which will be converted to hypotheses, must derive support from latest and relevant literature.
the topic in the attachment.

Literature homework help

Need help with my 2 set of critical summaries which is going to be 3 poems from the book “The Norton Introduction to Literature”
1 Punishment  Seamus Heaney
2 The expense of spirit in a waste of shame William Shakespeare
3 To the Ladies Mary Lady Chudleigh

Literature homework help


Literature homework help

 Includes Filomena, Nilda, La Doctora Barr.
Five essay questions. Use examples to support your answers.

Literature homework help

The word of Yahweh came to Jonah a second time, saying, 2 “Get up, go to Nineveh, that  great city, and proclaim to it the message that I tell you.” 3 So Jonah got up and went to Nineveh, according to the word of Yahweh. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly large city, a three days’ walk across. 4 Jonah began to go into the city, going a day’s walk. He      proclaimed, “Forty more days, and Nineveh’s about to change” (Jon 3:1-4) (translation mine).
I pose two questions:
1.  How does this passage suggest that God did not trust Jonah?
2.  In what ways did Jonah undermine God’s oracle?

Literature homework help

General description:
Write a polyphonic piece in the style of Palestrina for three adjacent voices using a text of your choice (must be approved beforehand – see below under ‘Text’).
Treble, bass, and/or alto clefs are available. Be sure to include three separate staves. Time signature: 4/2 or cut time.
Modal Possibilities: Aeolian, Dorian, or Mixolydian. The beginning notes used in each voice should be primary scale degrees in the mode.
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D Dorian
G Mixolydian A Aeolian
First tones
D, A
G, D
A, E, D
Frequent interior cadences
D, A, F G, D, C A, D, C
The project will consist of two halves, each defined by a unique point of imitation. The project must include passing tones (black notes) and suspensions. Use of white note passing tones, neighbor tones, the cambiata, and double suspensions are optional.
First half description (see U7.P5 notes):
– Length must be at least 16 measures long.
– Any voice may be designated as the “leader.” The other two “followers” must imitate the leader at either the octave, fourth, or fifth. The point of imitation must be at least five notes. One of the three scenarios presented in class must be used (see U7.P5 notes).
– Additional reentries of the initial melody (or varied reentries) should appear after a rest (remember: all rests must occur on the strong beat). A varied reentry should retain at least the contour of the initial melody.
– The first half must conclude with an overlapping cadence, during which the second half of the piece will commence with a new point of imitation.
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Second half description (see U7.P6 notes):
– Length must be at least 12 measures long.
– The new point of imitation introduced during the overlapping cadence at the end of the first half must occur in a voice other than the initial leader. It should also contrast with the initial point of imitation. Usually the second point of imitation develops at a faster rate than the initial one.
– The imitating voices in the second half must imitate at least the first three notes of the new point of imitation.
– Additional reentries of the initial melody (or varied reentires) should appear after a rest (remember: all rests must occur on the strong beat). A varied reentry should retain at least the contour of the initial melody (unless inversion is used).
– A combination 6/5 chord plus a consonant 4th must be used for the final cadence. (See U7.P4 notes). The final cadence will determine the mode of the piece.
Text Setting (see U7.P6 notes):
– The project must consist of a text setting approved beforehand. A syllabic analysis of the text containing the stressed and unstressed syllables must be provided, especially if the language is other than English. Recommendation: Use a two-part text (one line for each half of the project). The Benedictus from the Catholic Mass may be used.
– Follow the guidelines outline by Stewart, Part 1, 1.5 Treatment of Text (pgs.20-22 in pdf).
Assignment is worth 30% of final grade. Grading will be based on stylistic and notational accuracy, including the stylistic implementation of the text.

Literature homework help

the topic and the draft questions are finalized, various aspects related to the topic should be explored. For this purpose,  download at least 15 research articles (at least 5 articles must be published in last 5 years) related to the topic and draft research questions. Prepare the Literature review as per the sample format attached . The topic must be supported by quality literature. Similarly, the individual questions (objectives), which will be converted to hypotheses, must derive support from latest and relevant literature.
the topic chosen and the sample are attached.