Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Assignment 2 and Submission Guidelines
School School of Information Technology and Engineering
Course Name Master of Engineering (Telecommunications)
Unit Code ME606
Unit Title Digital Signal Processing
Assessment Author Dr. Reza Berangi
Assessment Type Assignment 2 (Individual)
Assessment Title Review and experimenting some popular signal-processing tasks
Unit Learning
Outcomes covered
in this assessment
a. Development and implementation of signal processing algorithms in MATLAB or
b. In-depth design of digital filters
c. Understand the design of multirate signal processing and their applications
d. Implementation and applications of FFT
e. Develop skills in spectral estimation for deterministic and non-deterministic signals
Weight 25%
Total Marks 100
Word/page limit N/A
Release Date Week 7
Due Date Week 11 (Sat. 6 June. 2020, 11:55 pm)
• Submit on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, single line spacing, 11-pt Calibri
(Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate
section headings.
• Cite references in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a
reference list using IEEE referencing style for School of Business and School of
Information Technology and Engineering respectively.
Extension For extension of time, submit a Special Consideration Application through the AMS.
You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the
assignment. Further information is available at:
Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case,
penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the
course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with
the full policy and procedure available at: For further
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information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit
ME606 Assessment 2
The objective of this assessment is for each student to demonstrate an understanding of the
contents of lecture materials in a signal processing application.
Part A
In this section you will be familiar with designing and applying digital filters. Use MATLAB
“filterDesigner” tool to design variety of filters. Do the following tasks:
1- Create a signal using this code
Table 1. Signal generation code
f1=5000; % 10KHz
f2=10000; % 15KHz
f3=15000; % 15KHz
fs=48000; % 48KHz sampling frequency
N=10000; % length of the signal in samples
Run the MATLAB command: “filterDesigner” to open MATLAB filter design tool
2. Design a window based FIR filter the following specifications:
Table2. Filter design specifications
Filter order (length)=111;
 Show the frequency response you see in the window.
 Export the filter parameters to your workspace and assign the name “b” to that.
 Filter the signal using the command: y=conv(x,b); or y=filter(b,1,x);
 Plot the power spectral density of the signals “x” and “y” using the pwelch
command you used in the laboratory experiments. And analyze the effect of filter
on each frequency component of the signal x. does the filter perform according to
your expectations?
3. Use the Matlab spectrum analyzer tool to see the filter frequency response using the
following code.
Table 3. Matlab spectrum analyzer program
LP_FIR = dsp.FIRFilter(‘Numerator’,b);
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while toc < 30
x = randn(256,1);
y = LP_FIR(x);
 Compare the spectrum you see in the spectrum analyzer window and the spectrum
you saw in filter design tool.
 Explain what the program in the Table 3 do and what is the role of the random
number in thee while loop.
4. Discuss if you under sample the signal x by 2 what parameters should change on your
filter design to have the same result. Show that by designing a new filter and applying that
to the under-sampled signal.
5. Design a Butterworth IIR filter with the same specifications and order of 6 and measure the
magnitude response of the filter at 15 KHs. Design similar FIR filter with Bartlett window
and try to reach the same magnitude response, as in section 4, by increasing the filter order
(length). What is the length of filter? Which filter is more complex in terms of
computational complexity. Discuss the length of filter on the computational complexity of
Part B
Select only one of the tasks 1 to 4, based on the last 2 digits of your MIT ID modulo 3 +1.
For instance, if your ID is MIT152356, 56%3+1= 3 and you must select Task 3. if your ID is
MIT173861, 61%3+1=2, you must select Task 2. Write a report asreport as described and
submit according to the marking criteria.
Task 1: : Review and apply speech signals’ noise reduction with wavelet
1. Give a detailed review of the speech noise reduction using wavelet using the online
references and the sample references in the assignment folder.
2. Go to MATWORKS link: Read the tutorial, generate a noisy signal and denoise it with the
techniques you learned and present and discuss the results by referring to the papers
you reviewed in section 1.
Task 2: : Review and apply image signals’ noise reduction with wavelet
1. Give a detailed review of the image noise reduction using wavelet using the online
references and the sample references in the assignment folder.
2. Go to MATWORKS link:
Read the tutorial, generate of find a noisy image and denoise it with the techniques
you learned and present and discuss the results by referring to the papers you
reviewed in section 1.
Task 3: Review and apply image segmentation techniques
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1. Give a detailed review of the image segmentation techniques using the online
references and the sample references in the assignment folder.
3. Go to MATWORKS link: and read the tutorial and apply one of the segmentation technique
on one image using the MATLAB segmentation tool and discuss the results by
referring to the papers you reviewed in section 1.
Format of the Report:
Your report should be typed using a suitable equation editor. Handwritten reports will not be
Marking criteria:
Marking criteria is shown in the following table.
Sections to be
included in the
Detailed Description Marks
Title, affiliation
and abstract
Title, Affiliation [your name, Lecturer name, MIT
Abstract [around 200 words abstract explaining the
area, problems, solutions, your contribution]
5 keywords
Introduction Introduction (A brief introduction about the Works
and the sections of the report)
Part A Section 1 and 2 FIR filter design 10
Section 3 Design IIR filter 10
Section 4 Spectrum analyzer 5
Section 5 Multirate signal processing 5
Part B
(Task 1
or 2 or 3)
Section 1:
Literature review
Review of the problem domain (critical literature
Section 2:
detail of the implementation methods including
Codes, snapshot of the tool menus, graphs and
tables with caption and numbered referencing
Section 2:
Discussion on the results and qualifying the area of
References and
Correct in-text referencing and IEEE referencing
format. Report style
Total 100
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Marking Rubric for Exercise Answers:
Grade Mark HD
D 70%-
CR 60%-
< 50%
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Evaluation Logic is clear and easy to
follow with strong
Consistency logical and
Mostly consistent
and convincing
Adequate cohesion and
Argument is
confused and
Sophistication and
The presented solution
demonstrated an
extreme degree of
The presented solution
demonstrated a high
degree of sophistication
The presented
demonstrated an
average degree of
sophistication and
effectivity to secure
The presented solution
demonstrated a low
degree of sophistication
and effectivity to secure
The presented
demonstrated a poor
degree of
sophistication and
effectivity to secure
Explanation All elements are present
and well integrated.
Components present
with good cohesion
present and mostly
well integrated
Most components
Lacks structure.
Reference style Clear styles with
excellent source of
Clear referencing/ style Generally good
Lacks consistency with
many errors
Report structure
and report
Proper writing.
Professionally presented
Properly written, with
some minor deficiencies Mostly good, but
some structure or
Acceptable presentation Poor structure,
careless presentation
The End

Computer Science homework help