Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help.


Apply data structures, objects, and classes by utilizing the build-in learning resources.


As you begin your consultancy practice in analytics, you are interested in the development of a set of code examples that demonstrate application and best practices for your reference as well as for any new employees that may join your endeavor. A starting point for this collection of examples should be to address some applications of the primarily (built-in) data structures that are included in your two primarily chosen languages: Python and R.


You will have two distinct submissions for this module.
For the first submission, you are to take the provided Titanic data set and start by creating an example of the application of the Python dictionary data structure (also known as an associative array). In your example you are to take one attribute of the data set and assign it as a key to another attribute. (i.e. where one could create an associate array of males and females as keys with each of them pointing to a list containing all of the names of the passengers that are exist in each category). Submit your source code in a plain text file.
Note that each example should include the activity of reading the data set, parsing out the columns of interest, initializing the dictionary, and assigning the attributes in an appropriate key/value relationship.
Note that other key/value relationships may require aggregation of keys by creating categories such as age groups (e.g. passengers who were adults and passengers who were not adults).
For your second submission, you are to take the same Titanic data set and use the R programming language to create two short programs that will demonstrate the use of frames. Submit your source code in a plain text file.
The first will read in the Titanic data set and load a specific attribute (column) into an R vector from which you will print to the screen specific values.
The second will reference two separate frames in a conditional and output the results to the screen ( i.e. leverage frames to print out all names of women on the Titanic that were under the age of 40).
All results must be documented with screenshots.
Data Sets

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Computer Science homework help