Criminal homework help

Criminal homework help. CJ 317 CJ Statistics
Chapter 9 – NIBRS Exercises
Assault dataset:

  1. Calculate a chi-square statistic to test the null hypothesis that type of weapon does not differ by offender sex. Hint: ANALYZE, DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS, CROSSTABS, select row and column variables, choose column and row percentages in options, and select chi-square in statistics.


  1. Calculate a chi-square statistic to test the null hypothesis that type of injury does not differ by victim sex. Hint: ANALYZE, DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS, CROSSTABS, select row and column variables, choose column and row percentages in options, and select chi-square in statistics.


  1. Calculate a chi-square statistic to test the null hypothesis that type of weapon does not differ by offender age. Recode offender age into a new variable (AGEGRP) with two groups (ages 18 to 64 versus 65 to 89).


Criminal homework help