Economics homework help

Economics homework help. Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses The Psychology of Committing Fraud.Some of the factors the researcher discovered are a sense of satisfaction, achievement, and attainment of the socially valued goals in society. It is common to witness cases of fraud being committed by individuals striving to achieve success or a certain social status (Spiegel, 2012). These individuals make false claims to the insurance company to get compensated and use the cash to acquire these socially valued goals (Duffield & Grabosky, 2004). In addition, frustrated individuals who may be under stress and pressure due to tight working conditions also engage in fraudulent behavior subconsciously in a bid to “benefit” from defrauding an insurance firm. Such individuals usually derive satisfaction from making others suffer and are in similar positions to their own, thus engagement in insurance fraud.Research by Willig & Rogers (2008) also shows that other financial misconduct such as bribery is directly linked to acts of fraud. The scholar proposes that when bribery is made it acts as the greasing wheel of an organization and then fraud becomes the financial engineering of the organization. This is true for companies as it is for individuals. In this argument, individuals are subdued to engage in fraudulent activities as a result of continued experience in wrongful financial acts. It reaches a point that these individuals justify all forms of financial misdeeds such as insurance fraud due to continued engagement in the same.Unethical behavior such as fraud is at times fueled by pressure emanating from the society. The hard financial times may prompt individuals to engage in fraudulent activities. An example is a position that individuals find themselves in the midst of a financial crisis. With the mind wired to protect the body, an individual facing such crisis may opt to engage in fraudulent activity at the first opportunity he gets.&nbsp.

Economics homework help