Operations Management homework help

Answer all questions at the end in own words.
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Operations Management homework help

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • How has the development of the internet affected the way companies forecast in support of their supply chain planning process?
  • Provide an example of a successful or unsuccessful forecast.

Operations Management homework help

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • How has the development of the internet affected the way companies forecast in support of their supply chain planning process?
  • Provide an example of a successful or unsuccessful forecast.

Operations Management homework help


Assignment Overview

For your first application assignment, you will utilize the readings and a scholarly journal from the South University Online Library to write a two- to five-page paper that adheres to APA standards and answers all the questions below. Because you will incorporate information on sociological investigation and research methods in this assignment, please be sure to read Chapters 1 and 2 from your textbook and the Week 1 online lectures before you start.
Begin by selecting one of the four articles below from the South University Online Library:

Once you select an article you will write a short, two- to five-page essay using APA format. Please review the grading rubric before embarking on your paper. Your paper should fulfill all requirements of the grading rubric and answer the following questions:

  • What is the social problem the researchers are investigating?
  • What is the research method (survey, participant observation, experiment, secondary sources, or interviews) used by the researchers?
  • What were the results or findings of the research?
  • What do you think would be a good solution to the social problem?

As always, remember to use APA format for the essay style, in-text citations, and in the listing of your sources on the reference page. Please refer to the Academic Resources page in the Course Home for resources on writing in APA style.
Submit your essay (written in 12-point font) describing your application project and your findings to the Submissions area.

Operations Management homework help

Overdue – December 10 at 11:59 PM
During this second week, we will focus upon the concept of culture and all its components. After you have read the reading assignment and lecture for this week, please respond to all parts of the discussion by the due date assigned:

  • What are the top ten American values as found in the text? Which ones do you embrace and why? Are there any you reject, and if so, why? What three values would you add to the list if you could? Why are the values you would add not already in the top ten?
  • What are five symbols that represent America? Do they also represent other components of culture, such as material objects or values?
  • Consider the concept of cultural lag. Identify two American values that are “lagging.” What are three norms that are lagging? How does cultural lagging relate to the Westernization that is happening in other countries?

Operations Management homework help

Implementing a Health IT System


Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:
Please write paper on —–Rural Health Group, LLC ( A Rural primary care in NC)

  • Select a health care setting within which to implement an electronic medical record product. Be as specific as possible.
  • Describe this health care setting, the patient population it serves, the volume of patients that it serves, the needs of the setting, etc.
  • Identify a health care Information System to meet the needs of this facility.
  • Provide details regarding whether there is a vendor who offers such a system or whether a custom solution needed.
  • Include the all necessary elements in the proposal:
    • Capabilities of the system.
    • How the system aligns with the needs of the health care facility.
    • Initial and maintenance costs of the system.
    • Staff needs to support the system.
    • The timeline and plan for implementation of the system.
    • The strategy for introducing staff to the system.
    • How to get buy-in and cooperation.
    • How to provide training.
    • How privacy, security, and confidentiality will be maintained.
  • Identify 3–5 potential barriers in implementing the system and describe how you would work around those barriers.
  • Use the Strayer Library to find at least three academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites are not considered quality references.

Operations Management homework help

Implementing a Health IT System


Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:
Please write paper on —–Rural Health Group, LLC ( A Rural primary care in NC)

  • Select a health care setting within which to implement an electronic medical record product. Be as specific as possible.
  • Describe this health care setting, the patient population it serves, the volume of patients that it serves, the needs of the setting, etc.
  • Identify a health care Information System to meet the needs of this facility.
  • Provide details regarding whether there is a vendor who offers such a system or whether a custom solution needed.
  • Include the all necessary elements in the proposal:
    • Capabilities of the system.
    • How the system aligns with the needs of the health care facility.
    • Initial and maintenance costs of the system.
    • Staff needs to support the system.
    • The timeline and plan for implementation of the system.
    • The strategy for introducing staff to the system.
    • How to get buy-in and cooperation.
    • How to provide training.
    • How privacy, security, and confidentiality will be maintained.
  • Identify 3–5 potential barriers in implementing the system and describe how you would work around those barriers.
  • Use the Strayer Library to find at least three academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites are not considered quality references.

Operations Management homework help


Create a PowerPoint Presentation (8–10 slides), with speaker notes, in which you address the following:

  • What is telehealth?
  • Describe the various types and uses of telehealth.
    • Select a type of telehealth outreach to recommend for development to your provider.
    • How can your health care provider use a telehealth system? (Examples of uses include: reaching remote locations—rural, international consulting; reduce/prevent rehospitalizations by increasing the number of patient contacts and triaging patients; urgent care center visits; physician practices with virtual visits, etc.)
    • Explain the benefits of the telehealth system that you select and the type of outreach it will offer, including the pros and cons.
  • Develop a general budget (include three line items: system software cost, implementation cost, and training costs) for the system.
    • How much will it cost to implement, train staff, and maintain the system? Justify your estimation.
    • Develop a cost/benefit analysis.
    • How can you justify spending on this telehealth system?
    • How will telehealth save money, improve access, or improve quality for your health care provider and/or the patients who use it?
  • Find another health care provider that has successfully implemented a telehealth system.
    • What can you learn from their implementation or use that can help with implementing your system?
    • Make a recommendation specific to your provider and provide an overview of the implementation plan/approach, based on your facility size, staff, services offered, and needs.