Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. CSE 3030 LEGAL, ETHICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES IN COMPUTING
Fall 2019
(3 credits). Overviews legal, ethical and moral considerations for the computing professions. Includes the impact of legal concepts on society, the need for ethical considerations in software systems development, and the potential need for professional certification. Prerequisites: COM 2012, COM 2223 or COM 2224, CSE 1002 or CSE 1502 or CSE 1503 or ECE 2551.
Textbook. Michael Quinn, Ethics for the Information Age (7th Edition) ISBN-10: 013 429654 0
ISBN-13: 978-013 429654 8. Publisher: Addison Wesley. (Don’t ask…)
Course Learning Outcomes: The student will be able to
1. Recognize, understand and analyze the moral, ethical, and legal dimensions of an action.
2. Demonstrate ethical reasoning through oral or written communication.
3. Explain the impact of computing on society.
4. Recognize the potential for continual impact of computing on society.
5. Describe historical and current ethical issues in computing.
Class/Lab/Recitation Schedule: Three 50-minute or two 75-minute lectures/discussions per week.
Evaluation: Participation as directed, in weekly on-line forums (fora?) and current event presentation[s].
Partial and / or untimely participation earns a C. More than 2 misses. No. Do not ask.
Complete, timely participation earns a B. Two misses permitted.
An A is earned by writing Literature Review on a current topic relevant to the class.
See for other class and classroom details.
Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972 is the federal law prohibiting discrimination based on sex under any education program and/or activity operated by an institution receiving and/or benefiting from federal financial assistance. Behaviors that can be considered “sexual discrimination” include sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, relationship abuse (dating violence and domestic violence), sexual misconduct, and gender discrimination. You are encouraged to report these behaviors. Reporting: Florida Tech can better support students in trouble if we know about what is happening. Reporting also helps us to identify patterns that might arise – for example, if more than one complainant reports having been assaulted or harassed by the same individual. Florida Tech is committed to providing a safe and positive learning experience. To report a violation of sexual misconduct or gender discrimination, please contact Security at 321-674-8111. Please note that as your professor, I am required to report any incidents to Security or to the Title IX Coordinator (321-674-8700). Confidential support for students is available by contacting the Student Counseling Center at 321-674-8050.

Computer Science homework help