Operations Management homework help

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Please answer original forum with a minimum of 250 words and respond to both students separately with a minimum of 100 words each
page 1 Original Forum with References
page 2 Ben response with references
page 3 Dominick response with references
Original Forum
Explain what factors would typically be considered in contingency planning in outsourcing arrangements. Please give an example to back up your answer.
Part II:  End your initial response with a follow-up question for your classmates to address in further the discussion.
Student Response
This week while reading on contingency and outsourcing it reminds me of many instances within the last year that it has never been more true and accurate within the supply chain. Many vendors and manufacturers had to change courses and outsource while trying to maintain operations during the pandemic. “Developing a contingency plan against supply disruptions during the formation of a supply chain is important because strategic decisions after their execution may be difficult to change quickly”.  (deMatta 2017). COVID made this thought process difficult because everyone globally was trying to pivot and work contingency operations simultaneously while still trying to figure out versus having something in place already.
Contingency: The term in itself expresses emergency, or a reactive action to an original plan based on some unforeseen causes. In the military there is an acronym we call P.A.C.E and it used when we are set to plan, communications and many other things. This thought process helps avoid failure due to Murphy’s Law. Primary, Alternate, Contingency, and Emergency is what the acronym stands for. I think the largest and most recent example of this would be COVID-19 and how it changed our systemic ways of doing things and challenging relationships within the supply chain. “Contingency planning has become an important strategic issue for manufacturers and distributor” (de Matta, 2017)
Outsourcing: The hiring of an employee in a foreign country to do your bidding on a specific designated task.
de Matta, d. (2017). Contingency planning during the formation of a supply chain. Annals of Operations Research257(1), 45–75. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-015-2085-0
Part I.
As we talk about the continued growth and increased globalization throughout the world, it is evident that outsourcing arrangements are becoming increasingly common among companies worldwide. In fact, the global market for outsourcing was estimated to be around $85 billion in 2018 alone (Overby, 2017). Outsourcing can provide many benefits to a company such as lower costs, greater flexibility, enhanced expertise, greater discipline and the ability for companies to shift more focus on other core activities (Kluyver, 2012). With additional benefits to outsourcing come additional risks associated with it as well. Mitigating these risks is captured in contingency planning.
Contingency planning encompasses multiple aspects of the outsourcing transaction and should be considered before an outsourcing agreement is finalized. Factors such as probability, impact, order, and risk mitigation are all of significant importance when looking at potential outsourcing clients.
Probability: this refers to the likelihood that an event or issue will arise and should be considered within the contingency planning process. For example, looking at the probability of said business facing a power outage is high while other factors such as natural disasters may be lower depending on geographical location.
Impact: this factor relates to the level of impact that an event can have on operations within that organization. In order to fully capture this aspect of contingency planning, the Federal Emergency Management Association, commonly known as FEMA, has recommended conducting an annual business impact analysis. It is important to note that these disruptions can be either tangible or intangible.
Order: contingency planning steps must be taken in an order that makes sense Ensuring the steps are taken in a specified manner ensure that important details within the process are not missing.
Every organization that outsources needs to have a solidified contingency plan should their outsourced organization fail. For example, a company that outsources to Thailand for clothing manufacturing should also have contracts in place with other manufacturers should their primary source fail.
Part II.
Do you think there is a relationship between a company’s size and their likelihood to outsource?
Kluyver, C. A. (2012). To Outsource or Not to Outsource. Saylordotorg. https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_fundamentals-of-global-strategy/s10-02-to-outsource-or-     not-to-outsour.html
Lohrey, J. (2017, November 21). Factors That Influence Contingency Planning. Your Business. https://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/factors-influence-contingency-          planning-27062.html
Overby, S. (2017, November 7). What is outsourcing? Definitions, best practices, challenges and advice. CIO. https://www.cio.com/article/2439495/outsourcing-outsourcing-definition-and-solutions.html

Operations Management homework help

As the project manager, design a project quality management approach that relates to the inherited issues stated in the Project Management Case Study—Logistics Improvement Project. In addition, from your studies in prior classes, consider Walmart’s needs that could be addressed in this project to deliver more alignment with Walmart without exceeding the budget of $100,000 or extending the schedule. The project management quality approach should also enable International Logistics Services’ commitment to corporate social responsibility. Your design approach should be a minimum of 200 words.

Operations Management homework help

Quality is often described as the fourth triple-constraint (cost, schedule, and scope). Address project quality by discussing the following key topic elements:

  • First,      in your own words, with appropriate support, define the construct of      quality and distinguish quality in the context of project management.
  • Then      identify one of the common quality tools designated in      the PMBOK® Guide (Project Management Institute, 2017), in the course text      book, or based on your research (i.e., data tables, C&E Analysis, or      Pareto Analysis) used in project quality management and rationalize its      use in a specific project scenario.

