Criminal homework help

Criminal homework help. For this assignment, you will submit a profile of a serial offender that you will be selecting on your own. You can choose an offender discussed in the text, online, from other books, or any other resource (at the disclosure of the professor). Once you select your offender, you will:

  • Discuss if the offender fits the common profile of the serial murder offender. This requires much more than providing a biography of the serial killer.
  • Apply a typology used in the text and apply it to the offender. In doing so, explain how the offender aligns with the typology.
  • Discuss how the particular offender’s crimes were solved (if applicable: if they were unresolved, discuss this, too); and the resolution of the case.
  • Cite sources using APA format. There is no required length for this paper. However, it must be comprehensive and fulfill all necessary requirements.


Criteria Ratings
Mechanics, Usage, and Grammar
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Full Marks
Free of mechanical and usage errors. Writer’s voice is strong; precision in tone, sentence structure, and word choice
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Full Marks
Obviously controlled and/or subtle organization; strong topic sentences
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Full Marks
Sharp, distinct focus; balanced, substantial, specific, and/or illustrative content; sophisticated, mature ideas are particularly well-developed
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Full Marks
Context is clearly stated, related and wholly appropriate
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Full Marks
Thorough and relevant
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Full Marks
Thorough and relevant
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Full Marks
Thorough, clear and well synthesized given the topic
Critical Thought
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Full Marks
Thorough and well-conceived given the topic
Well Substantiated / Empiricism
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Full Marks
All sources are accurately documented, of the appropriate requirements, and are in the proper APA format
APA: in-text and References Page
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Full Marks
All sources in-text and on References page follow proper APA format


Criminal homework help