Economics Homework Help

ECON IS13 University of California Los Angeles Foreign Exchange Market with Two Currencies Questions


Q1:Foreign Exchange Market with Two Currencies: Euros and Dollars


If the European Central Bank reduces the money supply, what happens to:

Interest rates paid on liquid assets held in euros:

Foreign Exchange Supply curve:

Foreign Exchange Demand curve:

Exchange rate:


Net exports from the European Union:

Relative to the euro, the value of a dollar:

Inflation in the European Union:

Q2:$3.50 buys € 2

In Los Angeles, one taco costs $1.75.
In Berlin, one taco costs € 2.50.

In the long run, what is the real value of € 200 in dollars?

(Please input a numerical value only.)

Q3:Are there contexts in which command-and-control policies might work better than market-oriented polices? If so, in which contexts and why? In which contexts would you prefer to use market-oriented policies instead and why?