Chapters 11.32, 20, & 21.9 in Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling
Part 1 (Sections 4.7 & 8) & Part 2 (Section 6) in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)
Module 3 (p. 4) in Project Management System Resource Center (PMSRC)
Aziz, E. E. (2015). Project closing: The small process group with big impact. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2015. EMEA, London, England. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Retrieved from https://www.pmi.org/learning/library/importance-of-closing-process-group-9949
Browne, W., Dreitlein, S., My, H., Manzoni, J., & Mere, A. (2016). Two key success factors for global project team leadership: Communications and human resource management. Journal of Information Technology & Economic Development, 7(2), 40-48.
Project Management Institute (PMI). (2016, Sep). Improving capability with project management certifications: Telstra’s story. PMI Publications. Retrieved from https://www.pmi.org/-/media/pmi/documents/public/pdf/case-study/telstra-casestudy.pdf
Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling (12th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Pinto, J. K. (2015). Project management: Achieving the competitive advantage (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Project Management Institute. (2006, Oct). Code of ethics and professional conduct. Newton Square, PA: PMI Publications. Retrieved from https://www.pmi.org/-/media/pmi/documents/public/pdf/ethics/pmi-code-of-ethics.pdf
Project Management Institute. (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (6th ed.). Newton Square, PA: PMI Publications.

Operations Management homework help

This is a discussion question please follow the rubric in exact order listed below Must be in APA format
1.  Student provides a thorough and detailed description of the organization he/she selected and the decision this organization made by providing details related to concept of throughput accounting with examples supporting thinking.
2.  Student provides a thorough and detailed explanation of the impact that the decision had on investments in operations (people, processes, software, infrastructure, current projects) and identifies the constraint/non-constraint context including the primary constraint resource in his/her example(s) to support thinking
3.  Student provides a thorough and detailed assessment of whether the organization made the correct decision based on the application of throughput accounting principles, thoroughly explains how the decision impacted the constraint/non-constraint resources including the effect the decision had related to organizational Throughput, Inventory, and Operating Expense, and justifies his/her response.
4.  Writing is clear, logical, well-organized and appropriate. Work is free from spelling and grammar/syntax errors. Tone is professional and free from bias (i.e., sexism, racism). There are no errors.

Operations Management homework help

This is a discussion question please follow the rubric in exact order listed below Must be in APA format
1.  Student provides a thorough and detailed description of the organization he/she selected and the decision this organization made by providing details related to concept of throughput accounting with examples supporting thinking.
2.  Student provides a thorough and detailed explanation of the impact that the decision had on investments in operations (people, processes, software, infrastructure, current projects) and identifies the constraint/non-constraint context including the primary constraint resource in his/her example(s) to support thinking
3.  Student provides a thorough and detailed assessment of whether the organization made the correct decision based on the application of throughput accounting principles, thoroughly explains how the decision impacted the constraint/non-constraint resources including the effect the decision had related to organizational Throughput, Inventory, and Operating Expense, and justifies his/her response.
4.  Writing is clear, logical, well-organized and appropriate. Work is free from spelling and grammar/syntax errors. Tone is professional and free from bias (i.e., sexism, racism). There are no errors.

Operations Management homework help

The purpose of this assignment is to assess how different types of health care organizational structures impact the process and effectiveness of change.
Write a 1,000-1,250 word paper that addresses the following:

  1. Discuss why it is necessary for a health care organization to develop a strategic management model that addresses both the concept of change necessary for the growth and sustainability of the organization and the processes of changing. Include how the organization is able to go about accomplishing change and how change ultimately impacts the development of an organization.
  2. Differentiate between transaction change and transformational change theories.
  3. Identify three theories of management and provide an example of the areas or departments in which each theory of management might be most effective.
  4. Identify and explain tools and advice that can be utilized to assess leadership effectiveness.

Be sure to justify your explanation with five or more relevant references, including your textbook.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. You are required to submit this assignment to
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

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Operations Management homework help

  • First – Give your opinion on whether being an effective  critical thinker makes decision making easier or more challenging. Talk  about concrete decisions you had to or will have to make. Justify your  response
  • Second – Consider the following statement: “The major  difference between a successful person and one that is not successful is  that the successful person, over time, tends to make better decisions  than the less successful person.” Discuss whether or not you believe  this statement to be true. Explain the fundamental ways in which  effectively applying critical thinking concepts has helped you to become  more successful

Operations Management homework help

Succession Plan and Regulations” Please respond to the following:

  • Develop a succession plan or exit strategy for a business.  Within your response, be sure to discuss which elements are essential to  this succession plan or exit strategy. Provide support for your  response.
  • Identify three (3) government regulations that  you believe a business will need to comply with. Next, discuss the  different ways that a business can get more familiar with these  regulations.

Operations Management homework help

“One of the most important steps in launching a new business venture  is fashioning a well-designed, practical, realistic financial plan.”  (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 454).
With this assignment,  you are creating two important elements of a financial plan: an Income  Statement and Balance Sheet. You also are preparing an outline of a  presentation of your business plan to potential investors or lenders.
Using the business you created from Assignments 2 and 3, write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Prepare a simple pro forma (projected)  income statement and balance sheet for the first two years of operation,  using income projections and incorporating an advertising plan.
  2. Outline a plan for hiring and retaining competent, motivated employees for your business.
  3. Prepare an outline for a “pitch,” i.e., a short 20-30 minute  business plan presentation that will be made to lenders or investors.
  4. Include at least two (2) references outside the textbook.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards  (SWS). The format may be different than other Strayer University  courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for  details (more information and an example is included in the Strayer  Writing Standards left menu link).
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the  student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.  The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required  page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze the key financial management considerations in operating a small business, including sources of financing.
  • Determine the various control and support functions needed to manage a small business.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in small business management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about small business management using proper writing mechanics.