Marketing homework help

Need a word document discussing:
1. General Outline – Background, Vision, Mission, Scope, Objectives, Key Personnel, Organizational Structure, etc.
2. SWOT matrix
3. Porter’s 5 forces
4. Perform Competitor Analysis and develop a Competitive Profile Matrix

Marketing homework help

Need a word document discussing:
1. General Outline – Background, Vision, Mission, Scope, Objectives, Key Personnel, Organizational Structure, etc.
2. SWOT matrix
3. Porter’s 5 forces
4. Perform Competitor Analysis and develop a Competitive Profile Matrix

Marketing homework help

Write a paper for 3-4 pages not including title page and references on DocuSign, how did they made profits in pandemic?
Outline your marketing objectives, describe any research you would do, and describe your target market(s)?
All papers in this course are to be in APA format, with a title page, running head, and references. APA is in 12- point Times New Roman, double-spaced throughout.
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Marketing homework help

Write a paper for 3-4 pages not including title page and references on DocuSign, how did they made profits in pandemic?
Outline your marketing objectives, describe any research you would do, and describe your target market(s)?
All papers in this course are to be in APA format, with a title page, running head, and references. APA is in 12- point Times New Roman, double-spaced throughout.
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Marketing homework help

Define and discuss the product life cycle and how this might affect our new product development planning. 350-400 words.
In your own words how would you explain a product’s life cycle? As you reflect on the cycle, select a product you personally use and explain how the life cycle affects the development of a new (revised) version of the product for a different market segment and why?

Marketing homework help

create 20 profiles ranging from the age of 8 to 65?
These profiles will be examples of real people that follow the mainstream of their age group and background.
Examples:  8,11,14,16,18,21,23,26, etc
Split the genders 10/10
Potential “mainstream people”: Sports fanatic, tech student, unemployed, divorce, lost a family member, artists, teacher, not making a team, missed promotion, marketer, consultant,
Then show traits/events team management, throwing the ball, online reading, facebook groups, sleeping late, killing workouts, unmotivated, missed promotion, teaching others, tweeting/scrolling all day, making tik toks all day, leadership, resilience, time management, information overload, stress.
It is a guideline to make the profiles, please use creativity and try to make accurate stereotypes. Use about 6 traits/events per profile/ make sure each profile answers thes 6 topics (Not pain and gain)
This can be done on googledoc and use horizontal lines to split each profile. Let me know if you need a clarification. Thank you for the big help!
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Marketing homework help

2500 words
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Marketing homework help

1.  What are your 5 favorite apps and why.   Be specific and detailed…how often do you use them and what do they do?
As and example, for me I would have to have:
A.  Google Maps (I use it to find places, connect to their locations and phone numbers and web sites…it also links to Yelp which I also use).
B.   Facebook….including marketplace and several Facebook groups for social, information and communication.
C.   Amazon Prime
D.   Apple Music
E.   Life 360 – helps keep up with my wife and kids
Also useful are: The Score, The Weather Channel, Ebay, Chick-Fil-A, Dictionary, Holy Bible, YouTube, my banking apps (probably most used of all), Compass and Picture This (take a picture of the leaf of a plant and it identifies it).
2.  What was your average daily time on your phone this week and last week.
3.  What is your primary source of communication on a daily basis:  phone call, text, email, social media (which one)?
Count how many of each over 1 week: phone calls, texts, emails, social media…not exactly but close.
(Just for reference, I don’t delete my emails but I have 94,522 emails on my phone…including ads and junk).
4.  How often do you check your email?   How often do you check your MyLeo email?
5.  At the bottom of page 427 there are survey results for what people would give up rather than give up than going without their smartphones.  Which ones would you be willing to give up rather than give up your smartphone?

Marketing homework help

Which product or service have you recently encountered that would be particularly suited for multichannel or interactive marketing? Why?